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A Thousand Splendid Suns

This book is about love and war, about self-sacrifice and devotion, and about the power of women. For all its seriousness, the book gives us hope as light as a feather; a hope that everyone will be okay — the characters, the reader, and all of us.


這本書, 關於愛情與戰爭,關於獻身與犧牲,關於玫瑰的鏗鏘。儘管題材嚴肅,本書還是給予人們一絲希望,希望不論是書中的主角還是書外的讀者,所有人都一切安好。

Love in the Time of Cholera

Is it possible that a person, having fallen in love in their youth, will carry it always and forever? Will this love guide all of the person』s actions? Yes, it will. Years will go by, the boarders will change, and you will still love her. Or him. Because there』s nothing more difficult — and at the same time easier — than love.

《霍亂時期的愛情》 加西亞?馬爾克斯


The Ground Beneath Her Feet

They met when they were children, and they fell in love at once. They separated dozens of times; they were together, and they were apart, and they presented the whole world with their wonderful music. One could hear their voices on the radio all over the world, but then the ground swallowed her, and the world cried for her. Their love was the music.



The Gadfly

This book is not only about love; it』s also about friendship, mutual understanding, growing up and making a choice. The revolution grippedItaly, and life became too hard to love someone. On one hand, love gives us strength. On the other, it ties our hands. The book is full of light and the bitter sadness of unrealized dreams. People say almost everyone who reads it cries. There』s so much recognizable emotion hiding between its pages.



The English Patient

The war is over. A woman and children live in a half-destroyed villa. Recently, she picked up a burnt Englishman, and now she』s trying to nurse him back to health. In return, he tells her the story of his life: about the incredible love that once saved him — the very thing for which life is worth living.





Here is a world in which love is forbidden. It』s a disease, the most dangerous amor deliria nervosa, and whoever breaks this rule will be punished severely. Every citizen at the age of 18 has to go through the procedure of release from memories of the past. Lena』s got only a few months before the procedure, and she could live as any other person — if she hadn』t met a special guy.


那是一個禁止人們相愛的世界,在那裡,愛情是最為可怕的疾病,它讓人焦慮,讓人癲狂,一旦深陷愛情,便會受到嚴懲。所有居民在十八歲時都必須接受治療,抹去回憶。原本,還有幾個月,主人公Lena 就可以接受治療,過上和其他人一樣的正常生活——不巧,她卻遇上了那個特別的他。

The Gargoyle

This is a strikingly deep novel. It wraps you in its magic, stretches out over centuries and ethnicities, bonds people and ties up fates. This is love, and it』s stronger than a plague. It can shout to the world through a statue』s mouth. There are so many little worlds and tiny stories in the book that they』re almost like stars in the endless universe.



The Sense of an Ending

When most of your life is behind you, it』s a pleasure to remember old days. Tony Webster enjoys the quiet and recalls fragments of his life. Then he receives a letter that breaks down his calm. There was a page in his past, the past is unforgiving and merciless, though, and it』s high time to open this page once again.


當走過大半人生,回憶往昔就成了一件樂事。主人公Tony Webster原本一邊享受著年屆六旬的平和,一邊回憶著生活中的點滴。一封律師事務所的來信卻打破了他原本的安寧。他開始了解到自己曾經不堪的過往,儘管過去那個自己冷酷無情、難以原諒,但卻是時候再度翻開回憶,好好審視自己了。






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