Hi Small Cat
Turning 13 aye? Fast life isn"t it, had fun with big cat?
Nice sharing last night, you even made a time capsule! Jot down some notes here for future reference?
As said life is like a toilet roll, the nearer to the end the faster it goes, lucky everyone feels the same.
Top on the list is to recognise n stay away from empty bollocks that melt your heart but stale your mind, for 2 good reasons: it"s either from dumb-arses or smart-arses.
Also run away from horseshit that triggers your anger or curiosity, it"s from people with malicious intent.
Save your precious curiosity for mother nature and spare the human world, nothing new under the sun.
Now you are nearly 13, we need 5-yr small plans n 10-yr milestone targets, just like the Chinese govt does, hence the envy-of-the world progress.
Targets n goals need to be tangible, quantifiable n measurable.
I"ve reached all my 2nd milestone targets, 3 yrs late for the 3rd one now I"m running out of time n breath for the 4th, please learn from my mistakes, adjust your own action plan n timetable. Time and tide wait for no one.
4 Quotients worth your attention: Your IQ is genetic, EQ can be improved by keen observation n perceptiveness, cultural quotient relies on extensive travel experience, and your financial quotient determines how far you can go.
Did I mention none of the above will be part of your school curriculum...SAD but true.
還有些技能決定人與人最終差別的:比如語言駕馭,醫藥保健,銷售技巧。都變啞巴那人和人區別也不大了對吧; 現代人很多病都是無知自取; 每個人終身都在銷售。
Other factors that set one apart from the crowd: command of language, knowledge of health, your sales tactics, etc. After all if everyone is mute there"s little difference remaining; Many diseases are ignorance-induced; You need sales tactics since one way or another you will be selling something to someone.
這些學校也都不教, 你該好好想想為啥了。
Again these won"t be taught in schools either, you might as well start pondering why.
給個三年大貓倒是可以把知道的都教你, 當然前提是你想學。
Allow big cat 3 yrs I can transfer most of my knowledge to you, of course that"s if you want me to.
Independent thinking is paramount. Follow the herd might get you slaughtered.
Now how to think independently? As a child you can start by being skeptical on every ready statement thrown to you.
Success stories are hardly ever enlightening, simply too many alternatives these days! To identify what you excel most takes time, but once you find it, waste no time to get to the top of that food chain, chain reaction will take care of the rest.
If you tried and failed, many times, no need to get crestfallen, don"t be too hard on yourself, life is short, come back to big cat n there"re many ways to enjoy it.
Wise quote from a student: "Only 3 types of people exist in this world, slaves, slave-owners and free spirits."
The last option sounds great.
Last but not least, eat more and hit 5"9"". Never enough handsome guys in the world, and I"m yet to meet one.
TAG:同傳Gigi |