The Year of the Dog 2018 product is designed with decorative Chinese symbolism and is packaged in a symbolic, red folder with embossed, gold foil.2018狗年吉利錢採用中國特色的裝飾圖案,並用燙有金箔字的紅色信封包裝。
This product features an uncirculated, $1 note with a serial number beginning with "8888," the number Chinese associate with luck.該產品為非流通1美元紙幣,序列號是中國人普遍認為的吉利數字8888。
美國加州兩位參議員Scott Wiener 和Richard Pan提交議案,希望將中國農曆新年正式認定為節日,並將在加州公立學校教授中國農曆新年的歷史和常識。
Senate Bill 892 designates the Lunar New Year a day of special significance in California and requires the governor to honor it annually.參議院892號議案指出農曆新年在加州是有特殊意義的日子,並要求州長每年慶祝這個節日。
The bill also encourages all public schools and educational institutions to conduct exercises recognizing the traditions and cultural significance of Lunar New Year, the contributions of Asian and Pacific Islander Californians to the state and any local festivities and celebrations for the occasion.同時,該議案還鼓勵公立學校和教育機構組織活動,認可農曆新年的傳統和文化意義、亞太裔群體對加州的貢獻以及該節日期間所有的節日慶祝活動。
"Happy Chinese New Year-Shanghai Week" was kicked off with Chinese traditional cultural performances by Shanghai university students at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York.「歡樂春節上海文化周」系列的首場活動在紐約猶太遺產博物館上演上海大學生中華優秀傳統文化演出。
Chinese classical music, folk dance, traditional opera and martial arts were performed by teachers and students from various universities in Shanghai, allowing New York audiences a chance to experience Chinese folk arts.來自上海各高校的師生表演了中國古典音樂、民間舞蹈、傳統戲曲以及武術,讓紐約的觀眾有機會體驗中國的民間藝術。
Other events include Shanghai Film Week, Shanghai Screen Week, Shanghai Flavor cultural heritage exhibition, Amazing Shanghai photo exhibition and Overlord musical theater performance.其他活動包括上海電影周、上海電視展映周、「上海印象」非遺展、「魅力上海」圖片展以及音樂劇場《霸王》演出活動。
San Francisco is among a few jurisdictions in California that have already designated Lunar New Year as an official school holiday. The state board of education recognized Lunar New Year as a festival of special relevance in its third grade curriculum in 2016.舊金山是加州少數幾個已經將農曆新年確認為官方學校假日的地區。2016年,加州教育委員會在三年級課程中將農曆新年認定為特殊意義的節日。
The Lunar New Year celebration in San Francisco Chinatown is considered the oldest and the largest of its kind outside of Asia and dates back to the 1860s. The Chinese New Year Parade is ranked among the top 10 parades in the world.舊金山唐人街的農曆新年慶祝活動可以追溯到19世紀60年代,是亞洲地區之外歷史最悠久、規模最大的慶祝活動。那裡的中國農曆新年大遊行在全世界的十大遊行之列。
The San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade is an annual event held for approximately two weeks following the first day of the Chinese New Year, it combines elements of the Chinese Lantern Festival with a typical American parade.舊金山中國農曆新年慶祝及遊行活動在每年春節之後大約持續兩周,結合了中國元宵節和典型美國遊行活動等元素。
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