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Hetian jade ornaments in the China jade culture for thousands of years, from the emperor to the common people, pay attention to the collection and wear jade, it is believed to bring happiness and good luck. Hetian jade, with its high quality and fine texture, has become an important carrier of political, cultural, moral and religious dynasties of dynasties of all dynasties, and continues to this day. Once a well-known collection of connoisseurs said: "jade, as a spiritual force and a national symbol, has been deeply planted in the bone marrow of Chinese people.


Jade, especially the ancient jade has become a rich class investment, collection, the price is also easy to hype, even the price of the day. The Chinese jade civilization has never been interrupted since it was 8000 years ago, and it is the typical representative of the whole Chinese civilization. Since ancient times, jade is the symbol of the status and rights of the rulers, not the ordinary people can have.


Hetian jade collection is excellent. What kind of Hetian jade is fine? Many people think that Baiyu is excellent, but it can"t be considered that white is good jade, but it can"t fall into a misunderstanding of "a white cover up a hundred ugly", and it should not be stressed on color but not heavy. "Color and moisten" two people can not be one, look at color, color to be positive, not two colors like ambiguous. The standard color is white, white fat milk white, white litchi; standard color green jade is pink and blue, green, green rind of mung bean. Each color has a head. See the moist, warm and delicate, like pure fat, oily view, strokes like a baby"s skin smooth and delicate, like jade to classic


The price of Hetian jade per gram is more than 40 times higher than the gold. From the Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs to Cordyceps sinensis in Qinghai and then to Yunnan Pu"er Tea, from heat to heat to the jade stone and Tian Yure, in recent years, under the disorderly market hype, some local specialty is fried "price". And Hetian jade is some speculation in price, quality reach the peak of perfection, per gram of up to several million, the real interpretation became the "soaring crazy stone" Hetian jade prices, and is closely related to the jade itself is not renewable.



中國陶瓷: 歷代陶瓷精品,元、明、清官窯為主,宋瓷為佳; 彩瓷,等均可。



雜項精品:歷代名家文房用品、紫砂、田曹、瓷板畫、雞血石、牙雕、硯台古籍 善本、金銀器等各種雜件。

Collection scope:

Chinese calligraphy and painting: famous painting and painting, landscape painting, figure painting, flower and bird painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, and so on.

Chinese ceramics: ancient ceramic products, Yuan Ming and Qing Guanyao porcelain, porcelain, etc. can be better.

Jade jade, Gao Guyu, Ming and Qing Dynasties: the modern jade jade, white jade, jade, jade, etc..

Diamond jewelry: Ruby, sapphire, emerald, red diamond, blue diamond, diamond etc..

Miscellaneous boutique: Masters room supplies, Yixing, Tian Cao, Ciban paintings, stone, ivory, gold and silver, Yantai ancient books and other miscellaneous pieces.




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