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紐約時報雙語 特朗普的「假新聞獎」頒給了誰?

Trump Hands Out 『Fake News Awards,』 Sans the Red Carpet


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump — who gleefully questioned President Barack Obama』s birthplace for years without evidence, long insisted on the guilt of the Central Park Five despite exonerating proof and claimed that millions of illegal ballots cost him the popular vote in 2016 — wanted to have a word with the American public about accuracy in reporting.

華盛頓——唐納德·特朗普總統多年興緻勃勃地質疑貝拉克·奧巴馬(Barack Obama)總統的出生地卻拿不出證據;長期堅稱「中央公園五罪犯」(Central Park Five)有罪,對顯示其無辜的證據視而不見;宣稱數以百萬計的非法選票導致他輸掉了2016年的普選。現在,他想和美國民眾談談新聞報道的準確性。

On Wednesday, after weeks of shifting deadlines, and cryptic clues, Trump released his long-promised 「Fake News Awards,」 an anti-media project that had alarmed advocates of press freedom and heartened his political base.

周三,在最後期限多次延後和線索撲朔迷離的數周后,特朗普公布了承諾已久的「假新聞獎」(Fake News Awards)。這個反媒體項目讓媒體自由倡導人士感到擔憂,但也鼓舞了他的核心支持者。

「And the FAKE NEWS winners are ...,」 he wrote on Twitter at 8 p.m. Eastern time.


The message linked, at first, to a malfunctioning page on GOP.com, the Republican National Committee website. An error screen read: 「The site is temporarily offline, we are working to bring it back up. Please try back later.」


When the page came back online less than an hour later, it resembled a Republican Party news release. Headlined 「The Highly Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards」 and attributed to 「Team GOP,」 it included a list of Trump administration accomplishments and jabs at news organizations presented in the form of an 11-point list.

當頁面在不到一小時後恢復時,看起來是共和黨的一篇新聞稿。頁面上標題寫著《備受期待的2017年假新聞獎》(The Highly Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards),落款是「共和黨團隊」(Team GOP),內容包括一份清單,分11點列舉了特朗普政府的成就和對新聞機構的抨擊。

The 「winners」 were CNN, mentioned four times; The New York Times, with two mentions; and ABC, The Washington Post, Time and Newsweek, with one mention apiece.

「贏家」是CNN,被提到四次;《紐約時報》,被提到兩次;ABC、《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington Post)、《時代》(Time)雜誌和《新聞周刊》(Newsweek)各一次。

Taken as a whole, Trump』s examples of grievances came as no surprise to anyone who had read his complaints about the media on Twitter.


The various reports singled out by Trump touched on serious issues, like the media』s handling of the investigation by the special counsel Robert Mueller into the Trump campaign』s possible ties to Russia, and frivolous matters, like the manner in which journalists conveyed how the president fed fish during a stop at a koi pond on his visit to Japan.

被特朗普挑出來的報道種類各異,涉及的既有嚴肅的問題,比如媒體對特別檢察官羅伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller)領導的特朗普競選團隊通俄調查的處理,也有瑣事,如記者報道總統訪問日本期間在一個錦鯉池塘旁餵魚的方式。

The first item on the list referred not to a news article but to a short opinion piece posted on The Times』 website at 12:42 on the night Trump became president: 「The New York Times』 Paul Krugman claimed on the day of President Trump』s historic, landslide victory that the economy will 『never』 recover,」 the entry read.

榜單第一項並非一篇新聞文章,而是《紐約時報》網站在特朗普當選總統那天晚上12:42刊登的一則觀點短評:「在特朗普具有歷史意義的壓倒性獲勝當天,《紐約時報》的保羅·克魯格曼(Paul Krugman)聲稱經濟將『永不』復甦,」該條目寫道。

What Krugman actually wrote was this: 「If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.」 Krugman concluded his election night take by predicting that a global recession was likely, while adding the caveat, 「I suppose we could get lucky somehow.」


Three days later, Krugman retracted his prediction of an economic collapse, saying he overreacted.


The next target was Brian Ross of ABC News, who was suspended by the network last month because of an erroneous report.

下一個攻擊對象是美國廣播公司新聞網(ABC News)的布賴恩·羅斯(Brian Ross),上個月,他因一篇錯誤報道被新聞網停職。

ABC apologized for and corrected Ross』 report that Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser, planned to testify that Trump had directed him to make contact with Russian officials when Trump was still a candidate.

布賴恩·羅斯報道稱,美國前國家安全顧問邁克爾·弗林(Michael Flynn)打算作證,表示特朗普在還是候選人時曾指示他去接觸俄羅斯官員,ABC新聞為該報道致歉並作了更正。

In fact, Trump had directed Flynn to make contact after the election, when he was president-elect.


At the time of Ross』 suspension, Kathleen Culver, the director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said that the president was likely to use the mistake as ammunition against his political opponents — an observation that seemed borne out by the 「Fake News Awards.」

羅斯被停職時,威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)新聞倫理中心主任凱瑟琳·卡爾福(Kathleen Culver)曾表示,總統很可能將這一失誤用作攻擊政敵的彈藥——這一評論似乎得到了「假新聞獎」的證實。

The third entry on the GOP.com list went after CNN, a favorite target of the president, for reporting incorrectly last month that the president』s eldest child, Donald Trump Jr., had received advance notice from WikiLeaks about a trove of hacked documents that it planned to release during last year』s presidential campaign.

