首頁 > 最新 > 保加利亞民歌手拍拉解決身體多種不適癥狀,減肥10公斤






拉筋拍打跨越國界、膚色、文化、宗教,只要您認真堅持實踐,就會有所收穫。這位保加利亞的拍友的自愈體驗,展現了拉筋拍打的魅力,已經超越了語言。最後 ,感謝海外義工的編輯和翻譯工作!

A testimonial by Milka Andreeva from Bulgaria - an honorary citizen of Burgas and a Strandzha folk singer at the age of 65.

來自保加利亞的分享—— Milka Andreeva,65歲,保加利亞民歌手,是布爾加斯的榮譽市民。

I was 23 years old when I was sick with double bronchopneumonia and lying in hospital for 2 months. Then I had infectious polyarthritis on all joints and I was stiff. I』ve had a rumble in my right ear to this day, but in a lighter form. I often suffer from throat, tonsils, runny nose and allergy. From bits of axes - I was swollen and inadequate.


I was diagnosed with ischemic heart disease and arrhythmia in 2004 and dizziness from 2006, and my blood pressure varied. After hospital treatment with antibiotic flu, I got candidiasis in my mouth, my nose flowed constantly and I was diagnosed with enterocolitis. After that, I often felt the weakness of my muscles and tendons. I constantly felt fatigue.


In 2012, my doctors found high levels of thyroid antibodies. After laser treatment of my retina, doctors found elevated eye pressure. Drugs did not work, I had constant bitterness in my mouth, eyesight worsened.

2012年,我的醫生髮現我的甲狀腺抗體偏高。激光治療視網膜後,醫生髮現眼壓升高。 藥物不起作用,口中泛苦,視力惡化。

In August 2016, I saw a girlfriend who told me about television broadcasting for easy and fast self-healing - PaidaLajin. Until then, I had tried everything that could be applied, such as urine therapy, fasting, fruit therapy, acupuncture, massage, but with minimal success. Immediately on the Internet I saw the method and the next day I went to buy the Master Xiao』s Book "Self-healing with PajaLadin". I read it overnight and got an idea of all my illnesses. I started applying the method, first with the PAIDA in the main zones, and then with LAJIN in two chairs. I got immediate results - my irregular heartbeat vanished, the colitis wiped off, it lowered the secretion from the running nose, in the morning when I got up I no longer had the tendons. But I also received healing crises similar to those described in the book. First of all, my palm and the legs I banged swallowed. There was a cough, a swelling of the left shoulder, and the arm could not be lifted.

In September I went to a prophylactic review. They made my cardiogram and told me I had no ischemic disease, my lung was clean. I got a vaccine for tetanus and typhus.

2016年8月,我的一位女朋友告訴我電台正在播放介紹簡單有效的自愈法 - 拉筋拍打。在那之前,我嘗試過所有可以應用的方法,比如尿療,禁食,水果療法,針灸,按摩,但都收效甚微。我立即上網查詢這個方法,第二天我就去買了《拍打拉筋自愈法》手冊。我通宵把書讀了一遍,明白了我身上疾病的根源。我開始應用這種方法,首先是拍打通用部位,然後用兩把椅子拉筋。我得到了立竿見影的效果 - 我的心率不齊現象消失了,結腸炎消失了,鼻涕的分泌物減少了,早晨起床時,不再肌腱繃緊。但是我也經歷了類似於書中描述的不良反應。首先,我的手掌和我拍打過的雙腿腫脹,其次是咳嗽,左肩腫脹,手臂無法抬起。


Then I came to Kamen Filipov in Burgas for a consultation. He encouraged me and told me to continue in the same spirit. I learned from him that at the end of October there will be a two-day seminar in Plovdiv, which I then visited. At the seminar I got new knowledge and results - the rumble in the right ear diminished, but the cough and swelling in the shoulder continued. Then I went to a festival in Italy. There I sang and got a first prize. Even my sting stopped, the blood stabilized, I did not have vertigo. I climbed up stairs. After that I continued to work and at the end of November I participated with my husband at a one-week seminar with Kamen in Velingrad. When we returned from Velingrad, my cough stopped, and the swelling of my shoulder began to pass, and my hand moved. After the seminar in Velingrad, my husband received visible results and is now a passionate follower of PaidaLajin.

然後我去布爾加斯的卡門 菲利波夫那裡進行諮詢。他鼓勵我繼續拍打拉筋。我從他那裡得知十月底在普羅夫迪夫會有一個為期兩天的體驗營。於是我參加了這個體驗營。在體驗營里,我獲得了新的知識和效果 - 右耳的隆隆聲減弱了,但咳嗽和肩膀上的腫脹仍繼續著。然後我去參加了義大利的一個節日慶典活動,在那裡我唱歌並獲得了一等獎。在那裡,身上的刺痛停止了,血壓穩定了,爬上了樓梯沒感到眩暈。之後,我繼續工作,11月底,我和丈夫一起參加了由卡門在韋林格勒主辦的為期一周的體驗營。當我們從韋林格勒回來的時候,我的咳嗽停止了,肩膀上的腫脹開始緩減,我的手也能動了。韋林格勒的體驗營之後,我的丈夫收到了明顯的自愈效果,現在他也成為拉筋拍打的粉絲。

We continue to work systematically and stubbornly until we get lasting results. We continue to visit and actively participate in the seminars and workshops of Kamen. I stopped drugs and supplements. I lost weight10 kg, we work at home, and I look forward to the next PajaLadgin workshop.

I recommend all my friends and admirers to try this wonderful self-healing method.

I cordially thank Teacher – master Xiao, to whom I dedicated a song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4TVLZ179uM

I also thank Kamen Filipov for the valuable advice he gave me.

我們繼續有系統地頑強地拉筋拍打,直到我們取得持久的改善效果。 我們繼續並積极參与卡門主辦的拉筋拍打講座和體驗營。 我體重減了10公斤,期待下一個拍打拉筋體驗營。



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