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The Lotus Sutra of Wondrous Dharma

姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什 漢譯

Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Tri-canon Dharma MasterVenerable Kumarajiva in Yao-Chin Dynasty (344-413 A.D.)

Annotated Bilingual-Juxtaposed Edition

Translated and Annotated by

Ven. Cheng Kuan

53rd-Generation Acharya of Shingon Sect

42nd-Generation Lineage Patriarchate Successorof both Hua-Yen Sect and Sole-Cognizance Sect



釋成觀法師 英譯


Segment 26: The Dharani (陀羅尼品第二十六)


At that juncture, Medicine-King Pusa arose from the seat, bared his right shoulder, joined his palms towards the Buddha, and said, 「Your World-Veneration, if Virtuous Men or Virtuous Women are able to espouse and sustain this Dharmic Lotus Sutra, by either reading and reciting it fluently, or by scribing the text of the Sutra, how much Bliss would they be able to acquire?」 The Buddha told Medicine-King Pusa, 「If there be Virtuous Men or Virtuous Women who have made offerings to eight million billion nayuta Ganges-sand number of Buddhas, what wouldst thou make of this: would the Bliss that they have acquired be plenteous?」 「Quite plenteous, Your World-Veneration.」 The Buddha said, 「If any Virtuous Man or Virtuous Woman could espouse and sustain even merely one quatrain of Gatha from this Sutra by reading, reciting, comprehending the import thereof and followed by cultivations as divulged, their Meritorious Virtue is exceedingly copious.」

[VII-26B]爾時藥王菩薩白佛言:「世尊,我今當與說法者陀羅尼,以守護之。」即說呪曰:安爾 曼爾 摩禰 摩摩禰 旨隸遮黎第 賒口芊 賒履多瑋 羶帝 目帝 目多履 娑履 阿瑋娑履 桑履 娑履 叉裔 阿叉裔 阿耆膩 羶帝 賒履 陀羅尼 阿盧伽婆娑簸蔗毘叉膩 禰毘剃 阿便哆邏禰履剃 阿亶哆波隸輸地 歐究隸 牟究隸 阿羅隸 波羅隸 首迦差 阿三磨三履 佛陀毘吉利帝 達磨波利差帝 僧伽涅瞿沙禰 婆舍婆舍輸地 曼哆邏 曼哆邏叉夜多 郵樓哆 郵樓哆憍舍略 惡叉邏 惡叉冶多冶 阿婆盧 阿摩若那多夜 四十三句

At that juncture Medicine-King Pusa said to the Buddha, 「Your World-Veneration, right now for the sake of safeguarding the Divulger of this Sutra, it behooves me to impart a Dharanic Mantra. 」 Forthwith he imparted this Dharani:

Anye manye mane mamane citte carite same samitā vi?ānte mukte muktatame same av same samasame[jaye] ksaye aksaye aksine sante samite dharani alokabhase pratyaveksani nidhiru abhyantaraniviste abhyantaraparisuddhi mutkule mutkule arade parade sukanksi asamasame buddhavilokite dharmapariksite samghanirghosani [nirghoni] bhayabhayavisodhani mantre mantraksayate rute rutakausalye aksaye aksayavanataye [vakkule]valoda amanyanataye svaha.


「Your World-Veneration, this Sacred Mantra of Dharani hasbeen divulged by sixty-two billion Ganges-sand number of Buddhas.If anyone violates or calumniates the Dharma Master ofthis Sutra, it would be doing the same violation or calumniationto those Buddhas.」At that point the Buddha acclaimedMedicine-KingPusa bysaying thus, 「Very good, very good indeed, Medicine King. Itis due to thy commiseration and championing for such DharmaMasters that thou impartst this Dharani, which is to make abundantbenefit and enrichment for Multibeings.」



痤隸 摩訶痤隸 郁枳 目枳 阿隸 阿羅婆第 涅隸第涅隸多婆第 伊緻柅 韋緻柅 旨緻柅 涅隸墀柅 涅墀婆底十三句


At that juncture Valiant-Bestowal Pusa said to the Buddha, 「YourWorld-Veneration, I would also impart a Dharani for championingthose who espouse and sustain this Dharmic Lotus Sutra byreading or reciting. If such a Dharma Master acquires this Dharani,no one could lie in wait for his foibles, nor could anyonetake advantage of his shortcomings-neither Yaksas, nor Raksas,nor Putanas, nor Krtyas, nor Kumbhandas, nor yet Starvingghostscould do any harm to him.」 Forthwith he imparted thisDharani in front of the Buddha:

jvale mahajvale ukke [tukke] mukke ade adavati nrtye nrtyavatiittini vittini cittini nrtyani nrtyavati svaha.

