首頁 > 最新 > Dalioの原則-個人生活歷程(5)-人生贏家





第 58 篇小文


Ch 5:The ultimate boon(1995-2010)

Ch 6:Returning the boon(2011-2015)

Ch 7:My last year and my greatest challenge(2016-2017)

Ch 8:Looking back from a higher level

橋水基金在 Ray Dalio 的系統原則化經營管理下,呈穩步發展狀態。為了將財富傳承給更多代子孫輩,Dalio 於 1996 年研究創新出 「全天候資產組合(All Weather Portfolio)」,一種適用於所有環境的投資方法,12年後成為重塑行業的新概念,現在統稱這種模式為 「風險平價(risk parity)」 投資。

隨著公司規模的不斷擴大,新管理者的不斷加入,Dalio 開始於 2006 年起,草擬 「工作原則」 列表,並分發給公司管理者們,以便他們自行評估、討論和理解這些原則。為了更有效的踐行 「極度透明和極度真實(radical truth and radical transparency)」 的工作理念,Dalio 在公司內部開始推行會議錄音,彙整成可用於培訓的 「虛擬現實(virtual reality)」 案例研究材料,引進 MBIT 及其他心理測試,創建 「棒球卡(Baseball Cards)」 作為分派任務的參考指標。

圖 網路

毫不意外,這些方式的一開始,難免有不少的反對與抵制之聲,但隨之而來的常規化後,人們也開始習慣了這種像家庭成員般彼此坦誠相待的工作模式,摘掉人際交往的公事化面具,保持真實的自我,以舒適的狀態來寓工作於生活(people gained the sort of comfort that comes with just being themselves at work that family members have with each other at home)。

Dalio 花了30多年時間構建的利用電腦系統收集分析信息的投資管理方式,有效地幫他預測到了 2008 年債務危機,為客戶保駕護航避免損失的同時,還協助決策者(policymaker)提供意見。儘管一路走來,計算機的作用功不可沒,但 Dalio 始終堅信,只有人才有能力發現這種做法,進而讓計算機運行指令。成功的關鍵只能是正確的人才與人機之間的合作。

As much as I love and have benefited from artificial intelligence, I believe that only people can discover such things and them program computers to do them. That』s why I believe thatthe right people, working with each other and with computers, are the key to success.

Dalio 的公司收益於 2010 年達到史上最高,儘管公司業績越來越好,Dalio 反而越謹慎,提醒自己不宜擴張太快太大,以免竭澤而漁(we were always careful to stay safely short of being too big, lest we kill the goose that lays the golden eggs)。

而 「木秀於林,風必摧之」,鑒於外界對橋水公司的諸多猜測,Dalio 決定在 2010 年底公開他的 「原則」,將其做事的方式方法與理由整理成條,公布在網站上。出乎意料地,竟有超過 300 萬人下載閱讀並宣稱很多原則改變了他們的生活,甚至還有自費將其譯成本國語言廣為傳閱的。

Dalio 認為,人生無非三個階段:


第一階段:我們依賴他人,我們學習(we are dependent on others and we learn)

第二階段:他人依賴我們,我們工作(others depend on us and we work)

第三階段:他人不再依賴我們,我們也不必再工作時,我們可以自由體驗生活(when others no longer depend on us and we no longer have to work, we are free to savor life)

而自己的第二階段已近尾聲,可以開始考慮往第三階段過渡了,所以在 2011 年元旦時,62歲的 Dalio 宣布,準備卸任橋水基金 CEO 的職務,轉以顧問的身份協助繼任者儘快承擔起管理職責,完成公司的轉型進程。為此 Daio 設計了 「Ray gap」 日誌,用以分析與考察其他人與自己的不同特性,最後發現最大的區別在於 「塑造(shape)」 。

成功的企業轉型並非一蹴而就,總得費些時日且幾多波折,Dalio 還為此諮詢了管理大師吉姆·柯林斯,得到的建議是:想要成功轉型,只需要做兩件事 --讓勝任的人做CEO,同時擁有一套有效的治理機制,可以在CEO無法勝任的情況下替換他(to transition well, there are only two things that you need to do: pur capable CEOs in place and have a capable governance system to replace the CEOs if they』re not capable)。

