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重溫一下這則新聞,用New York Times和BBC的方式打開。


NYT——『Frost Boy』 in China Warms Up the Internet, and Stirs Poverty Debate

BBC——Chinese boy with frozen hair reignites poverty debate

對冰花男孩的稱呼也分別為『frost boy』和『ice boy』

stir / ignite debate 引起討論


兩篇報道的開篇風格也不同,New York Times的文章以男孩王福滿的日常開始,用講故事的形式展開具體內容

On abitterly coldmorning this month, Wang Fuman, 8,set out forschool as he usually did,walking2.8 milesthrough mountains and streamsuntil he reached the warmth of his third-grade classroom.

When Fuman arrived two hours later, his classmateserupted in laughter.The freezing temperatures had covered his hair, eyebrows and eyelashes with frost, making him look like a snowman. His cheeks werechappedand bright red.

跋山涉水walk through mountains and streams(不過小福滿確實是要穿山過河)

erupt in laughter 中 erupt 這個動詞使用也頗為生動

chap v. 皸裂


An eight-year-old Chinese pupil,dubbed"Ice Boy" by social media users after images emerged of him arriving at school withswollenhands and frost on his hair and eyebrows, hassparked renewed discussiononline about child poverty.

dub 起綽號,把...稱為 ;swollen adj. 腫脹的(swell v.)


New York Times選擇的是

Thestate-run mediacalled him 「frost boy」 and 「ice boy.」

「Heartwarming,」 one user wrote onWeibo, a microblogging site. 「Pleasedon』t forget your original dreams.」

Some called hima national hero.

「Some people see beauty and hope in his simple and honest face,」 one newspaper wrote. 「From this little man, foreigners far away will see the great effort and strength of the Chinese nation.」


Many Weibo users posted messages praising Wang"sfortitude and perseverance. "This child knows that knowledge canchange his fate," says one.

But othersvoiced their concern, saying that their heartsachedfor him, especially seeing his swollen hands andthreadbareclothes.

"His frozen little red face and he"s wearing so little, he really looks pitiful," another user commented.

threadbare adj. 破舊的


Many families live inisolated areas cut off from modern roads, schools and hospitals. While urban areas are growing rapidly richer, about 500 million Chinese, or about 40 percent of the population, live on less than $5.50 per day, according to the World Bank.



But the photo of Fumanshined a light ontheplightof the tens of millions of so-calledleft-behind childrenwho grow up inimpoverished rural areaslargely on their own after their parents leave to work in big cities.

Thesocial fabricthat once held together the Chinese countryside isfalling apartas millions of workers move away tochase dreams of prosperity.



Many left-behind children like Fuman live with their grandparents. They face a variety ofobstacles, includingmalnutrition,dilapidatedhomes and poor access to transportation.Scores ofrural schools have been shut in recent years, forcing many children to travel long distances to attend classes.

obstacle n. 障礙 malnutrition n. 營養不良

dilapidated adj. 破舊的

Those difficulties contribute to highdropout ratesamong rural children, a crisis that ishurting China』s ability totrain a highly skilled work force.

dropout rates 輟學率



『his home is made of mud and brick and is very dilapidated』


Even though I』m nowan internet sensation,」 he said, 「I shouldn』t beproud.」








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