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Oops!How to speak Chinese word 『吃嘛嘛香』 in English?


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Do you know how to speak Chinese word

"吃嘛嘛香" in English?

Let me show you some interesting comparations of slang

between Chinese and English.

entering through

the back door

【Chinese word】


【Chinese phonetic alphabet】

zǒu hòu mén

【Chinese meaning】

To achieve some personal purpose by relatives and friends or by unjustifiable means

【English word】

Itoriginated from under the planned economy when people used connections to get goods from the back door of a state-owned shop.

shoot oneself

in the foot

【Chinese word】


【Chinese phonetic alphabet】

bān qǐ shí tóu zá zì jǐ de jiǎo

【Chinese meaning】

Wanted to harm others, but finally hurt oneself.

【English word】

It originated from the United States. It was said that people who are clumsy want to shoot and hit others, but lost their feet. Now, this idiom is often used to say that political or socially famous people who want to attack others, but the result is to damage themselves.

to go against

the grain

【Chinese word】


【Chinese phonetic alphabet】

gé gé bú rù

【Chinese meaning】

To say which is not coordinated and compatible

【English word】

Itoriginatedfrom sawing the wood. It is more labor-saving to saw along the wood texture, but it is time-consuming and hard not to saw according to the natural texture. For example, a wife who does not like football , accompanied with her husband to watch the world cup late at night, she can say: "Well,even though it goes against the grain,I will go along.」

a nine days"


【Chinese word】


【Chinese phonetic alphabet】

tán huā yī xiàn

【Chinese meaning】

The beautiful things but exist for a short time

【English word】

Itoriginates from a sentence the British writer Burton wrote in his book Handbook of Proverbs : A wonder last but nine days, and then the puppy"s eyes areopen.

Greek Gift(s)

【Chinese word】


【Chinese phonetic alphabet】

huáng shǔ láng gěi jī bài nián——bú ān hǎo xīn

【Chinese meaning】

People who pretend to be kind, but hide evil.

【English word】

Itoriginates from theHomer Epic "Odyssey" and "Aeneis" wrote by the poet Publius Virgilius Maro from ancient Rome, which means a gift with some sinister purposes of the enemy; one given with intent to harm; a gift sent in order to murder sb. Same as the slang: When the fox preaches, take care of your geese.

balls to the wall

【Chinese word】


【Chinese phonetic alphabet】

quán lì yǐ fù

【Chinese meaning】

Put all your energy in doing sth.

【English word】

Itoriginates from notsports, but from the airline industry. On the plane, a ball - like grip on the top of the handle and the top of the fuel handle is a ball for the pilot. When pull the ball to the front of the passenger compartment, the most close to the wall, the most abundant is the fuel combustion, and the speed of the aircraft reached the fastest. The word first appeared in the 1966-67 year American colloquial dictionary. For example: The first Doomsday Mission is called a big balls-to-the-wall raid against the enemy by the soldiers.

Have you remembered all these slang?

If you have more interesting slang like these,

please leave your message.

Organized from:趣味英語起源論

Article / Edit:Edith

Review:InterLife Fairy4

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