【商業】LUKSTUDIO芝作室 | 安德廚電展廳 ? 家.村落
Based on the idea that a kitchen is the heart of a home, Lukstudio creates a culinary village where kitchen appliancesare displayed in four domestic settings, alongside a gallery, a cooking classroom, a VIP lounge, and a multi-functional courtyard. The design has transformed the original 1000-sqm mechanical floor into a complete brand experiencefor manufacturer Arda.
Situated by areflective pooland framed by green walls, a white box marks the entrance of the journey. Following stepping stones in the shallow water, visitors enter a darktunnel. On the left, an introductory video is accompanied by a water feature of dish washer jets; on the right, a peek into the courtyards a head of their discovery. The main displayarea is organized as a series of white huts, each presenting an ideal kitchen: minimalistic white, total black, rustic country andmodern American. Lukstudio has placed these volumes carefully, carving out strategic openings to create a visual dialogue with one』s movement.
Walking alongthe stone pavement, a vaulted shed stands out within the quiet 「village」.Reminiscent of an outdoor kiln, the space displays the evolution of oventechnology and creates an interesting twist in the spatial experience. Next tothe red-brick structure, afully-equipped classroom with movable doors and cooking stations provide a multi-functional area for try-out sessions and company events.Passing windows with views to the exterior courtyard, one reaches the VIP lounge where exquisite dinners will be served. Lined with travertine stone slabs and walnut wood panels, this elegant room promises memorable gatherings.To top it all, guests are welcomed into the adjacentconservatory and outdoor courtyard where herbs are planted and picked togarnish their dishes.
Reinventing the experience of a conventional kitchen showroom, Lukstudio has created an artificial village of different homes, set in a cozy courtyard that bringswater, daylight and plants into close proximity. While the project presents many possible consumer experiences, it also reflects on the essence of an ideal living environment.
LUKSTUDIO芝作室 | 安德廚電展廳
關於陸穎芝/Christina Luk
創辦人及設計總監/ Founder andDesign Director
陸穎芝女士生長於香港,從小就對身旁的新事物有獨特的觸覺,立志要從事創意行業。陸2002年於加拿大多倫多大學獲取建築學士學位,積累了五年工作經驗並獲得加拿大安大略省註冊建築師執照後,在 2007年被當時公司委派到中國上海工作。
Christina Luk was bornand raised in Hong Kong, a dynamic city that helped shape her desire to docreative work from an early age. After graduating from the University ofToronto with a Bachelor of Architecture, Christina worked in Toronto and obtained her OAA architecture license before relocating to Shanghai, China in2007.
Having worked on mediumto large-size projects as an architect and project manager, Christina has accumulated 10 years of knowledge and experience in a broad range of projects including: urban planning, heritage conservation, mixed-used projects,institutional, gallery exhibition and hospitality interior design. Her strengths lie in articulating the client』s needs and leading her team to fulfill the potential of each project.
2011年,陸創辦了芝作室,希望以累積的經驗和對設計的熱忱,開拓一個自如的創作空間。芝作室團隊在過去幾年內完成了一系列精緻的作品,每一個項目中都能體現他們對空間概念,材質和建造細節的追求。陸於2016年被美國HospitalityDesign 雜誌列入"Wave of the Future" (未來之浪),並獲得香港透視雜誌Perspective Magazine 所頒發的『40位40歲以下設計師』殊榮。
Christina founded Lukstudio in Shanghai in 2011, and since then she and her team have created aportfolio that show cases a passion for concepts, materials and crafts manship.In 2016, Christina was recognized as 『Wave of the Future』 in Hospitality Design Magazine, and awarded 『40 Under 40』 by Perspective Magazine.
LUKSTUDIO is aboutique design practice based in Shanghai, China. Founded by Christina Luk in2011, the studio is comprised of an international team with diverse backgroundsand cultural perspectives. Lukstudio』s designs are created by bringing happy individuals together to challenge the status quo of the environment.
Each project tells itsown story, and Lukstudio is proud to identify a narrative and preserve it from concept to completion, delivering memorable spatial experiences that delight and surprise. Lukstudio collaborates closely with clients and contractors todeliver artistic solutions within a commercial scope. The team enjoys experimenting with materials, light and shadow to make each project unique,while also extending the boundaries of architecture. Their strength lies in an 『everythingis possible』 attitude that is influenced by the surrounding context ofShanghai; a fast-paced city where East meets West and tradition is integrated with innovation.
芝作室作品已在國內外獲得廣泛刊登和認可。團隊被GOOOOD谷德網列入2015年十大年輕設計代表;「晾面架」項目贏得多項殊榮,包括Azure雜誌的「2015年十大室內空間」,台灣室內設計獎TID,並在紐約HospitalityDesign Awards 中贏得休閑餐廳類別獎項。
Lukstudio has been widely published and regarded internationally; it was also listed by GOOOOD as one ofthe top 10 young designers in 2015. Recent accolades for 『The Noodle Rack』 include;『The Top 10 Interiors of 2015』 in Azure magazine, a TID Award and winner of theCasual Restaurant category at the Hospitality Design Awards in New York.
設計團隊 | LUKSTUDIO芝作室
設計總監 | 陸穎芝
項目團隊 | 王峰,林溢曄,Alba Beroiz Blazquez,蔡金紅,區智維,
Marcello Chiado Rana,
丁怡人,馬坤設計範圍 | 建築設計,室內設計
項目甲方 | 安德廚電
項目地點 | 浙江嘉興市南湖區開禧路
項目面積 | 1000平方米
設計時間 | 2015年12月-2016年4月
施工時間 | 2016年7月-2017年4月
施工團隊 | 上海品順建築裝飾工程有限公司
項目視頻 | 映社動態影像傳媒
項目攝影 | 洛唐建築攝影,映社動態影像傳媒
The CulinaryVillage | Arda Showroom
Design team |
Christina LukProject team |
Leo Wang, YiyeLin, Alba Beroiz Blazquez, Jinhong Cai, Ray Ou,
Marcello Chiado Rana, YirenDing, Kun Ma
Scope |
architectureandinterior design
Client |
Arda KitchenAppliances
Kaixi Road, Nanhu District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China
Netarea |
Designperiod |
December 2015 – April 2016
Construction period |
July 2016– April 2017
Generalcontractor |
Shanghai Savor Construction & Decoration Co.,Ltd.Video|
PROJECT|ION| motion picture productionPhotography |
Peter Dixie for LOTAN Architectural Photography ,PROJECT|ION| motion picture productionA special thanks to HAY for their generous help onsoft decoration.
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