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Religion for the Nonreligious


By Tim Urban


Step 3: Shocking Reality


I . . . a universe of atoms . . . an atom in the universe. —Richard Feynman


Step 3 is when things start to get weird. Even on the more enlightened Step 2, we kind of think we』re here:


As delightful as that is, it』s a complete delusion. We live our days as if we』re just here on this green and brown land with our blue sky and our chipmunks and our caterpillars. But this is actually what』s happening:


But even more actually, this is happening:


We also tend to kind of think this is the situation:


When really, it』s this:


You might even think you』re a thing. Do you?


No you』re a ton of these:


This is the next iteration of truth on our little staircase, and our brains can』t really handle it. Asking a human to internalize the vastness of space orthe eternity of timeor the tininess of atoms is like asking a dog to stand up on its hind legs—you can do it if you focus, but it』s a strain and you can』t hold it for very long.


You canthink aboutthe facts anytime—The Big Bang was 13.8 billion years ago, which is about 130,000 times longer than humans have existed; if the sun were a ping pong ball in New York, the closest star to us would be a ping pong ball in Atlanta; the Milky Way is so big that if you made a scale model of it that was the size of the US, you would still need a microscope to see the sun; atoms are so small that there are about as many atoms in one grain of salt as there are grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth. But once in a while, when you deeply reflect on one of these facts, or when you』re in the right late night conversation with the right person, or when you』re staring at the stars, or when you think too hard about what death actually means—you have aWhoamoment.


A true Whoa moment is hard to come by and even harder to maintain for very long, like our dog』s standing difficulties.Thinkingabout this level of reality is like looking at an amazing photo of the Grand Canyon; a Whoa moment is likebeingatthe Grand Canyon—the two experiences are similar but somehow vastly different. Facts can be fascinating, but only in a Whoa moment does your brain actually wrap itself around true reality. In a Whoa moment, your brain for a second transcends what it』s been built to do and offers you a brief glimpse into theastonishingtruth of our existence. And a Whoa moment is how you get to Step 3.


I love Whoa moments. They make me feel some intense combination of awe, elation, sadness, and wonder. More than anything, they make me feel ridiculously, profoundly humble—and that level of humility does weird things to a person. In those moments, all those words religious people use—awe, worship, miracle, eternal connection—make perfect sense. I want to get on my knees andsurrender.This is when I feel spiritual.


And in those fleeting moments, there is no fog—my Higher Being is in full flow and can see everything in perfect clarity. The normally-complicated world of morality is suddenly crystal clear, because the only fathomable emotions on Step 3 are the most high-level. Any form of pettiness or hatred is a laughable concept up on Step 3—with no fog to obscure things, the animals are completely naked, exposed for the sad little creatures that they are.


On Step 1, I snap back at the rude cashier, who had the nerve to be adicktome. On Step 2, the rudeness doesn』t faze me because I know it』s about him, not me, and that I have no idea what his day or life has been like. On Step 3, I see myself as a miraculous arrangement of atoms in vast space that for a split second in endless eternity has come together to forma moment of consciousnessthat is my life…and I see that cashier asanothermoment of consciousness that happens to exist on thesame speck of time and space that I do.And the only possible emotion I could have for him on Step 3 is love.


In a Whoa moment』s transcendent level of consciousness, I see every interaction, every motivation, every news headline in unusual clarity—and difficult life decisions are much more obvious. I feelwise.


Of course, if this were my normal state, I』d be teaching monks somewhere on a mountain in Myanmar, and I』m not teaching any monks anywhere because it』s not my normal state. Whoa moments are rare and very soon after one, I』m back down here being a human again. But the emotions and the clarity of Step 3 are so powerful, that even after you topple off the step, some of it sticks around. Each time you humiliate the animals, a little bit of their future power over you is diminished. And that』s why Step 3 is so important—even though no one that I know can live permanently on Step 3, regular visits help you dramatically in the ongoing Step 1 vs Step 2 battle, which makes you a better and happier person.


