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老牛在莫斯科機場候機,飛往馬來西亞的航班MH371既將起飛。老牛突然感覺腹中難受,這是要鬧肚子。老牛讓同行的 老馬看好行李,自己箭步如飛奔向機場廁所。一陣「稀里嘩啦」之後老牛感覺舒服多了。剛想走發現忘帶手紙了,抬頭一看有一行字,後面還有一行鵝語,大致的意思是:本廁所免費,不按規定使用者收費一美元。老牛按照提示,掃碼支付一美元,手紙從旁邊的手盒裡緩緩的冒了出來。一美元買兩包紙不吃虧。老牛若有所思。

The old cow is waiting at Moscow airport and flight MH 371 to Malaysia will take off. The old cow suddenly feel belly uncomfortable, this is to make belly. The old cow let the old fellow bullish on luggage, their dashed to the airport toilet. After a " sparse inside Hua" old cow feel much more comfortable. Just want to go found forgot to take toilet paper, looked up and saw a line of words, followed by a line of goose language, roughly mean: this toilet is free, not according to the rules of the user charge $ 1. The old cow according to the prompt, sweep code to pay a dollar, toilet paper slowly emerged from the hand box next to. A dollar for two packs of paper won"t hurt. The old cow was thoughtful.



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