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When the Microorganisms in the Body Make Mischief (2)



Some people hate to do good deeds and only like to do wicked things, thinking they can gain advantages that way. This is because bad microorganisms are stirring up trouble, preventing such people from making the Bodhi resolve and causing their morals to degenerate.


Some microorganisms help cultivators bring forth the Bodhi resolve. These are microorganisms endowed with Buddha penetrations. Microorganisms that tell people to do good deeds are microorganisms with Bodhisattva penetrations.


Why do we take vitamins? It"s to fatten up these microorganisms. We can"t eattheirflesh, but they certainly do eat ours!


TheFlower Adornment Sutrasays that a human body is composed of an infinite number of microorganisms. If you think about it, these microorganisms are very messy. Yet you continue to slave and toil on their behalf, wanting to wear nice clothes, eat fine food, and live in a luxurious place. Isn"t this delusion?


When the microorganisms get together, they can make you so sick that no doctor can cure you. When the microorganisms see that they have beaten you, they clap their hands and laugh in glee. Some people hate to do good deeds and only like to do wicked things, thinking they can gain advantages that way. This is because bad microorganisms are stirring up trouble, keeping such people from making the Bodhi resolve and causing their morals to degenerate. If you don"t believe it, just cut open their flesh, wait a few days, and watch those microorganisms come alive!


How pathetic it is that we treasure our bodies so! It"s such a worthless cause to feed microorganisms! That"s what I say, whether you believe it or not. I"m saying it for the microorganisms to hear—I want them to know that there"s still someone in the world who knows what they"re up to!


A talk given on May 8, 1982

at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

(完 The End)




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