Step 3 is also the answer to anyone who accuses atheists of being amoral or cynical or nihilistic, or wonders how atheists find any meaning in life without the hope and incentive of an afterlife. That』s a Step 1 way to view an atheist, where life on Earth is taken for granted and it』s assumed that any positive impulse or emotion must be due to circumstances outside of life. On Step 3, I feel immensely lucky to be alive and can』t believe how cool it is that I』m a group of atoms that can think about atoms—on Step 3, life itself is more than enough to make me excited, hopeful, loving, and kind. But Step 3 is only possible because science has cleared the way there, which is why Carl Sagan said that 「science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.」 In this way, science is the 「prophet」 of this framework—the one who reveals new truth to us and gives us an opportunity to alter ourselves by accessing it.


So to recap so far—on Step 1, you』re in a delusional bubble that Step 2 pops. On Step 2, there』s much more clarity about life, but it』s within a much bigger delusional bubble, one that Step 3 pops. But Step 3 is supposed to be total, fog-free clarity on truth—so how could there be another step?


Step 4: The Great Unknown


If we ever reach the point where we think we thoroughly understand who we are and where we came from, we will have failed. —Carl Sagan


The game so far has for the most part been clearing out fog to become as conscious as possible of what we as people and as a species know about truth:


On Step 4, we』re reminded of thecompletetruth—which is this:


The fact is, any discussion of our full reality—of the truth of the universe or our existence—is a complete delusion without acknowledging that big purple blob that makes up almost all of that reality.


But you know humans—they don』t like that purple blob one bit. Never have. The blob frightens and humiliates humans, and we have a rich history of denying its existence entirely, which is like living on the beach and pretending the ocean isn』t there. Instead, we just stamp our foot and claim thatnowwe』ve finally figured it all out. On the religious side, we invent myths and proclaim them as truth—and even a devout religious believer reading this who stands by the truth of their particular book would agree with me about the fabrication of the other few thousand books out there. On the science front, we』ve managed to be consistently gullible in believing that 「realizing you』ve been horribly wrong about reality」 is a phenomenon only of the past.


Having our understanding of reality overturned by a new groundbreaking discovery is like a shocking twist in this epic mystery novel humanity is reading, and scientific progress is regularly dotted with these twists—the Earth being round, the solar system being heliocentric, not geocentric, the discovery of subatomic particles or galaxies other than our own, and evolutionary theory, to name a few. So how is it possible, with the knowledge of all those breakthroughs, that Lord Kelvin, one of history』s greatest scientists, said in the year 1900, 「There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement」4—i.e.thistime, all the twists actuallyarefinished.


Of course, Kelvin was as wrong as every other arrogant scientist in history—the theory of general relativity and then the theory of quantum mechanics would both topple science on its face over the next century.


Even if we acknowledge today that there will be more twists in the future, we』re probablykindof inclined to think we』ve figured outmostof the major things and have a far closer-to-complete picture of reality than the people who thought the Earth was flat. Which, to me, sounds like this:


The fact is, let』s remember thatwe don』t know what the universe is. Is it everything? Is it one tiny bubble in a multiverse frothing with bubbles? Is it not a bubble at all but an optical illusion hologram? And we know about the Big Bang, but was that the beginning of everything? Didsomethingarise fromnothing, or was it just the latest in a long series of expansion/collapse cycles? We have no clue what dark matter is, only that there』s a shit-ton of it in the universe, and when we discussed The Fermi Paradox, it became entirely clear that science hasnoidea about whether there』s other life out there or how advanced it might be. How about String Theory, which claims to be the secret to unifying the two grand but seemingly-unrelated theories of the physical world, general relativity and quantum mechanics? It』s eitherthegrandest theory we』ve ever come up with or totally false, and there are great scientists on both sides of this debate. And as laypeople, all we need to do is take a look at those two well-accepted theories to realize how vastly different reality can be from how it seems: like general relativity telling us that if you flew to a black hole and circled around it a few times in intense gravity and then returned to Earth a few hours after you left,decadeswould have passed on Earth while you were gone. And that』s like an ice cream cone compared to the insane shit quantum mechanics tells us—like two particles across the universe from one another being mysteriously linked to each other』s behavior, or a cat that』s both alive and dead at the same time, until you look at it.


