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原作者: Sarah Gibbens 中文翻譯、點評:張國慶 博士 (中科大教授)朗讀:美國J. D. Vaughn老師策劃:李進 、韓娟


Mysterious, Brain-Like Blob Found in Lagoon


Scientists are unsure if warming temperatures are causing the bizarre invertebrates to spread.

凝膠狀的粘液樣生物在河流和湖泊中潛伏——它被稱為外肛動物或者苔蘚蟲。最近,在卑詩省溫哥華的斯坦利公園(Stanley Park)一個這樣的動物被發現,而且當低水位使他們更加明顯時。

A gelatinous, mucus-like creature lurks in rivers and lakes—and it s called a bryozoan. Recently, they were spotted—for the first known time—in Stanley Park in Vancouver, British Columbia, when low water levels made them more visible.

來自斯坦利公園生態學會的Celina Starnes最近檢查了該地區「Lost Lagoon(逝去的泄湖)」中的標本,該公園南部是一小片水域。在溫哥華快遞公司製作的視頻中,Starnes展示了從水中抽出時這個棕綠色質感的奇怪生物。

Celina Starnes from the Stanley Park Ecology Society recently examined the specimen found in the area s "Lost Lagoon," a small body of water in the southern part of the park. In video created by the Vancouver Courier, Starnes shows the brownish green mass jiggling as it s pulled from the water.


In a phone call with National Geographic, Starnes explains that the creatures have a gelatinous, firm quality, "almost like Jell-o," she said.


Bryozoan clumps like these are actually hundreds of creatures living together in a colony. A single organism, known as a zooid, is only a fraction of a millimeter. Zooids are hermaphroditic but spread thanks to statoblasts, a clump of cells found on the organism that can reproduce asexually if broken off from the colony.

化石記錄可以追溯到4.7億年前的古代海洋苔蘚植物。在斯坦利公園(Stanley Park)發現的物種通常被稱為「壯麗」的苔蘚蟲(Pectinatella magnifica),然而以前只知道它們存在於密西西比河以東的地區。

Fossil records date ancient marine bryozoans as far back as 470 million years. The species found in Stanley Park is commonly called a "magnificent" bryozoan, Pectinatella magnifica, and was previously only known to exist in areas east of the Mississippi River.




Whether or not the creatures are an invasive species has been a subject of debate among scientists. A 2012 report from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service theorized that climate change could be helping the creatures spread. Zooids can only survive in waters warmer than roughly 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and the report states that warming temperatures allow bryozoans to spread north.


The lumps filter feed on algae in nutrient-rich waters and an increase in their numbers could upset the ecological balance of a freshwater ecosystem. They ve also been found to clog pipes.


It s possible, however, that bryozoans have simply gone unnoticed. The creatures are difficult to find, and their muddy color helps them camouflage in murky waters. Starnes says they re sometimes confused with a batch ofsalamander eggs or rocks.


"We doubt this is the first time they ve been here," she said.

Ian Walker是不英屬倫比亞大學的生物學教授,他曾研究過苔蘚蟲。他認為沒有足夠的研究來確定物種是否向北移動。

Ian Walker is a biology professor at the University of British Columbia who has studied bryozoans. He thinks there isn t enough research to conclusively state whether or not the species has moved north.

「這可能是過去輕易忽視的事情,」他指出,在Okanagan谷的溫哥華以西已經發現了苔蘚蟲。 沃克說:「我認為我們已經接近它們在北邊的極限,然而氣候變暖可能會讓它們遷移到更北的地方。我也只能猜測他們是如何傳播的。」

"It s something that could have been easily overlooked in the past," he said. He noted that bryozoans have been found just west of Vancouver in the Okanagan Valley. "I think we re near the northern limit of them. With warming climate, they might migrate somewhere farther north," said Walker. "I can only really speculate how they might have spread."

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