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2月的神秘要旨 The Premise for February Mystical Gist

An interesting arcane perception of magic synchronism embrace with the essences of the Month -- FEBRUARY


The life-force spark ofFEBRUARYthat holds within it the power of inspiration, intentions, flexibility and romanticism in serving and cultivating the innate, which inherit natural mystic gift for an additional advantage journeys known as true awakening path of the deepest spiritual core and natural consciousness of time to channel the unconventionalapproach, and the unpredictable water bearer that represents a symbolism of faithful hope, love wave of energy, and cohesiveness grip by needs and yearnings with a unique way of expressions and actions alignment , and hence, It is profound and it is cultural to impart a feeling of movement and life diverse interpretations with the beauty of the unexplored by reaping the everlasting harvest of a glorious celestial multi-dimensional revivalism.


Thus, the wordFEBRUARYis born from a Latin word 「Februarius」 (Februare), which donate to"purify"or"expiate",that anchor new shift of growth reactions and stimulate change of 『being』 and 『doing』 in the manifestation of existence.So, "The Month of Purification and Balance"--FEBRUARYfinally sees many of us getting our first breath of fresh air, and, the hustle-bustle of the holidays are left behind, which is a transitional month to reestablish the dimensions of healthier habits in focusing on righteous Living and oriented blend of an inimitable perceptivity that fall into the place of concord, tranquility, inner conviction and understanding personality dynamics, in which can marks the forward momentum of the seasonal procession, and offers a reminder that Spring begin to emerge from the quiet ground, the"belly"of Winter around this time of the season.

二月源於拉丁語中" Februarius "(Februare),它的意思是「凈化」或「贖罪」,這個詞語定義著一種新的生長反應及轉變,表達著生活過程中的一種「存在」和「行動」之間的變化。所以,2月這個「凈化和平衡的月份」終於看到我們中的許多人第一次呼吸到新鮮空氣,假日的喧鬧也被拋在腦後。這是一個過渡的月份,以重新建立和培養更加健康的習慣,聚焦於正確的生活方式和獨特的感性融合,這種感覺會把我們帶入和諧、安寧、內部信念和對人格動態理解的境界中,這標誌著季節行進的前進勢頭,也提醒著我們:冬天「孕育」著春天,春天將要從冬天這個季節寧靜的地面破土而生了。

This year length got shortchanged – it holds twenty-eight (28) leap days in comparison with its 30- and 31-day counterparts – and in order to keep it in line with the Solar year leaving poor littleFEBRUARYto be the unlucky month, in which to understand an answer to a Historical curiosity of the Roman agriculture season, comparatively is a very well known Culture in Ancient History, and we have a great deal of Knowledge regarding their festivals, superstitions, and other Cultural minutiae that come into play according to the Julian and Gregorian calendars were certain rites were performed in February, and it was the time of year devoted to honouring the dead, presumably making it inauspicious already. Furthermore, we are also moving from a year of the fire Rooster in Chinese calendar astrology to the phase full of challenges and engagements for the male Earthly Zodiac sign 「Dog」, in which personify the coming of fortune in all respects that apt a serious sustainability and careful existence including the ascending characteristics encouragement for self-actualization, precision and perfection.


FEBRUARYis the month when we realize that we have extricated from last year, cleared out the remnants, let go, and can begin a new cycle, which showcase the Solar System phases sync up of all five (5) visible planets, aligned apogee in brightness simultaneously!Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiterto be seen with naked eye that tend to shine with a steadier light and twinkling stars to double the fun, in which guides a very Cool Space events, parties, festivities to the fullest vigorous vitality dimensions. And thus, its very prominent above our Sky chart in shedding rays of dazzling apparitions in the Zodiac sign of Uranus and Saturn, which exhibit the traits of Aquarius in celebrating the Beauty of freedom, novel vision, the urge for transformation and the ability to visualize new possibilities with intuitions, shock value and a Loving Relationship reality that represent important areas of life interests and inputs.


The Glyph of the five (5) Zodiac Planets indicates a rebirth of Consciousness through new experiences and/or simply different, which can induce a sense of a special energies, purpose or individual, oftentimes very unique allows further truth and awareness to『unfold』, to strive, to find new perspectives and new hunger forKnowledge, Originality, Modernization, Meticulousness, Coherent reflective patterns, Enhanced Ambitions, Enduring Connections of Social Value, Reliability, Emotional Exciting Depths, Exploration of Deeper Powerful Existence Levels.


Furthermore, Amethyst, the Birthstone ofFEBRUARY --a Stone of Wisdom that carries a spectacular purple color from irradiation, iron impurities and the presence of trace elements -- a beauty that ranges from a blend of deep pinkish Violet and Red to a lighter Lilac hue, and can be discovered in every corner of the Earth. The Amethyst name originated since the Ancient Greek and Roman epoch, and derived from the word「methustos,」which means「intoxicated, 」and「ecstasy」it is believed the gemstones draws forth one"s Spirituality and Intuition in order to bring Clarity and awareness』 toIntense Passions, Optimism, Feelings, Social Life Tenets, Romance, Pleasure, Sexual Fulfillments, Harmony, Sobriety, and Security. Throughout history, the precious jewel has been associated with countless mythologies, fables, creeds, religions and diverse cultures, in which signified royalty to ward off the invigorating and alluring strength, sincerity and calmness in keeping the wearer thoughts sharp, vibrant and quick-witted.


In addition, the vividly Symbolic appealing Flowers ofFEBRUARYare Violets and Primrose, which boast a vibrant hue in their bright delicate petals sightings amidst the cold white snow, and this particular specie evoke feelings depiction of Modesty, Optimism, Inspiration, Promise and eloquence, and also have roots in Christianity beliefs that unveil mystical astuteness, watchfulness, naturalness, closeness, steadfastness and self-effacement. Additionally, the violet has materialized and transpired virtuosities in a numeral of notable historic myth paintings, and literary publications, including folk herbal medicine remedies. Spring is here when the Violets come to call with its graceful willowy stems and gentle stripy florae, which its fragrance is sweet to arouse and stir whirlpools of authentic Love.


The Colour Violet, a mix of Blue and Red (Deep Purple) were often woven as a symbolic of the Crown Chakra (Colored aura in Hinduism) to signify high minded intentions as well as protection from mental disintegration that correlates with the sadness and even depression, and also represents the connection between Heaven and Earth. Thus, among the first to bloom as winter retreats are the Primrose, which denote to herald the forthcoming of Spring because of its initiatory nature with its symbol ofCouragealso includesRenewal, Love Purity, Devotion and Youthfulness,which is affiliated with the Fairies" Realms that pay homage to delicate Beauty and in doing so will elicit a levity within the Soul -- promote elevated states and Blissfulness.Exultant FEBRUARY!


Translation by: Zhou Yanwei


Translation editor: Yan Ping


Typeset by:Zhou Yanwei


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