And the thing is, everything I just mentioned is still within the realm of our understanding. As we established earlier, compared to a more evolved level of consciousness, we might be like a three-year-old, a monkey, or an ant—so why would we assume that we』re evencapableof understanding everything in that purple blob? A monkey can』t understand that the Earth is a round planet, let alone that the solar system, galaxy, or universe exists. You could try to explain it to a monkey for years and it wouldn』t be possible. So what are we completely incapable of graspingeven if a more intelligent species tried its hardest to explain it to us?Probably almost everything.


There are really two options when thinking about the big, big picture: be humble or be absurd.


The nonsensical thing about humans feigning certainty because we』re scared is that in the old days, when it seemed on the surface that we were the center of all creation, uncertainty was frightening because it made our reality seem so much bleaker than we had thought—but now, with so much more uncovered, things lookhighlybleak for us as people and as a species, so our fear shouldwelcomeuncertainty. Given my default outlook that I have a small handful of decades left and then an eternity of nonexistence, the fact that we might be totally wrong sounds tremendously hopeful to me.


Ironically, when my thinking reaches the top of this rooted-in-atheism staircase, the notion that something that seems divine to us might exist doesn』t seem so ridiculous anymore. I』m still totally atheist when it comes to all human-created conceptions of a divine higher force—which all, in my opinion, proclaim far too much certainty. But could a super-advanced force exist? It seems more than likely. Could we have been created by something/someone bigger than us or be living as part of a simulation without realizing it? Sure—I』m a three-year-old, remember, so who am I to say no?


To me, complete rational logic tells me to be atheist about all of the Earth』s religions and utterly agnostic about the nature of our existence or the possible existence of a higher being. I don』t arrive there via any form of faith, just by logic.


I find Step 4 mentally mind-blowing but I』m not sure I』m ever quite able to access it in a spiritual way like I sometimes can with Step 3—Step 4 Whoa moments might be reserved for Einstein-level thinkers—but even if I can』t get my feet up on Step 4, I can know it』s there, what it means, and I can remind myself of its existence. So what does that do for me as a human?


Well remember that powerful humility I mentioned in Step 3? It multiplies that by 100. For reasons I just discussed, it makes me feel more hopeful. And it leaves me feeling pleasantly resigned to the fact that I will never understand what』s going on, which makes me feel like I can take my hand off the wheel, sit back, relax, and just enjoy the ride. In this way, I think Step 4 can make us live more in the present—if I』m just a molecule floating around an ocean I can』t understand, I might as well just enjoy it.


The way Step 4 can serve humanity is by helping to crush the notion of certainty. Certainty is primitive, leads to 「us versus them」 tribalism, and starts wars. We should be united in our uncertainty, not divided over fabricated certainty. And the more humans turn around and look at that big purple blob, the better off we』ll be.


Why Wisdom is the Goal


Nothing clears fog like a deathbed, which is why it』s then that people can always see with more clarity what they should have done differently—I wish I had spent less time working; I wish I had communicated with my wife more; I wish I had traveled more; etc. The goal of personal growth should be to gain that deathbed clarity while your life is still happening so you can actually do something about it.


The way you do that is by developing as much wisdom as possible, as early as possible. To me, wisdom is the most important thing to work towards as a human. It』s the big objective—the umbrella goal under which all other goals fall into place. I believe I have one and only one chance to live, and I want to do it in the most fulfilled and meaningful way possible—that』s the best outcome for me, and I do a lot more good for the world that way. Wisdom gives people the insight to know what 「fulfilled and meaningful」 actually means and the courage to make the choices that will get them there.


And while life experience can contribute to wisdom, I think wisdom is mostly already in all of our heads—it』s everything the Higher Being knows. When we』re not wise, it』s because we don』t have access to the Higher Being』s wisdom because it』s buried in fog. The fog is anti-wisdom, and when you move up the staircase into a clearer place, wisdom is simply a by-product of that increased consciousness.


One thing I learned at some point is that growingoldor growingtallis not the same as growingup. Being a grownup is about your level of wisdom and the size of your mind』s scope—and it turns out that it doesn』t especially correlate with age. After a certain age, growing up is about overcoming your fog, and that』s about the person, not the age. I know some supremely wise older people, but there are also a lot of people my age who seem much wiser than their parents about a lot of things. Someone on a growth path whose fog thins as they age will become wiser with age, but I find the reverse happens with people who don』t actively grow—the fog hardens around them and they actually become even less conscious, and even more certain about everything, with age.


