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Finally, the Spring Festival is coming.


One of the biggest part of the Chinese New Year is the New Year Eve.中國新年最重要的一個組成部分就是除夕。

The name 「chuxi」 originates from an ancient legend about 「Nian」 which was a devil monster bringing disaster to people. And people tried hard to get rid of it and named the day as 「chuxi」 with implied meaning. In Chinese, 「chu」 means get rid of or eliminate.「除夕」的名字來源於一個古老的傳說關於一個給人們帶來災難的邪惡怪獸「年」。人們努力除掉年從而用寓意命名「除夕」。中文漢字「除」意味著「除去、消除」。

Spring Couplets


Spring couplets, Chunlian, on the New Year』s Eve before reunion dinner,families in China decorate their front doors with poetic couplets of exquisite calligraphy written, expressing the best feeling of life』s renewal and blessing for new year. 在除夕當天,團圓飯之前,家家戶戶用精美書法寫下的詩意對聯裝飾他們的大門,表達對新生的美好感情以及新年的祝福。

It is said that spring couplets originated from "peach wood charms." door gods painted on wood charms in earlier times. Once, an emperor inscribed an inspired couplet on a peach slat, beginning a custom that gradually evolved into today"s popular custom of displaying spring couplets.據說,春聯來源於桃符,早期,人們在桃符上畫上門神。一次一位皇帝在桃木條上題寫激勵的對句開啟一個習俗,漸漸演變為今日普遍的貼春聯習俗。

Ancestor-worship Celebration


In many places, ancestor-worship celebration is the first thing in the New Year』s Eve. In ancestral hall, delicious dishes and wine are presented, whole family holds solemn and ceremonious sacrificial rite. They express their respect and yearning for ancestors. Meanwhile, it can inspire the alive.在很多地方,拜拜儀式是除夕的第一件大事。在祠堂,擺設美食、供上美酒,整個家族一起舉行莊嚴、隆重的祭祀儀式,表達對祖先的尊重和想念,以及激勵後人。

Reunion Dinner


One of the biggest part of the New Year Eve is Family Reunion Dinner. 除夕的最重要一個組成部分就是的年夜飯。

On the New Year』s Eve, Families get together to have a big dinner. We called it reunion dinner or 「nianyefan」. For families reunion and implied meaning for next year』s wealthy. 在除夕,家人通常會相聚在一起共享一頓豐盛的晚餐,我們稱之為年夜飯或者團圓飯,意味著家庭團聚以及寓意來年豐衣足食。

The most famous traditional food on the table is dumplings. It also varies from place or place cause China is such a big country. And different regions usually have their own traditions.團圓飯最傳統的食物應該是餃子了。但因中國地域遼闊,而且不同地方烹飪不同的傳統美食,通常各地都有自己的傳統(食物)。

However, fish is one necessity. And intentionally, people don』t eat up that dish and leave some behind. In Chinese, fish shares the same pronunciation as remaining which means harvest and richness.然而,魚是一道必備菜。而且人們有意不吃光這道菜、留一些。漢語中,魚和余發音一樣,「剩下的」,意味著年年有餘、富足豐盛。



On that day, dumplings are necessary food for Chinese people. The Chinese pronunciation of jiaozi means midnight or the end and the beginning of time. The shape of jiaozi resembles that of ancient gold and silver ingots or a crescent moon, and symbolizes the hope for a year of plenty.除夕當天,作為中國人餃子是必備品。漢語餃子發音意味著午夜、子時,時間的結束和開始。餃子的形狀像古時的金銀元寶或者新月,並且象徵著對一年豐盛富足的希望。

Red Packets


red packets during the Chinese New Year is another tradition. A red packet is simply a red special envelope with gift money or yasuiqian in it, which symbolizes luck and wealth. The money is also called Ya Sui Qian, meaning "suppressing age money," which is supposed to stop children from getting older. This comes from the belief that everyone becomes one year older on New Year"s Day.紅包是新年的另一個傳統。"紅包"就只是一個特別的紅色信封,裡面裝著錢,寓意幸運和財富。裡面的錢也被稱作壓歲錢,用來阻止孩子變老。這來源於一種信念--每個人在除夕那天會變老。

Red packets are typically handed out to younger generations by their parents, grandparents, relatives, close neighbors, and friends, and usually the immediate family gives Hongbao to the children on New Year"s Eve. Money given in this way may not be refused and the pretty envelopes add best wishes to the gift.通常,父母、祖父母、親戚以及近鄰、朋友給年輕一代發紅包。一般來說都是近親在除夕給孩子發紅包。一般這種方式的紅包不能拒絕,而且紅包里蘊含著祝福在裡面

Light Firecrackers


In the past, people set off firecrackers to frighten away Nien and people can be free of it. Today, firecrackers are used to add to the merry-making of the occasion, especially, in the countryside. Many children are fond of setting off fireworks. And there are various types. 過去,為了擺脫它的迫害,人們放鞭炮來嚇走年獸。如今,鞭炮用來增添節日氣氛,特別是在鄉下。很多孩子喜歡放鞭炮,而且鞭炮種類繁多。

When the New Year clock strikes, people set off fireworks for celebration which symbolize getting rid of bad lucks and bringing in the good ones.當新年到來的那一刻,最重要的就是放鞭炮慶祝,同時也代表著趕走厄運並迎新納福。

Chuxi Bath


In many areas, people take bath on that day. Taking Chuxi bath means to clear out misfortune and bad luck. Thus, people can greet New Year with renewal. Usually, they put on new dress after bathing. ALL their looks, bodies and thought are kept clear and pure.在很多地方,人們在除夕當天洗年澡。洗年澡寓意清除不幸和厄運。這樣人們以新生迎接新年。通常,洗完年澡後穿上新衣服。所有的外貌、身體、思想保持潔凈。

Shou Sui


People always stay up on the New Year』s Eve. And many people watch TV and share the same show--Spring Festival Gala. They don』t get sleep and keep awake. The most important thing is to greet the Lunar New Year. For seniors, they follow it for cherishing life and time. For juniors, there is a saying that doing that can prolong their seniors』 lifespan.人們在除夕熬夜。很多人看同樣的電視節日春節聯歡晚會。他們不睡覺保持清醒。最重要的是迎接農曆新年,長輩守歲為了珍惜生命和光陰,晚輩守歲有一個說法是為了延長家中長輩壽命。

Celebrate The New Year.


From the first day of the New Year, many people will go to the temple to worship God or ancestors for good fortune. Also, some people will make a visit to relatives and friends or go traveling to enjoy the New Year holidays.從新年的第一天開始,許多人會去廟裡拜拜祈福。此外,有些人也會向親友拜年、或旅遊度假來歡度新年假期.



Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year:


Much joy to you in the coming year.


Wishingyou a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year! May the season bring muchpleasure to you.



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