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About the author

A major pioneer in the field of minimally invasive hair transplantation, Dr, Azar not only brought the FUE method to Germany and further optimized it, he was also the first physician in Germany to specialize exclusively in the specific diagnosis of hair loss and in treatment that addresses its underlying causes.

For more than ten years, R. Azar has worked with great dedication and passion as a hair restoration surgeon. He places a premium on ensuring that his treatment is of the highest quality, which is why he performs the entire hair transplantation himself without delegating work to assistants. In this way he has successfully helped countless patients receive new hair and thus improve their quality of life, and he has become one of the world"s most experienced FUE specialists.

In 2010, Azar co-founded FUE Europe, the most important international organization of physicians for minimally invasive hair transplantation. He served as president of this organization until 2015 and has served as vice president since 2016.

Dr. Reza Azar concentrated his expertise in the field of hair restoration surgery in his first book Minimalinvasive Haartransplantation, initially published in German in 2015. In 2018 this material was published with slight alterations in English with the title FUE Hair Transplantation - A Minimally Invasive Approach.

The book provides physicians and interested patients with detailed insights into the many different aspects of modern hair restoration surgery.

Product details


Publisher: Springer; 1st ed. 2018 edition (April 26, 2018)

Language: English



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