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※所有的詞義解釋,例句,同反義詞來自Oxford Dictionary,Collins Dictionary,柯林斯雙解,陸谷孫英漢大詞典, Wikipedia




NEW YORK has never been a city to do thingsby halves. And so it is perhaps not surprising that on New Year』s Eve, 1897, themetropolisbecame—overnight—twice as large as any other city in America, and the second-largest city in the world. 「Consolidation」, as it was called, united New York and Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Islandunder the new blue-and-white flag ofGreater New York. 「Greater Gotham」traces, at both epic and intimate scale, the ramifications of that consolidation until just after the end of the first world war.


(1)這篇文章是一篇書評類的文章,講了Greater Gotham:A History of New York City from 1898 to 1919這本書,說白了就是紐約的發展歷史。這一段是文章的開篇,介紹了NYC歷史上的一件大事:Consolidation。1897 年,紐約和布魯克林,皇后,布朗克斯和斯塔滕島合併成為了今天的大紐約城(Greater New York)。這本書通過合併這件事開始,探索了從1898到1919年間,紐約城的變化——bigger and bigger。


(1) NEW YORK has never been a city to do thingsby halves.

這句話中,by halves是一個值得記憶的短語。by halves的意思是 imperfectly, incompletely 也就是不完全地;不完善地。當我們想表達一個人敷衍了事,可以說:



(2)1897, themetropolisbecame—overnight—twiceas large asany other city in America, and the second-largest city in the world.

metropolis意思是a very large city that is the most important city in a country or area 也就是〔一國或一地區的〕首要城市,大都會,比如北京,上海,紐約都可以叫做metropolis。黃金周去成都旅遊,形容熙熙攘攘的景象:...the bustlingmetropolisof Chengdu.


China Daily曾經有這樣一篇報道,當中提到:

By then eight cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Wuhan, will have populations of more than 10 million with some alreadymegacity behemoths.


文中的megacity behemoth就是指「超大城市」。聯合國將人口超過一千萬的城市稱為「超大城市」。超大城市是在二戰以後發展起來的,全世界超大城市在1950年時只有美國的紐約一座。


Behemoth指的是「龐然大物」,這個單詞源自《聖經 約伯記》,據說所指的是體型龐大的怪獸。Megacity behemoth也就形象寫出了這類城市的規模。

(3)「Consolidation」, as it was called, united New York and Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Islandunder the new blue-and-white flag ofGreater New York.

Consolidation來自動詞consolidate,表示合併:To consolidate a number of small groups or firms means to make them into one large organization.例如:


(4)under the new blue-and-white flag of

在文中的意思是在新的大紐約藍白旗之下。固定搭配:under the flag of...在...旗幟下:

They grew upunder the red flag. 他們在紅旗下長大。


The airport was opened by Canadian troops operatingunder the flag ofthe United Nations.機場由加拿大軍隊以聯合國的名義開放。

(5) 「Greater Gotham」traces,at both epic and intimate scale, theramificationsof that consolidation until just after the end of the first world war.

這句話的意思是:Greater Gotham一書以史詩般的視角和細膩的筆法,探究了一戰結束之前這一合併所帶來的變化。值得注意的是動詞trace,常見的意思是「回溯,追溯」但這裡表示to study or describe the history, development, or progress of something研究…的歷史; 探索…的發展; 追尋…的軌跡:

Sondheim"s booktracesthe changing nature of the relationship between men and women. 桑德海姆的這本書探索男女之間關係的變化。

(6) at both epic and intimate scale

基本搭配 at...scale,表示以...的程度/規模/角度...

也可以用on...scale。例如:on a grand scale可以表示,大規模地,大張旗鼓地。The conference was on a grand scale.這次會議規模宏大。


紐約做事從從不半途而廢。在 1897 年新年前夕,這座大都市一夜之間擴大至其他城市的兩倍,躍升成為世界第二大城市,紐約與布魯克林、皇后區、布朗克以及斯塔滕島合併成為為「大紐約」,市旗變為新藍白旗,這被人們成為「合併」。 Greater Gotham一書以史詩般的角度,細膩的筆法,探索一戰結束之前這一合併所帶來的影響。




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