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#6英文 from 00:01 ;中文 from 02:33


I had taken to spending the night curled up in one of the tractor tires, and one morning I woke up to find a definite change in the air. It had the smell of a different season about it, and there was a heavy dew on the rubber. Summer was over.


I know now, although I didn』t then, that the start of autumn brings out the primitive urge that lurks in the breast of mankind, particularly in my part of the world. Men get together, arm themselves to the teeth, and go forth to do battle with thrushes, rabbits, snipe, or anything else that makes a suspicious sound in the bushes. It has been known for them to shoot each other, which is understandable if you』ve had a disappointing day with the rabbits and want something to take home to the wife. But I digress.


I had emerged from my tire, had a stretch, sniffed the breeze, and was expecting another dull day like any other when what I can only describe as an apparition came marching out of the house. It was the one in boots, and instead of his usual vest and moth-eaten trousers, he was arrayed in full jungle camouflage—mottled brown-and-green cap and matching jacket, bandolier of cartridges, a bag slung over one shoulder, a gun over the other, Nimrod the hunter in fancy dress.


As he came closer, I caught a whiff of stale blood from his bag—a great improvement, I may say, over the familiar bouquet of garlic, tobacco, and sweat—and I sensed that something was up. Sure enough, he untied me and indicated with his boot that I should join him in his van. I realize that this may not sound like the start of a perfect day to you, but I』d been on the end of that rope for months, and so you can imagine that I treated this as a great adventure. There』s a limit to one』s interest in ants, after all.


So off we went, leaving the road after a while to bump up a rough track before stopping. Nimrod got out but made me stay in the van. I heard barking and poked my nose through the window.



1、 原文:I had taken to spending the night curled up in one of the tractor tires, 我逐漸習慣了蜷縮在一個拖拉機輪胎里過夜。

take to doing sth 開始沉湎於,養成..習慣

For instance: 每天早上我都需要一杯咖啡來refresh myself,I』ve taken to having a cup of coffee in the morning.

curl up/be curled up 蜷曲著躺/坐


原文:It had the smell of a different season about it, and there was a heavy dew on the rubber. Summer was over. 聞起來有另一個季節的味道,輪胎上也附著一層厚厚的露水。夏天結束了。

smell n.氣味

For instance: (1)There was a sweet smell of cakes in the air. 空氣中有一股香甜的蛋糕味。(2)a faint smell of garlic 淡淡的蒜味

後文提到的the familiar bouquet of garlic也表示(熟悉的)大蒜味

3、armed to the teeth 武裝到牙齒;全副武裝

4、Sooff we went, leaving the road after a while to bump up a roughtrack before stopping. 我們驅車離開,不一會兒下了主路。沿著一條崎嶇的小徑顛簸了一陣兒才停下。

go off 離開(尤指去做某事)

For instance: She went off to get some biscuits.

這裡補充一下:down, off, up 等這類副詞以及here和there之後,名詞主語一般置於謂語之後。這類副詞常與come、go、walk等位移動詞連用。若主語為代詞(小說原文中出現的是代詞we),則不倒裝。例如:( 1 )Here comes a taxi! ( 2) Here it comes.

bump v.顛簸行進(+adv/prep)

For instance: The jeep bumped along the dirt track.吉普車在土路上顛簸著行駛。

5、poke v.露出,探出

補充:poke/stick your nose into sth (informal)多管閑事









Nighty Night~



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