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LeBron cussed out at least two executives in recent team meeting, Cavs currently not talking to him about front office decisions, per @JasonLloydNBA

據Jason Lloyd報道,詹姆斯在最近的球隊會議中指責了至少兩個制服組成員,騎士隊目前和他不再討論管理層決定了。

Lebron throwing down the hammer on the Cavs FO.


Serious discord has reportedly surfaced between LeBron James and members of the Cleveland Cavaliers" front office in recent weeks.

According to The Athletic"s Jason Lloyd, "James cursed toward at least two team executives" during the late January team meeting in which some players questioned the legitimacy of Kevin Love"s illness.


據Jason Lloyd報道,在一月末的一次球隊會議中,詹姆斯「指責了至少兩個制服組成員」,在這次會議中一些球員還質疑了樂福傷病的真實性。

文章鏈接: https://www.theathletic.com/232558/2018/02/06/as-tensions-mount-the-distance-between-lebron-james-and-the-cavaliers-is-growing/

[–][CLE] Ira Newblewelchie98 528 指標 2小時前

LeBron gonna come in with a towel and flip-flops.


[–][NJN] Vince CarterHevyWeather 1217 指標 3小時前

Losing your franchise GOAT and a top PG in one year for 1 lottery pick wew lad


[–]PistonsSteveM19 176 指標 2小時前

Maybe they"ll have another best player of his generation be born right down the road again.


[–]Cavalierscryolems 260 指標 2小時前

Curry lol



[–]PistonsSteveM19 95 指標 2小時前

lol ok born plus grew up and loyal to the area



[–]CavalierssBarro77 32 指標 1小時前

Lebron"s kids.


[–]Celticsjustabeeinspace 266 指標 3小時前

Thank you Nets ;)


[–]CavaliersFurtherThatElevation 54 指標 2小時前

Isn"t that pretty much literally what happened to the Nets in 2015?


[–]CelticsODomincanB 33 指標 1小時前

yeah, it"s a blueprint on how to fuck up your franchise


[–][OKC] Steven Adamsfear_and_loafing 14 指標 2小時前

Such is life when you have the greatest player on Earth and your owner is a guy who posts spite letters in comic sans on the team website.



[–]Vancouver Grizzliessop1232 852 指標 3小時前

Damn, they Lefired him from the gm role


[–][CLE] Daniel GibsonLeftyslefthandy 394 指標 2小時前

He basically signed TT and Jr to those contracts tbf


[–]Personafanboy124 299 指標 2小時前

He had no choice they won a championship with them. You rather he let them walk and get nothing in return,


[–]Cavalierscryolems 389 指標 2小時前

People conveniently seem to forget this.


[–][UTA] Andrei Kirilenkobeefdog99 253 指標 2小時前

They don"t forget, they just realize how balls out retarded it is to throw 100+ million at two dudes who would be stressed to collect half that on the market.


[–]76ersmxnoob983 113 指標 2小時前

They literally wouldn』t have won the championship without TT…


[–]Cavalierseloquentboot 312 指標 2小時前*

The mavs wouldn"t have won without JJ Barea, but that doesn"t mean you give him 45 million dollars like JR got. Good organizations don"t overpay guys for a 7 game series, and both TT and JR Smith were overpaid no matter how you look at it.


[–]Raptorssimonpheenicks 76 指標 2小時前

You"re an idiot if you think they would have got those contracts on the open market.


[–]Supersonicsthe_future_of_pace 40 指標 2小時前

Right, I mean, all they did was win a championship with those contracts. Such a failure!


[–]Raptorstheprinceofkanada 28 指標 2小時前

That to against a 73 win team while coming back from being down 3-1.


[–][LAL] Elgin BaylorWordsAreSomething 630 指標 3小時前

He is super gone.

He"ll probably start his own team in Cincinnati just to fuck with Gilbert at this point.




[–][TOR] Fred VanVleetSmugleaf_Raptors2012 376 指標 3小時前

The Cincinnati LeBrons


[–]SupersonicsSportslegend 377 指標 3小時前

This is like crack for us


[–]Lakersrburp 159 指標 2小時前

Lol you aren"t kidding. I"ve been refreshing /r/nba all day, and seeing this was one big ol" dopamine hit


[–]WarriorsStalin_2020 57 指標 2小時前

「Y』all got any more of them Cavs drama stories?」

Me to ESPN at 3 am



[–]SunsAnotherDrZoidberg 218 指標 3小時前

I feel like the only 2 possibilities at this point are the team just absolutely implodes or they get their shit together and beat the warriors


[–]CavaliersSnowOhio 251 指標 3小時前

So there"s a 50% chance we"ll beat the Warriors, I"ll take it


[–]Wizardspine_straw 123 指標 2小時前

He did not imply the possibilities had equal chances


[–]CavaliersSnowOhio 355 指標 2小時前

Either it happens or it doesn"t bro quick mafs


[–]Wizardspine_straw 61 指標 2小時前

That is true. I cannot argue with this truth.


