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English around the world


世界上,以英語為母語的人有3億多,作為第二語言的也至少有3億多。世界上五分之一人口具備相當程度的英語水平。英語是70多個國家的官方或半官方語言,而且在其它許多國家起著非常重要的作用。除了常見的英國英語(British English)和美國英語(American English),我們來看看還有哪些英語吧?


(Australia and New Zealand English)

The vocabularies of Australian and New Zealand English are very similar. Both include words taken from the hundreds of languages that existed in these countries before the time of the European settlers. Examples are Alcheringa and haka, or indeed the Maori name for New Zealand itself (Aotearoa). This is being used increasingly in international contexts. The translation is 「the land of the long white cloud」.


2, 加拿大英語

(Canadian English)

Canadian English has been influenced by both British English and American English. In Canada both British and American spellings are used.



(English in Africa)

English is today the African continent』s single most widely used language. several different varieties have developed in the different regions of the continent. These include East African English and West African English. Each of these has its own characteristic vocabulary, which includes words of customs, food, etc.



(English in South Asia)

English has long been an important spoken and written language in South Asia, both in its own right and as mixed with Hindi, Urdu and other languages. The regional standard is often called Indian English, but many items are commonly used in the other countries of the subcontinent.

Of course, many words of South Asian origin form part of standard British English. These have become familiar because of the influence of the large number of people of Asian origin in Britain.


5, 東南亞英語

(English in South-East Asia)

Although no standard variety of English has emerged from this region, English is very important as a language of communication in countries such as Malaysia. In Singapore it is one of the four official languages. Word from this area include the names of some local products, for example tropical fruits (mangosteen), and there are also distinctive uses of English words (shoplot).


英語是當今世界使用最為廣泛的語言,由於母語干擾(mother tongue interference),各個地區的英語變體都有自己的當地特色,因此所謂的標準英語其實不存在。我們現在所學的英語一般為英國英語(British English)和美國英語(American English),這也是最為大家所熟知的兩種英語。有時候,由於英國和美國英語之間辭彙等用法不一樣,英美兩國人交流時也會出現很多誤會。

例如, 「pants」 在英式英語中指「內褲」,在美式英語中則指「長褲」。如果一個美國人稱讚一個英國人褲子很好看的話,他可能會說:「Nice pants!」 但是,聽到這句話的英國人則不一定會很開心,因為在英國,英國人把「長褲」叫做「trousers」,「pants」 是 「內褲」。



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