首頁 > 最新 > 《都市語境下的工業建築》gmp新書發布


臨港投資公司標準廠房「條碼」外立面Marcus Bredt


In the last two decades a number of industrial architecture projects have been realized by the architects』 practice von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) in China. They all are giving landscapes and urban areas a whole new character – as individual buildings with the opportunity of formulating their own corporate identity. With the title 「Industrial Buildings in an Urban Context」, the publication impressively illustrates the approach to industrial building design. The book launch on January 26 in Shanghai is accompanied by the preopening of an exhibition featuring the esthetics and functional design in architecture and fashion.

漕河涇現代服務業集聚區三塔辦公樓Christian Gahl

漕河涇科匯大廈 Hans-Georg Esch

《都市語境下的工業建築》共480頁,收錄了評論、訪談以及四十餘和項目的具體介紹,輔以豐富的圖紙和實景照片。同濟大學建築與城市規劃學院教授、《時代建築》雜誌主編支文軍和在耶魯大學任教十六年的建築評論家、策展人、歷史和教育學家Nina Rappaport為該書撰寫了評論文章,對中國以及世界當代工業建築發表了自己的見解。《都市語境下的工業建築》一書應在中國產業結構巨大變革的背景下加以理解,與高密度城市核心商業建築刻畫出令人過目難忘的天際線有所不同,工業建築的發展仍稍顯「邊緣化」,儘管其在中國建造總量中所佔據的份額一直持續穩定增長。

The work comprises 480 pages with interviews, essays and descriptions of over 40 industrial projects with numerous photographs and drawings. Among the authors are the renowned Prof. Zhi Wenjun, professor at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University in Shanghai, and the editor in chief of Time & Architecture as well as Nina Rappaport, an architectural critic, curator, historian and educator, who has been publications director at Yale School of Architecture for over 16 years – both contributed scientific articles on contemporary industrial architecture in China and worldwide. The book is to be understood in the context of a changing perception of industrial buildings in China. Unlike spectacular urban development projects and high density inner-city commercial districts giving rise to dramatic new skylines, the development of industrial and commercial buildings seems to be more a 「peripheral」 phenomenon – although its share in China』s overall construction volume is growing continuously.

漕河涇浦江地鐵廣場 Christian Gahl

華為成都研發中心 Christian Gahl


The book illustrates that several of the industrial architecture projects by gmp include the development of large urban sites or the creation of a whole new character for previously faceless areas. This book brings together a number of individual buildings and developments according to their typology, highlighting the approaches to industrial building design that gmp has pursued in each project. Most of the featured projects were commissioned and completed in Shanghai by the Shanghai Lingang Economic Development Group and the Shanghai Caohejing Hi-Tech Park Corporation. The selection is rounded off by similar commissions completed in China and Germany.

中國電信信息園區網管及維護中心機房 Jan Siefke

漕河涇新洲大廈 Hans-Georg Esch


The book launch event is followed by the opening of the exhibition 「architecture x fashion, gmp x ICICLE, a dialog」. Selected industrial projects from the publication are photographically paired with clothes designed by ICICLE. The declared design objective of both disciplines - fashion and architecture - is an uncompromising fusion of esthetics and function. The exact balancing of these two aspects is an important cornerstone of both gmp』s and ICICLE』s corporate philosophy. Large scale photo panels are supplemented with facade material and fabric samples, to allow the visitor both a visual comparison and the opportunity to touch the respective 「skins」.

中國人壽數據中心 Christian Gahl

之禾時尚產業園 Wilmore


Our sincere gratitude goes to Tongji Press and ICICLE space, who have contributed a lot to the book, book launch and exhibition.

新書封面 gmp Architects




中文/英文,480頁,21.8x27.7 cm,精裝

ISBN 978-7-5608-7114-1

Published by Meinhard von Gerkan, Nikolaus Goetze. Shanghai: Tongji Press, 2017.

Chinese/English, 480 pages with photographs. Format 21.8x27.7 cm, hardcover, linen with book jacket.

ISBN 978-7-5608-7114-1



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