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1. 消除愚昧 eliminate ignorance

2. 掃除文盲 eliminate (wipe out ) illiteracy

3. 營造良好的文化環境 create a healthy cultural environment

4. 促進文化市場健康發展 facilitate the sound development of the markets for cultural products

5. 開展對外文化交流 conduct cultural exchange with other countries

6. 博採各國文化之長 draw on strong point of the cultures of other countries

7. 開展群眾性文化活動 carry out mass activities on culture

8. 保護文化遺產 protect cultural heritage

9. 繼承歷史文化優秀傳統 carry on the fine cultural traditions handed from history

carry on the fine historical and cultural traditions

10. 繁榮文學藝術 enable literature and art to flourish

promote flourishing literature and art

11. 舉行每年一次的學術會議 hold an annual academic meeting

12. 尊重知識,尊重人才 respect knowledge and respect competent people

13. 向世界展示中國文化建設的成就introduce China』s achievements of cultural advancement to the world

14. 加強文化基礎設施建設 build more cultural establishments

15. 提倡文明的生活方式 advocate civilized lifestyle(way of life)

16. 不注重歷史 neglect history

17. 推動人類文明進步 push forward human civilization

18. 對。。。持歡迎態度 take a welcoming attitude to

19. 與各國人民交往 communicate with people of all countries

20. 和。。。持相同觀點 share views similar to

21. 促進兒童身心健康發展 promote the healthy development of children both physically and mentally

22. 改進教學 improve teaching and learning

23. 保護文化遺產 protect cultural relics

24. 觸擊現行法律的盲區 touch a blank area of the existing law

25. 增強自我保護意識 strengthen one』s awareness of protecting one』s right

26. 列為世界自然文化遺產 list …as a world natural heritage site

27. 以全新的面貌進入新世紀 enter the new century with a brand-new colorful look

28. 普及科普知識,傳播科學 popularize scientific and technological knowledge spread

思想,倡導科學精神 scientific thought and advocate the scientific spirit

29. 提高公務員的綜合素質 improve the overall quality of civil servants

30. 通過資格考試 pass qualification examinations

31. 舉辦文化節 / 展覽會 hold (conduct, give) cultural festivals / an exhibition

32. 普及九年制義務教育 make nine-year compulsory education universal

33. 精心編寫教材 compile the textbooks with great care

34 承擔應有的義務 undertake the due obligations

35. 促進相互了解 enhance (further) mutual understanding

36. 相互促進 help each other forward

37. 互派訪問學者 exchange visiting scholars

38. 交換意見 exchange views (ideas, opinions)

39. 反映中國的燦爛文化 reflect the rich culture of China

40. 容納三千名旅客 accommodate 3000 passengers

41. 發揮...的聰明才智 develop one』s own talents and wisdom

42. 充分發揮知識分子的積極性和創造性的give full play to the initiative and creativity of intellectuals

43. 開設課程 offer courses

44. 重視實用性 place stress on practicality

45. 制止盜版軟體 control the pirated software

46. 提供受教育機會 offer a chance of education

47. 有力地推動教育的發展 give a big push to the development of education

48. 承前啟後,繼往開來 build on the past and prepare for the future; inherit the past and usher in the future

49. 物質文明,精神文明一起抓 pay equal attention to the material progress and cultural progress

50. 形成文明、健康、崇尚科學的社會風尚 form civilized, healthy and science - upholding social practice



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