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Donald Trump and the many meanings of genius 川普到底是哪門派天才

When Donald Trump described himself as a 「very stable genius」, even some of his supporters sniggered. The US president is clearly not a genius in any normal sense of the word. Rex Tillerson, his ownsecretary of state, isreputed【1】to have described his boss as a 「f***ing moron」.

當唐納德?特朗普(Donald Trump)稱自己是一個「精神狀態非常穩定的天才」時,就連他的一些支持者都在竊笑。這位美國總統顯然不屬於任何通常意義上的天才。他的國務卿雷克斯?蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)據稱曾形容自己的老闆是個「操蛋的白痴」。

【1】repute:聽說;耳聞 If you know someone by repute, you have never met them but you have heard or read about them.

Eg.I only knew him by repute.我只是聽說過他。

But Mr Trump has a legitimate claim to three other kinds of 「genius」: political genius, instinctive genius and evil genius. Moral disgust with Mr Trump means that his opponents are reluctant to credit him with any kind of intelligence or success. But that kind of thinking, while understandable, is also dangerous. It is one reason why the president frequentlywrongfoots【2】his opponents.


【2】wrongfoot:使措手不及;使倉皇失措;使方寸大亂 If you wrong-foot someone, you surprise them by putting them into an unexpected or difficult situation.

Eg.He has surprised his supporters and wrong-footed his opponents with his latest announcement.


As Mr Trump pointed out, whenmaking his own immodest claim to 「genius」,he achieved something unprecedented in modern American history. He was a complete political outsider who won the presidency on his first attempt. His enemies would point to the current government shutdown to suggest that the presidentis nonetheless completely unfit to govern.But Trump supporters will respond by pointing to a growing economy, and the passage of the first large-scale tax reform in more than 30 years.


Mr Trump campaigned on themes — protectionism, isolationism, opposition to immigration — that the political establishment was convinced weresure-fire【3】losers, and even un-American. His political instincts told him otherwise. Steve Bannon, Mr Trump』sestranged【4】campaign manager, was the man with the grand theories about economics and culture,larded with 【5】references toobscure and sinisterEuropean philosophers. Mr Trump was guided by an instinct that told him that he could smash taboos and not just fail to pay a price, but actually be rewarded.

當初特朗普的競選主題是保護主義、孤立主義和反對移民,而政壇體制內人士確信這些理念必然失敗,甚至是非美國的。但政治直覺告訴他其實不然。與特朗普鬧僵的競選經理史蒂夫?班農(Steve Bannon)在經濟和文化方面有一些宏大的理論,還經常援引一些鮮為人知且惡毒的歐洲哲學家。特朗普的直覺告訴他,他可以打破禁忌,而且不僅不用付出代價,實際上還能得到回報。

【3】sure-fire:必定成功的;准不會有錯的 A sure-fire thing is something that is certain to succeed or win.

Eg.If something"s a sure-fire hit then Radio One will play it.如果哪首歌一定會火,那麼第一頻道肯定會播出。

【4】estranged:[??stre?nd?d](因與親朋發生爭吵而)疏遠的,不和的,不來往的 If you are Eg.estranged from your family or friends, you have quarrelled with them and are not communicating with them.

Eg.He was laid to rest yesterday without a final goodbye from his estranged son...他昨天去世了,關係疏遠的兒子沒來作最後的道別。

【5】lard with:(在言談或文章中)充斥,大量夾雜(某類詞語) If speech or writing is larded with particular types of words, it contains a lot of them or too many of them.

Eg.Official speeches in recent days have been larded with promises of democracy.近日官方在講話中滿口對民主的承諾。

The number of Mr Trump』s offences against truth and decency are too long to remember, let alone list. But they have a common theme. Time and again the mainstream media (of which I am a proud member) would proclaim that he had gone too far this time and that he was surely finished. Time and again, Mr Trump would prove them wrong and come back stronger. The things that failed to kill him politically — in particularracism [?re?s?z?m]andmisogyny【6】— actually made him stronger.


【6】misogyny:厭惡女性 Misogyny is a strong dislike of women.

That is why it is also legitimate to describe Mr Trump as an 「evil」 genius. He has deliberately used lies and offensive language to stoke up America』s culture wars and racial tensions, confident that he will benefit politically. There is a direct connection between the current row about the president』s complaint about immigration from 「shithole{[???tho?l],極其骯髒的地方;令人厭惡的地方}countries」 and the campaign that launched his political career — the 「birther」 lie that President Barack Obama was not born in the US.

