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Why this firm?


Response Example:

In talking to a number of people at your bank, I get the sense that your culture is what really distinguishes it from its competitors. While this firm provides top-notch service and competes with all the major firms, those I have spoken with say it maintains a boutique feel. This allows for smaller deal teams, which will give me more responsibility and—I hope—more exposure to live deals. Additionally, as many hours as are worked in finance, I think one of the most important things is to get along with your colleagues. All those I spoke with here said they respect their colleagues and are friends with them both in and out of the office.

What are your strengths?



Response Example:

As you can probably tell from my resume, I have strong quantitative skills and performed well in school. However, I think one of my greatest strengths is vital for finance but not necessarily something that can be documented. That is my ability to learn quickly. At my internship last summer, I was brought into the office by my boss, given an old version of an Excel model and a list of variables he wanted to be able to tweak, and told to go rebuild the model from scratch. At the time, I had no previous modeling experience, no training, and no idea what I was doing. I knew my boss didn』t have time to hold my hand through the process so I had to teach myself. I bought a book and used Internet resources to learn how to rebuild the model to my boss』s specifications, in a very short amount of time. My boss was amazed at the quality of the model, and it is now being used for his analysis and in presentations to clients.

What is the biggest obstacle you have in your life?



Response Example:

The biggest obstacle I have had to overcome was paying for college. I managed to do it in a combination of ways. Initially, I took out student loans, but then I began paying my tuition in cash and paying off some of my student debt early. I』ve waited tables several nights a week throughout all my college years, and I now work at a very popular restaurant, which pays me pretty well on a consistent basis. However, what I have most enjoyed doing to support myself is graphic design. In high school, I was into art and photography and my graphic design skills are pretty strong. When I began my business education, I didn』t have time for those types of classes, and I missed it. However, I have been able to earn extra money developing logos, letterhead, business cards, and presentations for student start-ups as well as some local businesses. All of this extra work has helped me to pay for a good portion of my college costs.

What role do you like to take in a team situation?



Response Example:

I』m comfortable leading a team or taking instructions from another leader. When the leadership isn』t appointed, I think it』s useful to consider my teammates』 concerns and preferences. In one of my classes last year, I was placed in a group where nobody was confident about the subject matter, so they all kind of shied away from taking responsibility. In that particular group, I thought I could help by taking initiative, so I stepped up to coordinate the group』s assignments. In another group situation, where one student was insisting on taking charge, I was happy to support him. He was able to communicate his ideas and organize a plan, which allowed the rest of us to deliver our tasks on time with high quality. Overall, I think the quality of leadership is more important than who provides it, and most important of all is the quality of the team』s work. Since every situation presents a unique set of personalities, it』s important to read those personalities and identify how you best fit into the group dynamic.

Why IB?





Response Example:

After talking to a number of people in the industry, I find two aspects of this job especially attractive. First, I see it as an incredible learning experience. I know that with the number of hours I will be working, I will essentially be gaining four years of work experience in only two years. I will learn so much, so fast, and this job will prepare me for anything I decide to do for the rest of my life. Additionally, I expect to thrive in an environment where I am rewarded for my performance, rather than for just showing up. I look forward to having the chance to take on responsibility at an entry level and prove my value through the quality of my work. I know this job can be extremely difficult both physically and mentally, but I am ready for the challenge.

What do you see as your weaknesses as an employee?


Response Example:

Well, maybe my weakness sounds a little bit strange to you. I think my weakness is that I talk too much. I like to express my opinions. My classmates say I am bossy and like to show off. I』ve also noticed that I don』t listen enough because I am talking too much. So I write down a reminder on my notebook, 「Listen more, speak less.」 But interestingly enough, even when I feel I am speaking little my co-workers still pat my shoulder and say, 「Susan, you are an active person!」 The 「talker」 impression doesn』t go away easily.

Do you have any question?









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