「Your World-Veneration, this Sacred Mantra of Dharani hasbeen divulged by Ganges-sand number of Buddhas, who are alsoaltruistically jubilant at others』 impartations and practice on it.Hence, if anyone should violate or calumniate such a DharmaMaster, it would be equal to violating or calumniating thoseBuddhas.」

[VII-26E]爾時毘沙門天王護世者白佛言:「世尊,我亦為愍念眾生、擁護此法師故,說是陀羅尼。」即說曰:阿梨 那梨 ?那梨 阿那盧 那履 拘那履六句


At that juncture, Vaisravana the Celestial King and World-Protectorsaid to the Buddha, 「I would also, in commiseration of theMultibeings as well as for championing such a Dharma Master,impart a Dharani.」 Forthwith he imparted this Dharani:

Atte [tatte] natte vanatte anade nadi kunadi svaha.

「Your World-Veneration, by the power of this Sacred Mantra, itcould champion the Dharma Master; I myself would also championall the Sustainers of this Sutra, so as to rid any Dissipationand Mishap of them within the circumference of one hundredyojanas.」


阿伽禰 伽禰 瞿利 乾陀利 旃陀利 摩蹬耆 常求利浮樓莎柅頞底九句


At that juncture, in the midst of the congregants, the State-SustainerCelestial King, who was circumvented reverently by tenmillion billion nayutas of Gandhabhas, advanced towards theBuddha, joined his palms and said to the Buddha, 「Your World-Veneration, I, too, would champion such a Dharma Master bymeans of a Sacred Mantra of Dharani.」 Forthwith he impartedthis Dharani:

Agane gane gauri gandhari candali matangi pukkasi sam-kule vrusali sisi svaha.

「Your World-Veneration, this Sacred Mantra of Dharani hasbeen divulged by forty-two billion Buddhas. If there be anyonewho violates or calumniates this Dharma Master, it would beequal to violating and calumniating those Buddhas.」



伊提履 伊提泯 伊提履 阿提履 伊提履 泥履 泥履泥履 泥履 泥履 樓醯 樓醯 樓醯 樓醯 多醯多醯 多醯 兜醯 醯十九句

At that juncture, there were sundry Raksa Maids; namely-first,Lamba; second, Vilamba; third, Crooked Teeth; fourth, FloralTeeth; fifth, Black Teeth; sixth, Multi-Hair; seventh, Insatiableness;eighth, Keyura-Holder; ninth, Emperor; tenth, Pillagerof All Multibeings』 Vital Semen. These ten Raksa Maids alongwith Hariti, the Ghost-sons』 Mother, as well as her sons and kindred,all betook themselves to pay a visit to the Buddha』s Premises,and said to the Buddha in unison, 「Your World-Veneration,all of us would also desire to champion the reading and recitingespousers of this Dharmic Lotus Sutra by removing their Dissipationsand Mishaps. If there be anyone who would nose aroundfor the shortcomings of the Dharma Master, we would precludehim from gaining such opportunities.」 Forthwith they impartedthis Mantra:

Iti re iti me, iti re ati me, iti re, nire nire nire nire nire, ruhe ruheruhe ruhe, stuhe stuhe stuhe stuhe stuhe svāhā


「I would rather have them stand upon my own head than exasperatethe Dharma Master. Nor would I suffer any Vexationsto him from either Yaksas, or Raksas, or Starving-ghosts, orPutanas, or Krtyas, or Vetadas, or Skandas, or Umarakas, orApasmarakas,10 Or Yakasa-krtyas, or Human-krtyas, or FeverDiseases of one day, two days, three days, four days, or even toseven days, or Constant Fever, or Demons in the male forms, orin the female forms, or in boyish forms, or in girlish forms; norwould I suffer any of them to vex the Dharma Master even in thedreams.」






