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The mind of Desire for Dharma 希求正法的心





The mind of Desire for Dharma

Whether a person can learn Dharma and practice, it depends on the motivation of learning Dharma and practice. The people who have this motivation, will be able to learn and practice to attainment. What is the motivation of learning Dharma and practicing? It is the strong aspiration for Dharma. When a starving yak is eating grass, it is looking at the next bite of grass even it hasn』t swallowed yet. We should learn Dharma and practice by heart and urgently as the yak is eating grass.

The root that you can make effort to learn Dharma and practice by heart is the mind of aspiration for Dharma. Without it, or if the mind is not strong enough, though your Guru and Yidam are excellent and the Dharma you practicing is supreme, they have no use for you. You are still not possible to liberate and become Buddha. If you do not practice diligently, you will neither obtain the meaning of the mind and act of the Guru nor understanding the true essence of Buddha Dharma.



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