這就是為什麼把特朗普形容為一個「邪惡」天才也合情合理。他故意用謊言和攻擊性語言來煽動美國國內的文化戰爭和種族矛盾,相信自己可以在政治上受益。特朗普對來自「糞坑國家」(shithole countries)移民的抱怨所引發的爭吵,與當年啟動他政治生涯的「birther」運動——質疑巴拉克?奧巴馬(Barack Obama)總統並非出生在美國——可謂一脈相承。

Mr Trump and many of his supporters aretacitly【7】defending the idea of America as a 「white country」. The president』s opponents are right to describe this as a racist vision. But they may be wrong in thinking that this is a decisive argument. By the 2040s, the US is predicted to be 「majority-minority」. Whites will be still be the largest ethnic group in the country, but they will be less than 50 per cent of the population. Byrailing against【8】Mexicans, Muslims and Haitians, and calling for more immigration from Norway, Mr Trump is appealing directly to voters who feel angry about that racial and demographic shift. The current government shutdown is also linked to these issues, since it is caused by the president』srefusalto accept anamnesty【9】for illegal immigrants who arrived as children.


【7】tacit:[?t?s?t]默認的;默許的;不言而喻的 If you refer to someone"s tacit agreement or approval, you mean they are agreeing to something or approving it without actually saying so, often because they are unwilling to admit to doing so.

Eg.The rebels enjoyed the tacit support of elements in the army.


【8】rail against:(大聲)責罵,呵斥 If you rail against something, you criticize it loudly and angrily.

Eg.He railed against hypocrisy and greed...他痛斥偽善和貪婪的行為。

【9】amnesty:[??mn?sti]赦免;大赦 An amnesty is an official pardon granted to a group of prisoners by the state.

Eg.Activists who were involved in crimes of violence will not automatically be granted amnesty. 參與暴力犯罪的激進分子將不會自動得到赦免。

It should never be forgotten that a majority of white Americans voted for Mr Trump. Are these voters likely to turn away in disgust now because of the president』s 「shithole【10】country」 comments? Or are they more likely quietly to agree? The record suggests that Mr Trump knows exactly what he is doing.永遠不應忘記的是,多數美國白人投票支持特朗普。這些選民現在可能會因為他的「糞坑國家」言論就出於厭惡而改變立場嗎?還是更有可能默默地表示贊同?記錄似乎表明,特朗普很清楚自己在做什麼。

【10】shithole:[???tho?l](taboo, slang)a very dirty or unpleasant place極其骯髒的地方;令人厭惡的地方

His ideas about race and immigration arenasty【11】— but they are also widely shared, and not just in America. Japan accepted 28 refugees in the whole of 2016, and precisely three in the first half of 2017. It is virtually impossible for non-ethnic Chinese to gain citizenship in the People』s Republic of China, whose citizenship laws make explicit reference to 「Chinese blood」. The EU has been split down the middle by the Polish and Hungarian governments』 refusal to accept EU-mandated quotas of refugees. The demand to 「take back control」 of British borders was fundamental to Britain』s Brexit vote. And the decline in Angela Merkel』spolitical fortunesin Germany has been closely linked to the chancellor』s decision to open her country』s borders to more than 1m refugees.

雖然他關於種族和移民的觀念令人討厭——但這些觀念也是廣泛抱有的,而且不僅限於美國。日本在整個2016年僅接收了28名難民,而2017年上半年的數字是3人。在中華人民共和國,非華裔移民幾乎不可能獲得公民身份,因為中國的國籍法明確提及「中國人的近親屬」。波蘭和匈牙利政府拒絕接受歐盟(EU)規定的難民配額,致使歐盟在這一問題上陷入分裂。要求對英國邊境「收回控制權」是英國退歐公投通過的根本原因。德國總理安格拉?默克爾(Angela Merkel)政治命運的下滑,與她向100多萬難民開放國門的決定密切相關。

【11】nasty:[?n?sti]令人不快的;令人厭惡的;惡劣的 Something that is nasty is very unpleasant to see, experience, or feel.

Eg.This divorce could turn nasty.這場離婚可能會撕破臉。

No European country has yet elected a Trump figure. But the continent』s politicians are tying themselves in knots trying to combine liberal principles with practical politics. President Emmanuel Macron speaks the language of tolerance, but is actually speeding updeportations of illegal migrantsand tightening border controls. And nobody in Ms Merkel』sCDU partyiscampaigning{[k?m?pe?n] }for theHungarian [h???ɡeri?n]government to rip down the border walls that helped to stop the flow of refugees into Germany.迄今還沒有歐洲國家選出一位特朗普式的領導人。但歐洲大陸的政客們正糾結於嘗試將自由主義原則與現實政治結合起來。埃馬紐埃爾?馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron)嘴上說著寬容,但實際上正在加速驅逐非法移民並收緊對邊境的控制。默克爾所在的基民盟(CDU)黨內也沒人呼籲匈牙利政府拆除幫助阻止難民湧入德國的邊境牆。

The fears and hatreds that the US president exploits exist well beyond his base. Liberal politicians need to find more effective policies and language to deal with those fears — or the 「very stable genius」 may continue to outsmart them.美國總統利用的恐懼和仇恨,遠不止存在於他的根基選民群體。自由派政界人士需要找到更有效的政策和話語來應對這些擔憂,不然的話,「精神狀態非常穩定的天才」可能繼續智勝他們。










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