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狗年可不是Dog Year!學了這麼多年英語連「狗年」都說錯?




1. The Year of the Dog狗年


Year 2018 was the Year of the Dog. People born on this date are said to be very loyal and trustworthy. 2018年是狗年,在狗年出生的人據說是非常忠誠和可信的。

2. Lunar New Year』s Eve除夕

Since my family is all in London, I was invited to celebrate Chinese New Year"s Eve at my friend"s house. 由於我的家人全在倫敦,所以我受邀在朋友家過中國新年的除夕。

3. Have a family reunion dinner吃團圓飯

Increasingly, more Chinese Singaporeans would have their family reunion dinners in posh restaurants, despite the exorbitant costs. 儘管花費高,還是有越來越多新加坡華人選擇在高級餐館吃團圓飯。

4. Lucky money 壓歲錢

傳統的紅包也叫做「red packet」或「red envelope」。

During the Spring Festival, adults wrap money with red paper, and give them to kids. It is called lucky money. 春節期間,成年人也會把錢用紅紙包起來,送給小孩子,這就是壓歲錢。

5. Spring Festival Gala春節聯歡晚會

Ever since its debut in 1983, the Spring Festival Gala has been one of the most popular TV shows during the festival. 從1983年第一屆春晚開始,春晚已經成為春節期間最受歡迎的節目。

6. Huge blessings 大吉大利


Wishing you huge blessings in the Year of the Dog! 狗年大吉!

7. Wish you wealth and prosperity. 恭喜發財

8. May all your wishes come true. 心想事成

9. May you have a successful career. 事業有成

10. May there be surplus every year. 年年有餘




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