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中國與印度星象學的類比Similarities between Chinese and Indian Astrology

The similarities between both forms of astrology are many, and their differences are minor. Similarities between Indian and Chinese astrology are as follows:


·They both have 12 signs.


Both the Indian and Chinese astrology have 12signs in their zodiac. They are named as follows :


In Indian astrology, there are Mesha (Aries),Vrishabha (Taurus), Mithuna (Gemini), Karka (Cancer), Simha (Leo), Kanya (Virgo), Tula (Libra), Vrishchika (Scorpio), Dhanu (Sagittarius), Makara (Capricorn), Kumbha (Aquarius) and Meena (Pisces).

在印度星象學中,它們是:Mesha(白羊座), Vrishabha(金牛座),Mithuna(雙子座),Karka(巨蟹座),Simha(獅子座),Kanya(處女座),Tula(天秤座),Vrishchika(天蠍座),Dhanu(射手座),Makara(摩羯座),Kumbha(水瓶座)和Meena(雙魚座).

In the Chinese zodiac, the signs are given animal names and in order, they are: Rat (Dhanu), Ox (Makara), Tiger (Kumbha), Rabbit (Meena), Dragon (Mesh), Snake (Vrichavha), Horse (Mithuna), Sheep (Karka), Monkey (Simha), Rooster (Kanya), Dog (Tula), Pig (Vrishchika).


Major difference is that in the Chinese Zodiac, Dhanu (Rat) is first instead of Mesh (Dragon).


·They have similar rules on compatibility.


In the Indian zodiac, signs ruled by the same element are best compatible with each other, meaning water signs (Karka, Vrishchika, Meena) are best compatible with water signs, fire signs (Mesha, Simha, Dhanu) are best compatible with fire signs, earth signs (Makara, Kanya, Vrishabha) are best compatible with earth signs and air signs (Tula, Kumbha, Mithuna) are best compatible with each other.


In the same vein, in Chinese Astrology, Horse (Mithuna), Dog (Tula) and Tiger (Kumbha) are best compatible with each other and so on and so forth.


Also, just as opposite signs in the Indian zodiac experience a lot of friction and difficult compatibility, in Chinese astrology,opposite signs such as Dog and Rat, experience the same difficulties in compatibility


·They both use elements.


Indian astrology has four elements (fire, earth, water and air) while the Chinese zodiac has five (water, earth, fire, wood and metal). The Chinese wood element corresponds to the Indian water element and its metal element corresponds with the Indian fire and earth elements.


There are however a few differences between the Indian and Chinese astrology:


·Chinese astrology signs are based on the lunar cycle while Indian astrology signs are based on the solar cycle.


·The Chinese New Year is on a different day every year due to its lunar cycle. Chinese astrology years are on a sixty year loop and each year consists of an animal sign and an element. These animals go in order from Rat to Ox to Tiger and so on. The animal for each year changes. The elements also change from wood to fire to earth to metal and water. The elements, however, last for two years at a time instead of one like the animals.


From the above, it is clear that the Indian and Chinese astrology share a lot in common for determining personality traits of individuals born under the various signs as their signs are parallel to each other.Therefore it should be noted that neither astrology is superior to the other but that both forms can better help the individual comprehend his behaviour patterns and hopefully predict his future.



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