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美國推特網友投票 得分最高的護膚品排行榜


1 Givenchy whitening toner production surplus

Water quality is thicker, but not sticky, can you imagine that feeling? A practical sense of security, it is coated with a layer of moisturizing, moisturizing effect is particularly suitable for this season on the gang, use, sometimes I painted it will forget the dry feeling this season, not painted cream and went to bed, its excellent moisturizing ability visible. A lot of nutrients, water, name called toner, but soften the feeling does not seem too obvious, big toner used seem to feel not bad, but how can help whiten really hard.

1 紀梵希凈白盈采柔膚水


2 SK-II skin essence lotion (immortal water)

Superior formula fairy water because of its excellent quality, small side found is a negative evaluation of the water gods, gods of water is a good water, but many people use it on, couldn't find a substitute.

2 SK-II護膚精華露(神仙水)


3 announce snail facial mask

This came from Henan Chinese mask, with natural snail dope, quickly defeated South Korea Ian snail mask, is the most suitable snail growth temperature and humidity in the Henan the Yellow River basin, so Henan snail dope is the best global quality, then check to Han Guoyi thought and the French CLARINS has imported from Henan the 10 snail dope for many years, this also confirms the origin and the Swiss Chinese snail dope only two, natural snail dope has a very good moisturizing, repair, whitening moisture effect, popular in Europe and the United States, the French call snail dope for skin care liquid gold, there are not many natural snails liquid skin care products, mostly chemical synthesis so, the skin becomes worse with the.

3 宣致蝸牛面膜


4 Lancome gene eye cream / black bottle eye cream

New York for such a harsh winter weather, a little thin, to use some of it, to be willing to use, to fill the entire eye area, I see in the evaluation for the next morning Pro said last night the eye also moist, do not think this person is certainly not in New York, I personally recommend Kazakhstan an oil, a little cream plus after him, otherwise will soon dry up, you do look will emerge all kinds of eye wrinkles to gene technology have to take this step, then there is the essence and cream / lotion, so too thin MM, suggested the subsequent steps to be added.

4 蘭蔻基因賦活眼膜霜/小黑瓶眼霜


5 Dior Dior/ Satin Rose Honey Revitalizing Cream

Paste special rich ah, young sister paper may be not as mature female birds, silver or light aging as I will love, taste is also very self repair role really super ah ~ ~ ~ I didn't quit a few days ago when one and a half a pack of cigarettes and stay up until three in the morning, basically every day, although the skin than the usual normal schedule is good, but not to the point now cannot be seen, quit, with its companion skin condition is good, right, my personal feeling is, before it what do not apply directly with other than his brand essence and water water is also good, this is not scientific ~ ~ ~ I know, but this is how I feel, ha ha, curious girl can try.

5 Dior/迪奧絲緞玫瑰花蜜活顏晚霜


6 KOSE Kose Na Kou water gelatin live mask

This mask of the most profound understanding is: compact skin, evaluation of other buyers that can let the skin become smooth and delicate, that I didn't feel what, mud like texture, with slightly thicker, Fumian 5 minutes, remember not too long, do not think that they let you do for 5 minutes. Do you steal touch 10 minutes for cheaper, to buy medicine, consult your doctor, Fumian feel during the skin with the mask gradually dried and gradually tightened, the future will be found before the wash than Fumian face back angry, and face Rourou have become tight, I still love the facial skin is recommended, relaxation troubled Pro try.

6 KOSE 高絲娜蔻水潤凝活修護面膜


7 CLARINS whitening cleansing Mousse

Since it is a rich foam mousse, that is certain, the biggest advantage is that the rich foam will sweat pores of dirt a roll and empty ~ ~ it is particularly suitable for us youpi large pores, but it is rare after washing is not dry, "wash it clean, washed not dry base this is my highest cleansing requirements, it can satisfy, the price is so lovely..................

7 嬌韻詩清透美白潔面慕斯


8 new Borghese Borghese/ blue (blue mud mud)

With it, I have the following experience: soften cuticle, moisturizing, refreshing, smooth skin, no green mud "fierce", there is no mud powder "tired", deep clean and repair the skin will be made one perfect a mask, although the color is not advertising do so blue, but really finished if the sky is generally face wash clean, very love, very recommended, will always buy has been used.

8 Borghese/貝佳斯藍海新生美膚泥漿(藍泥)


9 Clarins CLARINS multi live evening curd

Buy this cream ah, feels like marriage must take wedding photos like, love is not love to walk, because it is too famous, but expect too much of it, I use a general feeling, may I pay too much attention to this person night cream, night cream are usually pick good practicing mouth Diao, moisturizing and repair effect of this cream is normal, but the effect is not amazing, I personally feel ah, but the price is really cheap, the younger MM can be used as entry-level products with cream.

9 Clarins嬌韻詩多元賦活晚間凝乳


10 PeterThomas Roth/ Petrov and moisturizing mask / Cucumber Gel

This is the forum hot products, really very good, mainly for lazy ah, go home, wash your face, coated with a layer, you can do what you want to do, for a while

10 PeterThomas Roth/彼得羅夫青瓜保濕補水面膜/小黃瓜啫喱




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