共和黨網站GOP.comd榜單上收錄的第三名送給了CNN,這是特朗普最愛的攻擊對象,因上個月對總統長子小唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump Jr.)的報道有誤上榜。報道稱去年總統大選期間,維基解密(WikiLeaks)在即將披露一大批黑客竊取文件前先知會了小唐納德·特朗普。

In fact, the email to the younger Trump was sent a day after the documents, stolen from the Democratic National Committee, were made available to the general public. The correction undercut the main thrust of CNN』s story, which had been seized on by critics of the president as evidence of coordination between WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign.

事實上,小唐納德·特朗普收到的郵件是在這些從民主黨全國委員會(Democratic National Committee)竊取來的文件公布以後才發出的。這一糾正削弱了CNN報道的主要爆點,而特朗普的批評者一度正是抓住這一點,稱維基解密和特朗普競選團隊之間有合作。

Another entry on the list took on The Washington Post, claiming that it had 「FALSELY reported the President』s massive sold-out rally in Pensacola, Florida was empty. Dishonest reporter showed picture of empty arena HOURS before crowd started pouring in.」


The reporter in question was David Weigel, who had posted the photo in question on his Twitter account before quickly deleting it. The Post itself did not publish the photo or a report on the size of the crowd at the Trump event. The 「Fake News Awards」 entry, however, conflated a reporter』s tweet with the publication itself. It also omitted the fact that Weigel deleted his tweet and apologized for it when it was pointed out to him that it was misleading. Further, it did not mention that Trump had called for Weigel to be fired over the tweet. (He was not.)

這名出問題的記者是戴維·韋格爾(David Weigel),他在自己的Twitter賬戶上發布了這張問題照片後很快便將其刪除。《華盛頓郵報》本身並未發布這張照片,或發表有關特朗普本次活動觀眾規模的報道。而「假新聞獎」的榜單混淆了一名記者的推文和出版物本身。它同樣沒提到韋格爾刪除了推文,並在人們向他指出圖片有誤導性之後為此道歉。此外,它也沒提及特朗普呼籲就此事解僱韋格爾。(韋格爾未被解僱。)

The content of the 11-point list was perhaps less notable than its premise: a sitting president using his bully pulpit for a semi-formalized attack on the free press.


In two subsequent tweets Wednesday night, Trump added that there were 「many great reporters I respect」 and defended his administration』s record in the face of 「a very biased media.」


From the beginning, the awards were the sort of Trumpian production that seemed easy to mock but difficult to ignore. Members of the news media joked about the speeches they would prepare, the tuxedos and gowns they would fetch. It would be an honor, they said, just to be nominated.


Here, it seemed, was the opéra bouffe climax of Trump』s campaign against the media, a bizarro-world spectacle that both encapsulated and parodied the president』s animus toward a major democratic institution.


Late-night comedy shows created satirical Emmys-style advertising campaigns to snag what some referred to as a coveted 「Fakey.」


「The Late Show With Stephen Colbert」 bought a billboard in Times Square, nominating itself in categories like 「Least Breitbarty」 and 「Corruptest Fakeness.」 Jimmy Kimmel, who has emerged as a Trump bête noire, called it 「the Stupid People』s Choice Awards.」

《斯蒂芬·科爾伯特深夜秀》(Late Show with Stephen Colbert)在時報廣場買了一塊廣告牌,在「最不布萊巴特」和「最腐敗的假貨」獎項下提名了自己。已經有了特朗普死敵的名聲的吉米·基梅爾(Jimmy Kimmel)稱之為「愚蠢人民選擇獎」。

Trump』s list did not mention BuzzFeed, a media outlet that drew his ire last year when it published a salacious and largely unsubstantiated intelligence dossier that purported to lay out how Russia had aided the Trump campaign. On Jan. 8, Trump』s longtime lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, filed a defamation lawsuit in federal court against Fusion GPS, the firm behind the report, as well as a separate lawsuit against BuzzFeed in state court.

特朗普的榜單並未提及去年惹怒了自己的媒體BuzzFeed,該網站曾發布了一篇低俗而基本上沒有事實依據的情報檔案,自稱從中能看出俄羅斯如何幫助了特朗普競選。1月8日,長期擔任特朗普律師的邁克爾·D·科恩(Michael D. Cohen)以誹謗罪向聯邦法院起訴了在這篇報道背後的Fusion GPS公司,並在州法院另外起訴了BuzzFeed。

Trump also did not mention Michael Wolff, the author of the slashing, if error-specked, best-seller, 「Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,」 although a lawyer working on his behalf had sent a letter demanding that the publisher Henry Holt and Co. halt publication of the book.

特朗普也沒有提及邁克爾·沃爾夫(Michael Wolff)——雖有瑕疵但來勢兇猛的暢銷書《炮火與怒火——特朗普的白宮內部》(Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House)的作者。但已有一位代表特朗普的律師向出版商亨利·霍爾特出版公司(Henry Holt and Co.)致信,要求停止這本書的發行。

「Fire and Fury」 did not come out until Jan. 5, so perhaps the author will receive a prominent mention next January, if the president sees fit to give out the 2018 Fake News Awards.





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