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During this period I have leafed through the material many years ago, and have reviewed the hand-painted works of recent 20 years since I started work, in the meanwhile I rearranged these material and works as the collating and memories of the work over the years, also I want to share my own pleasure with friends.


Decoration industry developed rapidly in Guangdong area since the early 1990s, to draw a perfect design sketch was very important to get a project at that time without three-dimension space effect picture produced by computer to show the effect.




I was at school and majored in decoration design when I got into this industry. At that time my basic painting skill was just so-so, once a friend introduced me to help a senior do odd jobs, also I can learn to draw design sketch there. For me, I even don"t know what is the stainless steel material, I don"t know what design sketch is. In the process of learning be said too stupid happened all the time. Of course the first step is to imitate others how to draw, and try my best to make my technique close to the standard of the mainstream of that time. Even if don"t understand a lot of techniques, but only to draw. At that time others draw four hours with an A3 standard chart, I will draw three days, again and again. In this way I drew for 2 years and drew better and better.




At that time I had learned some techniques and also earned some money. And I lived a period of time that I earned money while had beer and skittles, this way of life was natural and unrestrained in the eyes of others and was also unforgettable for me. I formally participated in the design work in Beijing at the end of 1995. It means to enter another stage when I really started be responsible for the project independently. once the owner said that if tomorrow I cannot carry out the plan, this project will be stopped. At that time, I don"t have my spray painting tools at hand, and I neither tried to use other methods, the situation was urgent and I had to find a solution.I used pen-and-ink sketch and color-lead to draw one by one, since then there was this batch of color lead paintings.


From then on, I understand a truth that things will eventually sort themselves out, actually young people should learn to go their own way to solve problems whatever you come across, this is very important for young people to exercise the ability of independent thinking.



In 95, and 96 computers had already appeared, the computerized design sketch gradually replaced hand drawing was inevitable at that time on the way of doing the report to owner. But I treated hand-painted as my hobby and never to distinguish the importance of the computerized design sketch and hand drawing. Some friends of the design community often make comparisons of these two, anyway, I cannot say which is better, I am able to use these two methods,That is convenient to make that, the right to use that.



Over the years, I have been thinking and trying different methods of performance. Compared with the 90 s, hand-painted as main means of expression of a project design, now most of my hand-painted is just used for auxiliary express of the design thinking process.



Maybe one day, I"ll draw a batch again on a whim, that would be completely different style. I hope I can also share my hand drawing with you at that time.



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