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New year"s day, everybody chatting together, asked everyone wish in the new year, one person did not hesitate to answer loudly: "the money I earned myself, my own life, I have only one wish, I hope a little less nagging woman around!"


No one had expected the words to come out, and all the men were in the hands of the applause, apparently speaking their voice.


I turned to look at the first attack of the male friend, his eyes flashing understood moved, friends willing to risk their lives when their other half face voice support, of course a shed tears of gratitude.


His wife also spoke at this time: "we always say that our women are nagging. If a man understands it at the same time, the woman doesn"t have to work hard to repeat it."


She continued: "like you look at the newspaper every day and remove it one piece, completely disorderly, what do people think about it?" To tell you how many times is not changed, so don"t take pity on others, EM barrassed me winded?"


"In addition, as long as the telecontrol is on your hand when you watch TV, the whole family is suffering, turn the platform every five seconds, and what TV do you watch? How to say it is not to listen, it is clear that you abuse others, how to reverse the strange nagging? "


The woman opened one, here only to breathe.The man turned to the big gang and made a face: "well, the new year must be hopeless!"



For many men, this is a really annoying case history, the main source seems to be their own suffering, a survey shows that men hate women do, the ranking is "nagging nagging", far higher than the second ranked "do not like to dress up". It seems that even a man who has always been a good color would rather endure the ugly woman than a nagging woman, and you can imagine the seriousness of the situation.


Studies have found that women say two times as much as men a day, so it seems that women are more nagging than men. And I found that a man"s nagging action, in fact, includes a different content:


(1) repeat orders: when a woman doesn"t respond to a command, he will continue to repeat requests (asking, not asking), for example, "when are you going to change the bulb?" Or: "isn"t dad asking you to call him?"


(2) care reminding: even out of good intentions, as long as it"s not a man who wants to hear it, it"s a nagging: "did you take the medicine today?" Or: "cool today, don"t forget to wear more clothes.


(3): sometimes the woman to compliment others express the appreciation of others words and deeds, but if men think women overtones in conversation nagging: "it is clear that the next Christmas this year, Wang bought a famous brand bag sent Mrs. Wang, she proudly showing it to everyone you have a good husband!" Or: "I heard that Wu very will repair home appliances, anything bad, he will be able to fix 32!"


(4): This is a worry to share the most afraid to make a woman feel wronged, busy day finally two people meet, tell you about psychological thoughts, that we are close as ever. But the man under the class want to vent, quietly read a newspaper content at this time, if a woman is really express the thousands and thousands of words, he: "the office of the small Xu and Chen meeting today actually are roaring, the manager asked me to coordinate their conflict, the two men have long grudges, how do I may settle!"


For the woman, but the contents of different forms of communication function, but to a man, but all into one definition: "nagging nagging". What women should understand is that it"s basically a way of making a man upset, even if it is nagging. It also explains why men think women are always nagging, and women only recognize the "occasional" nagging difference. Why do men be afraid of nagging?


(1) at low: only the power of high power on behalf of the party can command power is low, the woman demands command means of power transfer, and for men, found their declining status, not what exciting things, so of course.


(2) nagging and hinting ability is not enough: men think that I have a sense of propriety in my work, and I need to be able to control where I need to be directed. So when I hear a woman say this, I feel that she can"t trust me. Whispering a secret to a woman, psychologists find that nothing hurts and irritate a man better than "lack of ability". How do you think men will be happy now?


(3) nagging shows that happiness is not enough: women may think that speaking is sharing their minds, and hearing men"s ears translate into "I can"t make you happy", or where do you suffer so much? And every horse thinks his own sacrifice, make the family happy, didn"t expect that she is still not happy, that all this effort is for what? The more you think about men, the more frustrating it is, isn"t it?



(1) first name their purpose: please don"t open out, tell him your true purpose of the words, lest he man wrong, wrong when share blame. For example:


"I don"t have to blame you, I just want to share with you."


"I want to talk to you about what happened today. Please give me some advice."


(a man likes to be asked to be asked, which makes them feel capable.)


"I don"t want to trouble trouble you, so if you can tell me exactly one time, I knew, not ask you again!"


(persuading a man to answer, to lure it to him, to tell him what it is to him.)


(2) give men some time to stare at charging: when he enters the door, you speak, but it is very unintelligent. Smart women will pick the time and pick up the mood.


"I know you are working hard today. I don"t argue with you and let you rest for a while. Can you come to me when you are in a mood to speak?"


In this way, he has enough emotional energy to take care of your mood after the rest.


(3) talk less about "you" and say "me". When you complain, you always say "you", which is easy for the other person to have the idea of self defense.


"You don"t think for others."


"How to say you can take like a passing wind"


Please try to start with "me".


"I feel a little disappointed."


"I don"t think much of it."


It"s not right to talk about yourself, but it"s easy to criticize others, so it"s time for you to know how to do it.


Master these skills, you and he won"t be nagging pain, and can enjoy the fun of communication of happiness!



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