Forthwith they delivered this Gatha in front of the Buddha:

1 If anyone would not comply with my Mantra,

And should vex or perturb the Dharma Expounder,

His head shall be shattered into seven pieces,

Just like the branches of an Arjaka tree.11

2 It would be equal to the sin of murdering one』s parents,

Or to the travail derived from the Karma of crushingsesame-bug for oil,

Or to the sin of ripping people off in bushels and scalesfor measurement

Or even to Devadatta』s sin of Disrupting the Harmony ofthe Samgha-

3 Those who give offense to the Dharma Master

Are assuredly to suffer from such tribulation.

After delivering this Gatha, the Raksa Maids said to the Buddha,「Your World-Veneration, all of us would also championthose who espouse, read, recite, and practice this Sutra, so as tomake them composed and settled, free from any Dissipation andAdversity, as well as exempted from the toxin of all poisonousdrugs.」


The Buddha told the Raksa Maids, 「It is very good, very good indeed. Insomuch as you could champion even the espouser of the mere title of Dharmic Lotus, your Bliss shall be beyond measure; let alone championing those who could espouse the entire Sutra, and even make offerings to the Book of the Sutra with flowers, incense, Keyuras, powdered incense, spreading incense, incinerating incense, banners, canopies, musical diversions, and lighting a variety of lamps, such as ghee lamps, oil lamps, aromatic oil lamps, Sumana-flower oil lamps, Champaka-flower oil, Varsika-flower12 oil lamps, and Utpala-flower13 oil lamps, and such like hundreds and thousands of varieties of offerings. Hariti, it behooves ye all and your Cognates to champion such Dharma Masters.」 At the divulgation of this Segment of Dharani, sixty-eight thousand people attained the Dharmic Forbearance of Non-nascence.


1.Dharanic:adjective form of Dharani. Dharani: Sanskrit, originally meaning「Comprehensive Sustenance (總持),」 in that a Dharani can hold and retain innumerableimports and Dharmas within itself. Later it comes to mean almost the same asMantra. 陀羅尼(形容詞)

2.Mantra:Sanskrit, meaning 「True Word;」 i.e., the words that are ever truthfuland without vain, referring to the Buddha』s Teaching in general and especially theEsoteric Teachings, and as such the Mantra is endowed with the empowerment ofthe Buddhas. Mantra is the Verbal Esoterica (語密) of the Triple Esoterica (三密),namely, Corporal Esoterica, Verbal Esoterica, and Mental Esoterica (身密, 語密, 意密).呪

3.Putana:Sanskirt, Pūtana, meaning reeking ghost or reeking-hungry ghost. Alongwith the Gandhabha (乾闥婆), this ghost pertains to the cognates of the State-SustainingCelestial (東方持國天), endowed with the duty of safeguarding the East. ThePutana, shaped like a hog, could make children cry for fear in their sleep. 富單那(鬼)

4.Krtya:Sanskrit, Kr.

tya, a kind of sinister ghost, the same as Corpse-revived ghost (起屍鬼). 吉蔗

5.Kumbhanda:Cf. footnote 35 on page 145. 鳩槃茶

6.Gandhabhas:Sanskrit, meaning Fragrance-tracing, or Fragrance-ingester, whosubsists solely on Fragrance. Along with Kinnara, the Gandhabha is the attendanton Shakya-Devanam Celestial Emperor (帝釋天), administering the performance ofCelestial Music for the Emperor. 乾闥婆

7.Vetada:red ghost. 毘陀羅

8. Skanda:yellow ghost. 犍馱

9.Umarakas:black ghost. 烏摩勒伽

10. Apasmarakas:green ghost. 阿跋摩羅

11.Arjaka tree:a tree with white scented flowers, said to fall in seven parts, like anepidendrum. 阿梨樹

12. Varsika-flower:one of the twelve celestial flowers. 婆師迦華

13. Utpala-flower:green lotus. 優羅華(青蓮花)

End of segment 26, scroll Vii 借宿卷七第二十六品

Mahayana Guardian Pusa Wei-to


恭敬經典 南無阿彌陀佛 合十



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