首頁 > 最新 > 酩悅軒尼詩帝亞吉歐正式入駐哥倫比亞鄉村俱樂部



Shanghai, February 2, 2018 – As Shanghai』s Changning District welcomes more international entertainment and lifestyle venues, Moet Hennessy Diageo China (MHD China) finds a new home at the Columbia Country Club.

上海,2018年2月2日訊 — 酩悅軒尼詩帝亞吉歐洋酒(上海)有限公司正式入駐上海長寧區地標建築哥倫比亞鄉村俱樂部,以頂級洋酒的非凡格調回應百年歷史名苑的風華絕倫。這是區政府高瞻遠矚的又一鮮活寫照,借國際頂尖品牌之力,造長寧文娛生活新風尚。

As Changning』s district government actively promotes the area』s development for modern Shanghai, more and more international brands are moving into the district, including into the area』s many heritage sites. The result is an increasingly cosmopolitan, vibrant Changning.


One such area, Columbia Circle (原上海生物科技研究所), is a project on par with the likes of Shanghai』s famous Xintiandi. This restoration is a massive undertaking, involving careful construction of an area larger than 50,000 square meters into an international and diverse series of retail, office and food & beverage spaces.


At the center of Columbia Circle, visitors will find the former turn-of-the-century club for Shanghai expatriates, a restored building poised at the intersection of modernity and heritage: The Columbia Country Club. This crown jewel of the Columbia Circle is a celebrated heritage venue set to offer a unique experience of day-to-night socializing for a city that never stops, featuring concepts like a designer bakery, neo bistrot, and a bespoke club reserved for boutique events and groups aligned with the Columbia Country Club』s dedication to a modernity that celebrates the past.

而位於哥倫比亞住宅區的中心區域的即是曾經外國僑民雲集的「哥倫比亞鄉村俱樂部」。這裡不僅是上海近代歷史的變遷的象徵,更是在修復後,為當下的遊人們演繹了一首現代與傳統和諧交融的交響曲。此刻,這顆不折不扣的「皇冠上的明珠」也已經做好了準備,網路了各式生活概念的極致精粹:高檔面點店、Neo Bistrot 餐廳、專為精品活動和團體預備的定製俱樂部等概念店一應俱全,在完美詮釋哥倫比亞鄉村俱樂部現代與傳統並重的理念的同時,為上海這座永不停息的城市帶來了獨一無二的全天候社交體驗。

Tenants of the Columbia Country Club will enjoy a unique privilege: Moet Hennessy Diageo』s portfolio of preeminent spirits brands as a foundation for culinary, mixology and entertaining ingenuity. As Changning District promotes the development of modern entertainment destinations that showcase the area』s unique heritage, MHD China has taken this opportunity to pair a heritage space, the Columbia Country Club, with complementary concepts that pay homage to the building』s original heyday. The resulting concepts are as rooted in heritage as they are forward-thinking.


MHD China Managing Director Benny Ng said, 「As the world』s leading portfolio of spirits brands, it was important to be a part of this movement. Columbia County Club』s distinction as a heritage site is no doubt a driving force for our support, as our brands similarly are rooted in storied heritage. We look forward to expanding our efforts and support in making Changning District a center for arts and culture in Shanghai.」

酩悅軒尼詩中國董事總經理吳鵬凱 表示:「作為世界烈酒品牌的翹楚,能夠參與這次復興歷史遺產的運動對我們而言意義非凡。作為一個歷史遺迹,哥倫比亞鄉村俱樂部承載著卓越的傳統內涵,這與我們根植於傳統的品牌文化不謀而合,促使我們堅定地支持這個項目地開展。我們期望進一步擴大合作和支持,為長寧區成為上海一大藝術和文化中心盡一份綿薄之力。」

The Columbia Country Club is set to open in spring 2018.


About Mo?t Hennessy Diageo

酩悅軒尼詩帝亞吉歐洋酒(上海)有限公司(MHDC)是酩悅軒尼詩酒業集團(Mo?t Hennessy)與帝亞吉歐洋酒集團(Diageo)的合資公司。成立於1993年,總部設在上海。

目前,在中國運營一系列國際知名品牌的產品系列, 包括干邑(軒尼詩),香檳(酩悅香檳、凱歌皇牌香檳、唐培里儂香檳王和庫克香檳),單一麥芽威士忌(格蘭傑單一麥芽威士忌,雅柏單一麥芽威士忌)、混合威士忌(尊尼獲加黑牌及紅牌)、伏特加(雪樹伏特加),以及新世界葡萄酒(雲霧之灣、台階等)。


Mo?t Hennessy Diageo China (MHDC) is the joint venture of Mo?t Hennessy, the leading wine and Spirits Company under LVMH (Mo?t Hennessy Louis Vuitton), and Diageo, a global leader in beverage and alcohol. MHDC was established in 1993 with headquarters in Shanghai.

MHDC currently operates a truly exceptional portfolio of internationally renowned brands in China. The premium lineup comprises of those well-known in their categories, including Cognac (Hennessy), Champagne (Mo?t & Chandon, Veuve Clicquot, Dom Pérignon and Krug), Malt Whisky (Glenmorangie, Ardbeg), Blended Whisky (Johnnie Walker Red Label, Johnnie Walker Black Label), Vodka (Belvedere), and New World wine brands (Cloudy Bay, Terrazas, etc)

Local investment projects such as wineries in Deqin (Ao Yun) and Yinchuan (Chandon Sparkling Wine) are signs of MHDC』s long-term commitment to China.

Tenant Contact

Menci Zhang

Marketing Director

Halidom Investment (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd.

Telephone: (86)21-64339595

Email: menci@95cpm.com

Media Contact

Chelsea Stone

Marketing Manager

RTG Consulting Group

Telephone: (86)21-53895574

Email: chelsea.stone@rtgconsulting.com



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