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起初,做一個有耐心的老師對我來說是很困難的;對我妻子來說,讓她只使用一種外語而不混合她的母語也是有些困難的。我們都覺得我們兩個人的個性在每種語言中都是不同的。有時我開玩笑說,「我覺得我和兩個不同的女人結婚了,我發現這兩個女人都很迷人」; 而我妻子則經常「利用」我的好勝心態,比如她會說:「我的中文男朋友昨天對我非常好,我希望我的英語男朋友今天能像他」等等。





----- Rough English Translation -----

「My favorite things in life don』t cost any money. It』s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.」?—?Steve Jobs

That is one of my favorite quotes by someone I had the pleasure of calling a friend in my lifetime. It is not a new concept. Buddhist and many other philosophical and religious texts all cover this topic. But what Steve says is true. It just takes some of us—like me—longer to learn it. And for me the message was that I need to be clear about how I spend my limited time on earth. Not that I should be worried about it, just clear with regards to the 「how」.

So how do you become happy? I have written extensively on this, but it boils down to one thing: spend time doing your favorite things. But many people don』t know what their favorite things to do are, exactly. If you are one of these people, you need to have a serious conversation with yourself. No rush, sometimes things take time, but be sure to regularly ask yourself the question, 「What are the things I really like to do, the things that make me forget time and give me great satisfaction?」

「Sounds great James, you say, but how do I earn a living doing that? Should I just play games or read books all day and expect the rent to pay itself?」 No, not exactly, but you can endeavor to re-architect your life so you can earn enough to live on doing the things you enjoy doing. You just have to be really honest with yourself.


Also, if there are things you need to do such as work, chores, etc., that you need to finish in order to get more time to spend on what you enjoy, then take the time to ensure you endeavor to make those things fun and useful to do. You can make any activity fun if you adopt the proper mindset. Remember, any unhappiness you feel from a task is likely created from within yourself rather than anything outside yourself. Don』t blame your boss, co-workers, the weather, the economic situation, etc., instead look deeply into why you are feeling this way and yourself so good 「why…」 questions to probe at the root cause.

So, in my case, I figured out that making my wife and family happy is my favorite thing to do. Simply put, seeing them happy makes me extremely satisfied and intrinsically happy. And because I like making them happy, they enjoy it when I get time to read, write, take a walk or do the things that I like to do. A virtuous cycle is created. Yet I still have to go to work. So, I work for myself so that I can build my life around my favorite things. It also helps immensely that I really enjoy what I do and the people I work with. But it took time to get that way. You need to visualize yourself being happier with a different lifestyle. In my case, making the shift from the top of the corporate IT world (I was a CEO of a NASDAQ listed software company) to a founding startup in 2005 took courage and determination. But it was one of the smartest decisions I ever made in my life.

Let me give you an example of how my wife (a Beijing born Chinese) and I turned a potentially caustic relationship issue into one of the core pillars of our mutual bond. Communication can be difficult for a multi-cultural couple like my wife and I. One of the first things that needs to be decide is what language you are going to use. There is often some expectation around teaching each other』s language to each other. Sound logical but in practice it is a huge stress-creating monstrosity of an issue.

Instead of letting it become a factor in all our disagreements, we decided together to make a fun game out of it. There are 7 days in the week: 3 days we speak entirely in Chinese, 3 days we speak entirely in English and one day a week we have a free for all where you can speak any language. Recently our 「free day」 is turning into Japanese day where we watch Japanese TV and movies together with English and Chinese sprinkled in everywhere. The rules are simple. The native speaker is responsible for teaching on his/her days. The student can request help on certain things like, pronunciation, grammar, phrases, slang usage, etc. The student is the decision-maker and also enforces the one-language rule. The teacher must be a patient and well-mannered teacher at all times. But it is not a class environment or anything. Most of the time we are just talking normally, albeit in the one language for that day.

In the beginning, this was hard. It was difficult for me to be a patient teacher. For my wife, it was difficult for her to only use one language and not mix languages or revert to her mother tongue. But it is extremely fun, too! We both feel our personalities are different in each language and we play with that a lot. It feels like I am married to two different women, both of which I find fascinating and my wife leverages my competitive nature by saying things like, 「my Chinese-speaking boyfriend was unusually nice to me yesterday, I wish my English-speaking boyfriend could be more like him」, etc., so she gets what she wants out of it.

Fast forward two years and what used to be a real sore spot in our relationship is one of the more fun aspects of our daily life. After two years, this way it is totally natural to us now. I had to learn to be more patient and a better teacher on English days. The unexpected result is that my wife is actually invested in teaching me whereas before it often frustrated her. And vice-versa. If I thought more selfishly, I would feel I am 「giving up」 3 or 4 days a week that I could be using to speak and learn Chinese with her. But in reality, I now get 3 days of her really being invested in my learning and I give back the same, which helps her communicate better with my family, friends and makes her extremely happy. Three days of commitment from her a week to my learning is much better than everyday of her feeling she is giving without receiving.

What is a big issue in your relationship that you could 「gamify」 this way to make it mutually satisfying to yourself and your partner? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by starting with one issue at a time and turning a negative into a positive. Regarding the example above, I realized even if my Chinese became perfect, I would still not be happy unless my wife was truly happy. Once you get the alignment then solution becomes clear. As a couple, we take our issues on one at a time in this fashion and cherish the time we spend together. So far it has worked really well.






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