首頁 > 最新 > Proud of you,飛得更高,是我給你最好的回報!

Proud of you,飛得更高,是我給你最好的回報!

總會有那麼一個人,無論你身處順境還是逆境,都會給你力量,而我們所能給予他/她的最大的回報,就是戰勝自我、展翅飛翔,直到有一天他說:你做到了,我為你驕傲!今天,和大家分享馮曦妤的《Proud of you》,這首歌也是容祖兒演唱的《揮著翅膀的女孩》的原曲。

Proud of you

Love in your eyes

Sitting silent by my side

Going on holding hands

Walking through the nights

Hold me up hold me tight

Lift me up to touch the sky

Teaching me to love with heart

Helping me open my mind

I can fly

I m proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I m proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

The heaven in the sky

Stars in the sky

Wishing once upon a time

Give me love make me smile

Till the end of life

Hold me up hold me tight

Lift me up to touch the sky

Teaching me to love with heart

Helping me open my mind

I can fly

I m proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I m proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

The heaven in the sky

Can t you believe that you light up my way

No matter how that ease my path

I ll never lose my faith

See me fly

I m proud to fly up high

Show you the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I m singing in the sky

Show you the best of mine

The heaven in the sky

Nothing can stop me

Spread my wings so wide







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昨天又被陳冠希刷屏了,但驕傲的不再是那句話 「I Am Proud To Be Chinese
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You make me so proud,海貝!
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