這裡的有效治理,指的是有一套制衡機制,確保一個組織不管誰在什麼時候做領導人,都會無比堅強有力(governance is the system of checks and balances ensuring that an organization will be stronger than whoever happens to be leading it at any one time)。

圖 網路

Dalio 最終在 2017年 4 月正式卸任橋水 CEO 職務,開始他人生的第三個階段,在回顧大半生個人經歷時,他總結了自己的認知變化進程,也很值得我們深思:

When I started out, each and every twist and turn I encountered, whether in the markets or in my life in general, looked really big and dramatic up close, like unique life-or-death experiences that were coming at me fast.

最初遭遇的每一次波折,無論是工作還是生活中,都顯得非常重大且十萬火急,就像某種獨特的生死攸關的經歷,奔涌而來。好在隨著時間的流逝,經驗的累積,發現每一次的挫折也不過是 「類似情境的重現」,開始嘗試著直面挫折,不再抱怨,而是通過更有建設性的方式找到有效的應對方法。

With time and experience, I came to see each encounter as 「another one of those」 that I could approach more calmly and analytically. Instead of feeling frustrated or overwhelmed, Isaw pain as nature』s reminder that there is something important for me to learn.


Since life brings both ups and downs, struggling well doesn』t justmake your ups better; itmakes your downs less bad.

生活總有起伏,努力拚搏為的是讓順境更順,逆境沒那麼逆。Dalio 用自已一路走來的經歷,從一文不名到財富不菲,從籍籍無名到功成名就,分享了他最真實的感受:

Having the basics -- a good bed to sleep in, good relationships, good food, and good sex -- is most important, and those things don』t get much better when you have a lot of money or much worse when you have less. And the people one meets at the top aren』t necessarily more special than those one meets at the bottom or in between.

擁有最基本的東西,如一張舒適的床、良好的人際關係、美食、美好的性生活等,是最重要的,而這些東西並不會因擁有金錢的多寡而有明顯變化。在頂層遇到的人並不一定比在中下層遇到的更特別。簡言之,最關鍵的核心是:發掘自己的性格,過與性格相適應的生活,才是最幸福的(the happiest people discover their own nature and match their life to it)。


Words & Expressions

The Federal Reserve couldn』t lower interest rates tocushion the blow, as was the case in 1930-32.

cushion the blow, 也可寫作soften the blow, 表示 「說話悠著點兒,減輕,緩解…」,to make something unpleasant easier for someone to accept, or to make a bad situation less serious;

例句:Letting some one resign is a way to soften/cushion the blow.

例句:Factories had closed, and thousands were out of work, without unemployment insurance to cushion the blow.

Finding investors who have done well in all economic environments -- when inflationrises and when itfalls, when there arebooms and when there arebusts -- is likefinding needles in a haystack, and they don』t live forever so that』s not a viable path.

學習四個有關經濟漲跌的動詞 rise, fall, boom, bust,find needles in a haystack -- 大海撈針

From the get-goI had toggled acceptably between investment management and business management. [一開始]

It seemed to me that that way of investing or managing an organization was obsolete, likereading a map instead of following a GPS. [形容方式/作法落伍]

Success is adouble-edged sword. [雙刃劍]

Australians call it the 「tall poppy syndrome」, because the tallest poppies in a field are the ones most likely to have their heads whacked off.[tall poppy syndrome-高罌粟綜合征,同我們的 「木秀於林,風必摧之」 一個道理]

It isthe rare birdwho has the right mix of common sense, creativity, and character to shape change. [鳳毛麟角]

It』s tough to be tough on people. [學會快刀斬亂麻,並不是件容易的事]

We were still in the calm before the storm. [暴風雨前的平靜]

Most people who see the worldthrough the lens of the mediatend to look for who is good and who is evil rather than what thevested interestsand relative powers are and how they are being played out. [through the lens of the media - 透過媒體的稜鏡,vested interests - 既得利益]




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