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Arming Ukraine


American may at last be willing to offer Ukraine weapons


At the same time, the Ukrainian government has begun to persecute anti-corruption activists




WHEN Russian members of parliament uncorked champagne to celebrate the electoral victory of Donald Trump, they hoped that America would stopmeddling inthe former Soviet backyard and ease sanctions imposed in response to its war in Ukraine. But as some Russians are now saying, it was too early to drink it.


On August 2nd Mr Trump reluctantly signed a law whichheaps new sanctions onRussia and limits his ability to lift them. A few days earlier, Mike Pence, America』s vice-president, went to Estonia and Georgia and warned against further aggression from 「your unpredictable neighbour to the east」. And America may soon supply Ukraine with lethal weapons, a step that Barack Obama refused to take.


Mr Obama』s inaction was heavily criticised at the time by many Republicans, including Kurt Volker, a former ambassador to NATO and a close associate of John McCain, a hawkish Republican senator. Last month Mr Volker was appointed by the State Department as America』s special representative to Ukraine. It is up to Mr Trump』s administration to approve the supply of arms to Ukraine, but most members of his cabinet are said to be on board. A decision could come within weeks.


American officials and their European counterparts are also discussing whether to begin using the terms 「aggression」, 「war」 and 「Russian forces」in place of「conflict」 and 「separatists」with regard tothe fighting in eastern Ukraine. One reason Russian aggression got as far as it did, the argument goes, was that neither the West nor Ukraine was prepared to call it by its proper name. America and its alliesrestrainedUkrainefromfighting when Russia invaded and annexed Crimea—and a weak, post-revolutionary Ukrainian government acquiesced.


Following Russia』s interference in its elections last year, America seems willing to push back more robustly. Members of the Trump administration calculate that Russia has limited scope to escalate. Mr Putin will try to persuade them otherwise. One option might be to occupy Belarus, a former Soviet republic. Another might be to stir political instability in Ukraine.


Awkwardly, America is increasing its support for Ukraine just as Ukraine』s leaders are becoming more focused on their own economic and political fortunes, rather than the good of the country. Last week Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine』s chocolate-tycoon-turned-president,strippedMikheil Saakashvili, a radical anti-corruption reformer,ofUkrainian citizenship. Mr Saakashvili, a former president of Georgia who was forced out of his native country by Bidzina Ivanishvili, its richest oligarch, came to Ukraine after the Maidan revolution in 2014 to carry on with his fight against the post-Soviet malaise.

尷尬的是,隨著烏克蘭的領導人們變得更注重他們自己的經濟和政治命運,而不是國家的利益, 美國卻不斷加大對烏克蘭的支持力度。上周,烏克蘭的「巧克力大王」總統彼得·波羅申科免去了哈伊爾·薩卡什維利的職務,他是一名維護烏克蘭公民權的激進派反腐改革家。薩卡什維利,喬治亞的前總統,後因畢齊納·伊萬尼舍維里(喬治亞最富有的寡頭政治家)被迫離開祖國。他在2014年烏克蘭獨立廣場革命後來到烏克蘭,繼續對抗蘇聯解體後的萎靡不振。

After serving as a governor of Odessa, he fell out with Mr Poroshenko, accusing him of corruption and collusion with oligarchs. In an interview with Ukrainska Pravda, an independent Ukrainian news site, Mr Saakashvili said Mr Poroshenko』s main motivation was making money. Other activists have criticised Mr Poroshenko for lacking the political will to tackle corruption. Government prosecutors have inadvertently provided evidence for that charge by launching attacks on anti-corruption activists.


The prosecutors』 latest target is Oleksandr Danyliuk thereform-mindedfinance minister. Mr Danyliuk has tried to make the country』s system of VAT refunds (a major source of corruption) more transparent. He has also tried to prune the budget of the prosecution service. On July 31st the prosecutor general』s office said it was probing his income and property.


In fact, the finance minister』s problemsstem froma fight between Mr Poroshenko and his own government. Last month, while Mr Danyliuk was in London discussing Ukraine』s economic reforms, the country』s budget was re-carved by the Rada, the parliament, with the help of a close associate of Mr Poroshenko. Some of the changes introduced in Mr Danyliuk』s absence make the budget impossible to fulfil, and resemble dodgy schemes used under the previous regime. The budget also over-estimates the expected tax collection from businesses, creating even more room for extortion.


No amount of weapons supplied by America will defend Ukraine from the internal malaise which made it vulnerable to Russian aggression in the first place.




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