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如何改變世界?How to change the world?

You cannot remove completely all evils from this world.


Just as in gout and rheumatism, the pain and swelling shift from one joint to another, and if one boil is cured, another crops up in another place, so also one evil is eradicated in one place, another evil manifests in another place.


Social workers pity the lot of young widows, and try to arrange widow marriages. They think that they"re doing good to the country. But another evil crops up, it comes in for marrying other girls. They remain unmarried. This is another evil.


Social workers try to stop prostitution. This is laudable work. But as passion is very powerful and uncontrollable, those who cannot afford to marry began to secretly molest and outrage family ladies. Even legislation cannot stop this evil. Clandestine prostitution takes place vigorously.


This world is very crooked. it"s like the tail of a dog. As soon as you take away your hands, it will again become crooked.


So many yogis, teachers, saints and prophets came into this world and preached. Still it is crooked; it is in the same state. Therefore do not bother much about reforming this crooked world, this can never be done.


Reform yourself first, then the whole world can be reformed. How can you help the world when you yourself a weak and ignorant? It will be like a blind man leading another blind man. Both must fall into a deep abyss.


From the book on 「Karma Yoga」 by Swami Sivananda, which is about 「how to live your life without disappointment, resentment and anxiety?」


Swami Sivananda

斯瓦米?悉瓦南達( 1887~1963)是一位偉大的印度聖者。畢生用英文著書三百餘部,深入淺出弘揚瑜伽哲學。他是全球悉瓦南達瑜伽扶檀多中心背後的靈感源泉。他所教授的「綜合瑜伽」綜合了經典瑜伽四道,他終其一生在實踐「服務,仁愛,奉獻,凈化,冥想,醒悟」,並以此做為其主要的教學理念,堪稱為服務全人類的典範。



國際悉瓦南達瑜伽吠檀多中心 - 成都中心


國際悉瓦南達瑜伽吠檀多中心(Internatioanl Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, ISYVC),由斯瓦米?威斯奴帝瓦南達於1961成立於加拿大。該非營利機構致力於通過瑜伽帶給人們健康、和平和快樂。ISYVC在世界各大城市擁有60多家中心,以服務於都市人群。成都中心就是其中一家。




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