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Mitochondria affect photosynthetic electron transport and photo-sensitivity in a green alga

First author:Veronique Larosa;Università di Padova(帕多瓦大學):Padova, Italy

Corresponding author:Tomas Morosinotto

Photosynthetic organisms (光合生物) use sunlight as the primary source of energy to support their metabolism. In eukaryotes reactions responsible of the conversion of light into chemical energy occur in specific organelles, the chloroplasts. In this study we showed that mitochondria also have a seminal (有重大影響的) influence on cells" energy metabolism and on photosynthetic reactions. This is illustrated by the observation that the strong photosensitivity (感光性) ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii(萊茵衣藻) cells depleted of the chloroplast protein PGRL1 was rescued by the introduction of a mitochondrial mutation affecting respiratory complex I (呼吸複合物I). Functional analysis showed that such a reduced respiratory activity influenced chloroplast electron transport with consequent over-reduction (過度還原) of plastoquinone (質體醌) and donor-side limitation of Photosystem (PS; 光系統) I. As a consequence, damage due to excess light affected more Photosystem (PS) II rather than PSI. Double mutant cells are able to grow under excess illumination (照明), while singlepgrl1are not, thanks to the presence of an efficient repair mechanism of Photosystem II. These results also underline the seminal biological relevance (生物相關性) of the regulation of electron transport reactions (電子傳遞反應) within the photosynthetic complexes. Photosynthetic organisms evolved a strategy to respond to excess light where damage is targeting preferentially to a specific complex, PSII. Cells are able to endure (忍受) extensive damage targeting this complex thanks to an efficient repair mechanisms while, if PSI is affected there are drastic (猛烈的) consequences on growth.


通訊:Tomas Morosinotto(https://www.biologia.unipd.it/en/persona/?tx_wfqbe_pi1%5Baccount%5D=tomas-morosinotto)


doi: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.17.01249

Journal:Plant Physiology

First Published date: 08 February, 2018

(P.S. 歡迎訪問個人博客:http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/u/TickingClock)

(P.S. 封面圖片為綠藻的電鏡照片,來源維基百科)



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