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【商業】蔣傑 News | Luna美燕屋工作室 ? 構造空間的建築感




Luna Bird"s nest studio located in the creative design center in hangzhou, with natural, health and lifestyle for the idea of beauty, combined with the delicate line experience and independent office space , this space is a new attempt by the customer for the brand , also is to convey brand by entity space better a way.


For a building area of 60 square meters, a height of 9 meters loft space,we think about the reality ofthe present situation and rational, includes the status of the brand itself

、the customers" needfor spatial functionality、the budget that can supportand the disadvantage of the existing space, Provide an integrative solution:


Express with conciseintegral design, disassemble the existing disadvantage  structure and visual integration, the construction of the sense of space architecture was completed

;To refine the spatiallayout、material and lighting processing and over all temperament construction, provide customers with a complete, balanced solution with another level of space experience.


On the outer surface ofthe space, we made a projecting part of the design with in a reasonable range, itextends the space of the porch. Design by side door, preserve the integrity ofthe entrance lounge, create a sense of independent space in a small yard.


The arch between the porch and the atrium, solved the original disadvantage structure, the tensionand balance of internal and external repair are brought by the radian Angle;The atrium is divided into two regions: product making and experience by openbar and comfortable table, the product display is partly embedded in the wall, createa sense of order and ritual.


The height of the atriumis in contrast to the low part of the staircase, the deep sense of space is formed. To the second floor is a narrow corridor, the second floor design department runs along the channel line, connect with the atrium on the first floor, toform an independent and open vision. The office of the third floor connects with the outdoor area with the  floor-to-ceiling window, bring plenty of sunshine and full visual perception.


Through consideration ofreality, reasonable spatial layout and functional structure, integrate and express the design, provide customers with a sense of more than form, pay moreattention to the feasibility of actual operation

、people"s effective participation and useof the spatial solution of feeling.

蔣傑 New | Luna 美燕屋工作室







Architecture. Interior.Graphic. Product design.






設計公司 | 杭州蔣傑室內設計有限公司

項目位置 | 杭州   

項目類型 | 燕窩工作室

主要材料 | 水磨石

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