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Apple 調整 AirPods 發貨周期至四星期

Apple 調整 AirPods 發貨周期至四星期

自 Apple發布AirPods以來,一直都處於供不應求的狀況,其線上店舖的發貨周期更長達六星期,足以知道生產力未能達至長期大幅需求。而剛剛 Apple 終於更新其線上店舖,並表明現在只需四星期便能發貨,是至上年 12 月以來首次調整。雖然 Apple 沒有透露有關 AirPods 的銷售數字,但 Tim Cook 經常都表示它是供不應求,但亦透露已經著力增加 AirPods 的生產力作應付。

We"re also seeing incredible enthusiasm for AirPods, with 98 percent customer satisfaction based on a Creative Strategies survey. We have increased production capacity for AirPods, and are working very hard to get them to customers as quickly as we can, but we are still not able to meet the strong level of demand.

作為 Apple 第一款真正無線的耳機,AirPods 確實物有所值,它配有自家製作的 W1 晶片,能迅速連接 iPhone、Apple Watch 及 iPad 等裝置。更帶來戴上並能自動播放的功能;而且 AirPods 能透過 Siri 作控制去調節音量、更改歌曲及撥打電話等,附帶著 5 小時續航力及 15 分鐘快速充電技術,難怪在最近的 Creative Strategies 調查中獲得了 98% 的客戶滿意率。

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