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Chinese Drugmakers Are Getting Opioids Into the U.S. Through the Postal Service


(WASHINGTON) — Congressional investigators said Wednesday that Chinese opioid manufacturers are exploiting weak screening at the U.S. Postal Service to ship large quantities of illegal drugs to American dealers。

(華盛頓)-國會調查人員星期三說, 中國的阿片類毒師們正在鑽美國郵政服務的篩選薄弱的空子, 向美國毒販運送大量違禁藥品。

opioid:[醫] 類罌粟鹼; 阿片類藥物(嗎啡和相關藥物)


In a yearlong probe , Senate investigators found that Chinese sellers, who openly market opioids such as fentanyl to U.S. buyers, are pushing delivery through the U.S. postal system. The sellers are taking advantage of a failure by the postal service to fully implement an electronic data system that would help authorities identify suspicious shipments.

在一項為期一年的調查中, 參議院調查人員發現中國的賣家公開向美國買家推銷芬太尼等阿片類藥物, 而且推薦通過美國郵政系統送貨。賣方是利用了郵政服務的未能完全採用一個能夠幫助當局鑒別可疑包裹的電子數據系統的弱點。


implement:實施,執行; 使生效,實現; 落實(政策); 把…填滿;

At a time of massive growth in postal shipments from China due to e-commerce, the investigators found that the postal system received the electronic data on just over a third of all international packages, making more than 300 million packages in 2017 much harder to screen. Data in the Senate report shows no significant improvement during 2017 despite the urgency.

由於電子商務而導致了從中國來的郵政貨運量大幅增長,調查人員發現,郵政系統收到的電子數據僅超過了所有國際包裹的三分之一, 這使2017年的超過3億個包裹很難所有都經過檢查。但即便情況危機,參議院報告中的數據顯示,2017的情況並沒有能夠有所改善。

The U.S. Postal Service said it has made dramatic progress in the last year in total packages with opioids seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.


「The Postal Service will continue to work tirelessly to address this serious societal issue,」 spokesman David Partenheimer said in a statement.

發言人 David Partenheimer 在一份聲明中說: 「郵政部門將繼續為解決這一嚴重的社會問題而不懈努力。

He said implementing the use of electronic data is slowed by the need to negotiate with international partners, but the service is making progress.

他說由於要和國際合作夥伴協商有關電子數據採集,所以進程被減慢了, 但該機構正在努力推進中。

The Senate probe matches many of the findings of a 2016 investigation by The Associated Press that detailed unchecked production in China of some of the world』s most dangerous drugs.


AP reporters found multiple sellers willing to ship carfentanil — an opioid used as an elephant tranquilizer that is so potent it has been considered a chemical weapon. The sellers also offered advice on how to evade screening by U.S. authorities.

美聯社記者發現,許多賣家願意發售卡芬太尼 - 一種作為大象鎮靜劑阿片類藥物。 這個藥物藥效很強,被認為是一種化學武器。賣家還就如何規避美國當局的檢查提供了建議。


potent:有效的,強有力的; 有權勢的; 烈性的; 有說服力的;

evade:規避; 避開; 逃脫; 逃避,躲避;

Researchers on the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations also contacted Chinese sellers directly. The sellers preferred payment in Bitcoin.


Investigators traced the online sellers to seven U.S. opioid deaths and 18 drug arrests. The Senate has cleared the report to be handed over to law enforcement.


In one case, the investigators traced orders from an online seller in China to a Michigan man who wired $200 in November 2016. The next month he received a package from someone identified by the investigators as a Pennsylvania-based distributor. A day later, the Michigan man died of an overdose from drugs, including a chemical similar to fentanyl.



The huge influx of opioids has led to a wave of overdose deaths across the U.S. in recent years. Republican Sen. Rob Portman, the subcommittee』s chairman, noted that fentanyl now kills more people in his home state than heroin.

近年來,大量的阿片類藥物湧入美國,導致了一個因藥物過量引起的一系列死亡。小組委員會主席,共和党參議員Rob Portman指出,芬太尼現在在他的州殺死的人比海洛因還多。


「The federal government can, and must, act to shore up our defenses against this deadly drug and help save lives,」 he said.

他說: 「聯邦政府可以而且必須採取行動, 以加強我們對這種致命藥物的防禦, 幫助拯救生命。

shore up:支撐住






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