[–]CavaliersCrippledOrphans 48 指標 1小時前


Technically, every team has a 50% chance of beating the Warriors then.

...except the Suns they suck lmao




[–]Celticssahsan10 53 指標 2小時前

or the inevitable scenario where they figure it out for playoffs and get swept by the warriors


Report: Cavs Negotiated Kyrie Irving Deal 『Entirely Without LeBron James』 Knowledge』


[–][MIL] Giannis Antetokounmponikth12 100 指標 2小時前

Why is everything leaking


[–]Statshelp_TA 60 指標 2小時前

I think this is all from the same Lloyd article. I haven"t seen anything else that hasn"t been from it


[–]CelticsThtGuyIKnw 362 指標 2小時前

It"s like watching the beginnings of a divorce.. I wonder how much more is going to come out today


[–]ThunderDhugs88 128 指標 2小時前

Or like when your wife"s family moves her out of the house while you"re at work because she claims you "beat" her when all you did was fuck her sister.


[–]boywholived1 71 指標 2小時前

Then Danny Ainge trades her sister for a first round pick.


[–][POR] Damian LillardZarknox 60 指標 2小時前

I would have probably not done that if I were the Cavs


[–]CelticsWayTooToxic 123 指標 2小時前

I mean they probably also fired Griffin without his Knowledge too.


[–]CavaliersBattlemaster123 77 指標 2小時前

they did. lebron wanted griff back but dan wanted to run things


Gilbert』s handling of Griffin』s contract angered a number of team employees. After removing the championship bonuses, Griffin was one of the five lowest-paid general managers in the NBA, one source told The Athletic. Gilbert』s refusal to extend Griffin』s contract immediately after the championship season, when he still had a year left on his deal, upset a number of people within the franchise, multiple sources told The Athletic.


Six years ago, Altman was an assistant coach in the Ivy League. Now he has vaulted from third chair in the Cavs』 front office last season to the man in charge. While the Cavs insist Altman』s duties are no different from Griffin』s job before him, up and down the roster and throughout the organization, the belief is unanimous that Altman is the front man and Gilbert is in full control.


[–]CelticsThtGuyIKnw 35 指標 2小時前

I can see why they did..

Kyrie was forcing his way out, and they had a brand new GM. He was under pressure to make a move, and probably didn"t think about talking it out with LeBron. He was just doing his job, and if IT rehabs properly, he would have made a great deal.

It"s just in hindsight that it looks kinda bad, but he secured the BKN pick and Crowder. If everything wasn"t underperforming there"d be no reason for LeBron to be upset.



[–]SleepingWithx 12 指標 2小時前

He was upset as soon as Kyrie asked for a trade. He wanted Kyrie to stay. Does this need to be beaten into this sub』s head? He didn』t want a trade to happen. Period.


[–]CelticsThtGuyIKnw 4 指標 2小時前

Then he should have talked Kyrie out of it. It doesn"t matter if he wanted Kyrie to stay if Kyrie already had his bags packed. There"s literally nothing anyone could have done but move Kyrie.


[–]CelticsBipolarConfidence 16 指標 2小時前

He did try to talk Kyrie out of it. The reality is that LeBron couldn"t have done anything really, LeBron is LeBron and their personalities clash far too much.


[–]Pacersclaimsman11 29 指標 2小時前

according to r/nba lebron was on the phone with other gm"s and single-handedly orchestrated that deal though. i dunno who this jason lloyd guy is, but i think hes wrong

論壇上的輿論都是說,詹姆斯親自和其他球隊打的電話,親口和對方商討的交易!我不想知道這個Jason Lloyd是誰!反正他肯定錯了!

[–]Trail BlazersStaleGuac 50 指標 2小時前

/r/nba : LeGM lost his GM title without his knowledge


[–]MibuWolve 25 指標 2小時前

Oh look.. Griff was right all along and idiots truly believed LeBron ran the entire FO..



[–]Warriorsmagicdurant 11 指標 1小時前

I hope no one actually believed it was true, I always thought legm was just hyperbole on the fact that lebron had influence in the team making trades and signings in the past.


[–][CLE] Kevin LoveLeKing_James 31 指標 2小時前

Guess LeBrons "shocked" reaction was true then.


[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesbootlegsupreme 10 指標 2小時前

I remember so many people on here spamming why would lebron be shocked, he was the one who made the trade. Even the media were singing the same tune.




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