When I think about people I know, I realize that my level of respect and admiration for a person is almost entirely in line with how wise and conscious a person I think they are. The people I hold in the highest regard are the grownups in my life—and their ages completely vary.


Another Look at Religion in Light of this Framework:


This discussion helps clarify my issues with traditional organized religion. There are plenty of good people, good ideas, good values, and good wisdom in the religious world, but to me that seems like something happening in spite of religion and not because of it. Using religion for growth requires an innovative take on things, since at a fundamental level, most religions seem to treat people like children instead of pushing them to grow. Many of today』s religions play to people』s fog with 「believe in this or else…」 fear-mongering and books that are often a rallying cry for 『us vs. them』 divisiveness. They tell people to look to ancient scripture for answers instead of the depths of the mind, and their stubborn certainty when it comes to right and wrong often leaves them at the back of the pack when it comes to the evolution of social issues. Their certainty when it comes to history ends up actively pushing their followers away from truth—as evidenced by the 42% of Americans who have been deprived of knowing the truth about evolution. (An even worse staircase criminal is the loathsome world of American politics, with a culture that lives on Step 1 and where politicians appeal directly to people』s animals, deliberately avoiding anything on Steps 2-4.)


So What Am I?


Yes, I』m an atheist, but atheism isn』t a growth model any more than 「I don』t like rollerblading」 is a workout strategy.


So I』m making up a term for what I am—I』m a Truthist. In my framework, truth is what I』m always looking for, truth is what I worship, and learning to see truth more easily and more often is what leads to growth.


In Truthism, the goal is to grow wiser over time, and wisdom falls into your lap whenever you』re conscious enough to see the truth about people, situations, the world, or the universe. The fog is what stands in your way, making you unconscious, delusional, and small-minded, so the key day-to-day growth strategy is staying cognizant of the fog and training your mind to try to see the full truth in any situation.


Over time, you want your [Time on Step 2] / [Time on Step 1] ratio to go up a little bit each year, and you want to get better and better at inducing Step 3 Whoa moments and reminding yourself of the Step 4 purple blob. If you do those things, I think you』re evolving in the best possible way, and it will have profound effects on all aspects of your life.


That』s it. That』s Truthism.


Am I a good Truthist? I』m okay. Better than I used to be with a long way to go. But defining this framework will help—I』ll know where to put my focus, what to be wary of, and how to evaluate my progress, which will help me make sure I』m actually improving and lead to quicker growth.


To help keep me on mission, I made a Truthism logo:


That』s my symbol, my mantra, my WWJD—it』s the thing I can look at when something good or bad happens, when a big decision is at hand, or on a normal day as a reminder to stay aware of the fog and keep my eye on the big picture.



And What Are You?


My challenge to you is to decide on a term for yourself that accurately sums up your growth framework.


If Christianity is your thing and it』s genuinely helping you grow, that word can be Christian. Maybe you already have your own clear, well-defined advancement strategy and you just need a name for it. Maybe Truthism hit home for you, resembles the way you already think, and you want to try being a Truthist with me.


Or maybe you have no idea what your growth framework is, or what you』re using isn』t working. If either A) you don』t feel like you』ve evolved in a meaningful way in the past couple years, or B) you aren』t able to corroborate your values and philosophies with actual reasoning that matters to you, then you need to find a new framework.


To do this, just ask yourself the same questions I asked myself: What』s the goal that you want to evolvetowards(and why is that the goal), what does the path look like that gets you there, what』s in your way, and how do you overcome those obstacles? What are your practices on a day-to-day level, and what should your progress look like year-to-year? Most importantly, how do you stay strong and maintain the practice for years and years, not four days? After you』ve thought that through, name the framework and make a symbol or mantra. (Then share your strategy in the comments or email me about it, because articulating it helps clarify it in your head, and because it』s useful and interesting for others to hear about your framework.)


I hope I』ve convinced you how important this is. Don』t wait until your deathbed to figure out what life is all about.





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