首頁 > 最新 > 1966年的青少年們怎樣預測2000年的生活?



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One of the highlights of the past fortnight』sjollitywas a six-minute clip, placed by the BBC Archive on social media. A class of teenagers in 1966 attempted to predict what life would be like in the year 2000. The footage from Tomorrow』s World, a BBC television programme, was viewed close to half a million times in its first four days online and attracted about 4,000 comments. It is fascinating for anyone interested in futurology.

英國廣播公司(BBC)檔案部在社交媒體上發布的一段6分鐘視頻短片,成了最近節日氣氛的亮點之一。視頻中,一個班級的青少年在1966年試著預測2000年的生活會是什麼樣的。這段來自BBC《明日世界》(Tomorrow』s World)節目的短片,上線四天內的點播量接近50萬次,吸引了4000多條評論。對於那些對未來學感興趣的人,這段視頻令人神往。

jollity [?d?ɑl?ti]n. 歡樂,愉快

例句: That kind of jollity was not for him, it never had been and never would be. 這種歡樂他是享受不到的,今後也不會享受到。

The children of 1966 were a profoundly gloomy lot. Pessimists outnumber optimists by six to one.The miserabilists are principally worried about a nuclear apocalypse, which several regard as inevitable. Overpopulation is mentioned repeatedly, as is unemployment caused by automation and computers. Factory farming comes up, as does boredom occasioned by uniformity, rationing — and the prospect of having to live on food pills.


Screenshot: Twitter

Climate change isfretted over, after a fashion, by two children. A boy argues that orbiting satellites are interfering with the weather and will cause sea levels to rise 「by 300ft to 600ft」. A girl believes the sun will burn out and start an ice age.


fret over不安;苦惱

例句: Do not fret over trifles.別為小事而煩惱。

Screenshot: Twitter

Another boy takes a different tack: 「People will be regarded more as statistics than as actual people.」 Another imagines: 「I may be at the funeral of a computer, or if something goes wrong with a nuclear bomb, coming back from hunting while living in a cave.」 I like that.


Screenshot: Twitter

The outnumbered optimists speak of racial harmony, of rich and poor still existing but getting on fine, of medical advances, and of better architecture (「more rounded and less boxy」). One girl』s optimism is non-specific: 「People think the earth will explode but it won』t,」 she says.


Screenshot: Twitter

For the most part, those viewing the clips have taken from it exactly what they wished. If their big worry is climate change, they seize on the 1966 interviewees』 mention of the weather as being super-perceptive. The child who says we will all be mere statistics by 2000 — not a particularly brilliant point — is hailed as a veritable seer by those who believe we are all helpless subjects of Google and Amazon.


Screenshot: Google.com

The Tomorrow』s World children seem serious andarticulate, but their speculation mirrors only the stock dismal concerns of the day. Also missing is much of the era』s upbeat stuff on space exploration, technological marvels and cultural changes. As for the children』s predictions proving accurate, I am afraid I do not agree — albeit as a perennial optimist and enthusiast for the 21st century.



例句:She is an articulate young woman.她是一個口才很好的年輕女子。

Photo credit: Getty Images

For me, the Tomorrow』s World clip has highlighted how we should be wary of basing prognostication on what is currently fashionable. Modish concerns rarely turn out to be on the money.


The late Adrian Berry, a British science writer and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, went so far as to argue that humans fret over imaginary dangers, and that the degree of panic tends to be in inverse proportion to real peril.

已故的英國科學作家阿德里安?貝里(Adrian Berry)是皇家天文學會(Royal Astronomical Society)的成員。他甚至認為,人類對想像中的危險感到擔憂,而恐慌程度往往與真正的危險成反比。

Photo credit: Getty Images

My nomination, then, for the leadingmisplacedfear of 2018 is artificial intelligence, which has dominated the future-gazing agenda for the past year.


misplaced [?m?s?ple?st]adj.寄託錯的

例句:Lenders rely on the misplaced loyalty of existing borrowers to make their profit.放貸人指望現有借貸人的盲目忠誠來謀求利益。

Photo credit: Getty Images

There are many reasons for believing AI will not turn out be the monster so many fear. Frontline AI experts I have met, such as Ralf Herbrich, Amazon』s head of machine learning, believe claims made for the technology areoverblown.

有很多理由相信AI不會像很多人所擔心的那樣變成可怕的怪物。我見過的第一線AI專家——比如亞馬遜的機器學習主管拉爾夫?赫布里希(Ralf Herbrich)——相信,針對這項技術提出的說法誇大其詞了。

overblown [?o?v?r?blo?n]v.狂吹, (管樂器) 吹得過響

例句: Warnings of disaster may be overblown. 災害預警有被誇大的可能。

Photo credit: Getty Images

Without meaning to be flippant, a good reason for not giving today』s popular concern about AI much credence is precisely that it is a popular concern. If you are predicting what will really trouble us in the future, I commend you to look elsewhere.





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