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Have You Found out the Reason of Keeping Failing?


Living in the world, there are always irritating things, one by one. We are eager to solve the present problems and affairs we have encountered. It』s best that all troubles end when the main trouble ends. Then everything will be fine, and there is no more trouble. That』s not truth. If you aren』t able to let them go, even if you』ve solved the present problems and affairs, troubles will follow up soon, coming out ceaselessly. And you have to go with them. Only when you let them go can everything go well.


Letting go means letting go of your mindset. With purity inside, everything will become perfection at once. It』s all right that there are troubles and problems and they will all pass by. If you don』t attach or care them too much, they will neither affect you, nor bring you sufferings. Before letting them go, they are all troubles and problems, coming out anytime. It won』t be peaceful or become perfection at once unless you let them go.


Tilopa instructed Naropa: These manifestations cannot constrain you, but attachment is the real constraint. We are always attached, so we constrain ourselves. Once we become attached, troubles follow; if we are not attached, there are no troubles, no problems. All is the union of causes and conditions. It』s a fact that things all come and go, meet and depart.


The key is to let go of your mindset. How to achieve it? Only see through the truth can a person let everything go. First of all, we should have wisdom. Wisdom means understanding the ultimate reality of all Dharma, enlightening the truth of cosmos and life, which are the teachings of cause and effect, samsara, dependent origination and impermanence. Dependent origination is the union of cause and condition. All Dharma is impermanent on the manifestation, changing instantly. After we study the truths through and understand them thoroughly, we will have wisdom.


What the Buddha taught, such as no-self, emptiness, great luminosity and great perfection are all instructed in essence. If we figure out all of them, really making them clear, we will obtain wisdom.


Possessing the above wisdom is called letting go. Having understood all the pure and impure phenomena in the world thoroughly, then our mindset can be let go and stay peace. So the first step of letting go is to arouse wisdom in us. We should understand these truths thoroughly and make them clear by listening, contemplation and reflection. Otherwise, there will always be troubles on us and we will never get rid of them. We all have the idea to get far away from them; however, it』s just wishful thinking.



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