【Close Major-Merger Pairs Since z=1: Evolution of Merger Rate & SFR Enhancement】2017年9月4日(周一)14:00【主講】Cong Xu (Caltech/NAOC)【地點】清華大學蒙民偉科技大樓S727【報告摘要】I will present results on cosmic evolution of galaxy pairs based on studies of two large samples: a local sample (KPAIR, 170 pairs), and a mid-z sample (0.2 dex of 2.2+-0.2. Major mergers involving star-forming galaxies (i.e., wet and mixed mergers) have significant impact on the stellar mass assembly of massive galaxies, and are sufficiently abundant to account for the formation of massive ellipticals. Results from our FIR observations using Spitzer and Herschel revealed a puzzling difference between star-forming galaxies in mixed pairs (S+E) and in wet pairs (S+S) in the sense that, relative to single spiral galaxies, spirals paired with ellipticals show no SFR enhancement at all while spirals paired with spirals show strong enhancement. Furthermore, the SFR enhancement in S+S pairs decreases (with increasing redshift) substantially between z=0 and z=1. I will discuss some plausible interpretations for these results which may provide new clues to the still evasive theory of merger-induced starbursts.
【Large N_c limit QCD and symmetry preserving truncations for DS and BS equations】2017年9月6日(周三)15:30【主講】王青教授(清華大學)【地點】中國科學院理論物理研究所會議樓322(Conference Hall 322, ITP)【摘要】We develop a framework for deriving Dyson-Schwinger Equations (DSEs) and Bethe-Salpeter Equation (BSE) in QCD at large N_c limit. The starting point is a modified form (with auxiliary fields) of QCD generating functional. This framework provides a natural order by order truncation scheme for DSEs and BSE, and the kernels of the equations up to any order are explicitly given. Chiral symmetry (at chiral limit) is preserved in any order truncation, so it exemplifies the symmetry preserving truncation scheme. It provides a method to study DSEs and BSE beyond the Rainbow-Ladder truncation, and is especially useful to study contributions from non-Abelian dynamics (those arise from gluon self-interactions). We also derive the equation for the quark-ghost scattering kernel, and discuss the Slavnov-Taylor identity connecting the quark-gluon vertex, the quark propagator and the quark-ghost scattering kernel.
【The new era of Galactic Archaeology】2017年9月7日(周四)14:00【主講】Yuan-Sen Ting (Australian National University / Princeton University)【地點】清華大學蒙民偉科技南樓 S-727【報告摘要】Understanding physical processes responsible for the formation and evolution of galaxies like the Milky Way is a fundamental problem in astrophysics. However, a key challenge is that the properties and orbits of the stars can only be observed at present: to understand what happened in the Milky Way at earlier epochs, one must explore 「archaeological」 techniques. One idea, "chemical tagging,」 aims to probe the history of the Milky Way via the unique imprint in chemical abundance space of long-disrupted star forming associations. I will discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with chemical tagging, including a first constraint on the disrupted cluster mass function in the Milky Way, and how Gaia, as well as extragalactic IFU studies, could be informative in the studies of chemical tagging. I will also describe a new set of tools for efficient measuring multi-elemental abundances from large quantities of low-resolution LAMOST spectra, for constraining the binary fraction in the Milky Way, and for inferring asteroseismic parameters from spectra alone.
【一不小心,中了大藍毒--那些年,穿著比基尼走過的海島】2017年9月8日(周五)19:30【主講人】小宇Sylvia【簡介】1.海島旅行怎麼玩兒2.酒店控的海島3.純享樂的海島4.玩樂派的海島5.世界三大趴提之一6.帛琉,完美的藍色詮釋【地點】北京海淀區人民大學站附近,中電信息大廈410 蝸牛書館 蝸牛小劇場
【史怡然個展:「孔雀鎮」】2017年7月22日(周六)——2017年9月9日(周六)【藝術家】史怡然(中國美術學院講師,繪畫實踐類博士,工作、生活於中國杭州。)【展覽地點】Artopia Gallery(北京市朝陽區東壩西北門環鐵會館院內 )
【有理想的人如何運用老莊的智慧】2017年9月10日(周日)14:00—16:00【主講人】杜保瑞(台灣大學哲學博士,曾任華梵大學哲學系主任、文學院院長,現為台灣大學哲學系教授)【簡介】內容:1、理想與人生的關係是什麼?2、如何實現理想?3、孔孟所追求的以及所面對的理想是什麼?4、莊子所追求的以及所面對的理想是什麼?5、老子所追求的以及所面對的理想是什麼?6、一個儒者如何學習莊子的智慧。7、一個儒者如何學習老子的智慧。8、圓滿的理想主義者。【地點】北京市海淀區丹棱街16號海興大廈C座海淀區圖書館4層多功能廳 【本場講座無需報名】
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