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to discover or notice sth, especially sth that is not easy to see, hear, etc.


【事件】科學家朝醫學界最重大的目標之一邁出了一大步----他們發明了一種普遍適用的癌症血檢方法。約翰·霍普金斯大學的一個團隊在一千名病人身上測試了一種名為「CancerSEEK」的方法,觀察該方法能否檢測出8類癌症。測試結果顯示,檢測成功率為70%;在癌症處於早期時,檢出率最低。領銜該研究的Nickolas Papadopoulos醫生表示,這一方法帶來了巨大希望。

【洋文】Scientists have taken a step towards one of the biggest goals in medicine, a universal blood test for cancer. A team at Johns Hopkins University United States has tested a method called CancerSEEK on a thousand patients to see if it coulddetect8 types of the disease. The test showed a success rate of 70%. Rates of detection were lowest when the cancer was at an early stage. The doctor Nickolas Papadopoulos who led the study said it offered great hope.(BBC, 24 January 2018)

【擴展】The new test should enable doctors todetectthe disease early.




the process of taking someone into a hospital for treatment, tests, or care



【洋文】Planting trees can ease asthma attacks in people who live in highly polluted urban areas. So says a team of researchers from the University of Exeter in England. They found that an abundance of trees led to fewer asthma-related hospitaladmissionsin those areas. Their findings are published in the journalEnvironment International. The data included more than 650,000 serious asthma attacks recorded over 15 years.(Health in a Heartbeat, 1 January 2018)

【擴展】Shortly after hisadmissioninto hospital he had a massive brain haemorrhage and died.




likely to suffer from a particular illness or be affected by a particular problem




【洋文】It"s no secret that distracted drivers are a leading cause of vehicle accidents. The World Health Organization estimates more than 1 million people are killed in traffic accidents each year, and distraction is a major factor in many of them.

A study by researchers in Norway focused on who might be moresusceptibleto being distracted while driving. They found that extroverts, people who drive a lot and young men top the list. Older women and those who said they could limit distractions were much more likely to drive safely, according to the results in the journalFrontiers in Psychology.(Health in a Heartbeat, 5 January 2018)

【擴展】Walking with weights makes the shoulders verysusceptibleto injury.




a chemical in the brain that affects how messages are sent from the brain to the body, and also affects how a person feels

5- 羥色胺;血清素(神經遞質,亦影響情緒等)



【洋文】Has your mood fallen as fast as the thermometer? If so, you may be suffering from the winter blues, and you』re not alone. An estimated 10 million Americans suffer from seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. It"s a type of depression occurring in the winter months, and its severity depends partly on geography. Only 1 percent of people residing in sunny Florida suffer from SAD versus 10 percent of people in blustery New Hampshire.

Why』s that? Lack of sunlight during winter days causes the brain to produce excess melatonin (the hormone that helps you sleep) and lessserotonin(the hormone that perks you up). SAD results from this hormonal imbalance. Common symptoms of SAD include feeling melancholy and fatigued, disinterest in socializing, weight gain and a sudden change in appetite.(Health in a Heartbeat, 25 January 2018)

【擴展】The drug works by increasing levels ofserotoninin the brain.




an injection of a drug



Jeff Kwong是安大略省公共衛生局和臨床評估科學研究所的流行病學家。Kwong和他的研究團隊通過研究2萬名確診患有流感的老年人的病史,來評估上述風險。他們發現,跟對照期(即不患流感期間)相比,在被診斷患有流感的一周內,該組病人心臟病發作的次數平均高出5倍---Kwong說這是注射流感疫苗的另一個好理由。

【洋文】Get aflushot. It"s already standard advice from your doctor. But it may be even more important for senior citizens at risk of heart attack. Because a new analysis in theNew England Journal of Medicinefound that a flu infection raises the risk of a heart attack by six times. And other viral infections can also up the risk, to a lesser degree.

Jeff Kwong is an epidemiologist at Public Health Ontario and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences. Kwong and his team evaluated that risk by studying the histories of 20,000 older adults with confirmed cases of influenza. And they found that within one week of a flu diagnosis, the group suffered six times as many heart attacks on average, than they did during control periods, when they weren"t sick, which Kwong says is another good reason to get aflushot.(Scientific American 60-Second Science, 24 January 2018)

【擴展】He administered ashotof Nembutal.







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Mount Desert Island Hospital



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