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pple: We"ll pay $38B in taxes and add 20,000 jobs in the U.S.


Tim Cook: Corporations should have values

Tim Cook: 公司應該有自己的價值

Apple just made a bunch of big promises to the American economy.


The company said Wednesday that it will pay $38 billion in taxes on cash it has been keeping overseas. It also pledged to create 20,000 jobs and invest $30 billion in U.S. facilities over the next five years.


The $38 billion tax payment from bringing home overseas profits "would likely be the largest of its kind ever made," Apple said in a press release.

蘋果公司在一份新聞稿中說,因為將海外利潤帶回美國而導致的380億美元的納稅款 "可能是有史以來最大的一次"。

New U.S. tax rules mean companies like Apple can no longer avoid paying taxes on past international profits by holding the cash outside the United States. They must pay tax whether they bring the money back to the country or not.

美國的新稅法規定, 像蘋果這樣的公司不再能夠通過在美國以外的地方持有現金以來避免為過去的國際利潤繳稅。不管他們是否把錢帶回了美國,他們都必須繳稅。

American companies with global operations are now expected to pay hundreds of billions of dollars on the overseas profits they"ve amassed in recent decades

目前, 有全球業務的美國公司預計將為他們在近幾十年積累的海外利潤而支付數千億美元。


Apple also informed employees worldwide on Wednesday that they would receive a $2,500 stock bonus in response to the new U.S. tax code, according to a source familiar with the matter. Bloomberg, which reported the news earlier, said the bonus would be available to employees below a certain senior level.

據知情人士透露, 由於美國的新稅法,蘋果公司還於星期三告知全球員工, 他們將收到2500美元的股票紅利。彭博社早些時候報道了這一消息, 它稱這筆獎金將提供給低於一定級別的員工。

Apple employs about 123,000 full-time workers around the world. About 84,000 of those employees are based in the United States.


The $30 billion investment in the company"s facilities across the United States will include a new campus in a yet-to-be-disclosed location.


The campus will "initially house technical support for customers," according to the press release. Apple declined to give further details about the planned campus, saying more information will be disclosed later this year.

根據新聞稿說,這個校園將 「最初入住客戶的技術支持」。蘋果拒絕透露更多關於計劃中校園的細節,並表示今年晚些時候將公布更多信息。

Apple already has data centers in seven states. In August, the company announced plans to open a data center in Des Moines, Iowa, that would cost $1.3 billion and create 550 construction and operations jobs.

蘋果已經在七個州擁有數據中心。在 8月, 該公司宣布計劃在愛荷華州得梅因設立一個數據中心, 耗資13億美元, 創造550的建築和運營工作機會。

CEO Tim Cook also tweeted images Wednesday of a groundbreaking ceremony for a data center in Reno, Nevada.

CEO Tim Cook還在星期三為內華達州雷諾市的一個數據中心的奠基儀式上在推特上發了照片。

Apple claims these new investments combined with its "current pace of spending with domestic suppliers and manufacturers" will add about $350 billion to the U.S. economy over the next five years.

蘋果公司聲稱, 這些新投資加上其 「目前與國內供應商和製造商的花費走勢", 將在未來五年內為美國經濟增加約3500億美元。


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