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水象星座:巨蟹座不要沉迷戀愛 天蠍座迎來新戀情





Planetary aspects make this an intense week for all signs, and in all sectors. In the first part of the week, Venus and Mercury align with Pluto, which means that nothing is as it seems and everything requires your devotion. You may be pulled in several different directions, and may have to "prove" your passion. You can do it. The second part of the weekbuzzeswith planetary influences as well: Venus and Neptune link to Jupiter, which gives you the time, space, and energy to pursue a passion. A Thursday full moon may helpspura decision you"ve been holding back on. Finally, a tie betweenetherealNeptune and the sun lends a dreamy quality to all weekend exchanges. In short, this could be a pretty magical week. Yes, you"ll be exhausted. Yes, you"llburn the candle at both ends. But if you play your cards right, it could be a very good weekend.


1.V-I 不及物動詞If something buzzes or buzzes somewhere, it makes a long continuous sound, like the noise a bee makes when it is flying. 嗡嗡地響

2.N-COUNT/SOUND 可數名詞/聲像詞Buzz is also a noun. 嗡嗡聲

3.V-I 不及物動詞If people are buzzing around, they are moving around quickly and busily. 匆忙地跑來跑去 [書面]

4.V-I 不及物動詞If questions or ideas are buzzing around your head, or if your head is buzzing with questions or ideas, you are thinking about a lot of things, often in a confused way. 翻騰

5.V-I 不及物動詞If a place is buzzing with activity or conversation, there is a lot of activity or conversation there, especially because something important or exciting is about to happen. 充滿興奮 [usu cont]

6.N-SING 單數名詞You can use buzz to refer to a long continuous sound, usually caused by lots of people talking at once. 嘈雜聲

7.ADJ 形容詞You can use buzz to refer to a word, idea, or activity which has recently become extremely popular. 流行的 [ADJ n]

8.N-SING 單數名詞If a place or event has a buzz around it, it has a lively, interesting, and modern atmosphere. 活躍氣氛 ["a" N]

9.V-T 及物動詞If an aircraft buzzes a place, it flies low over it, usually in a threatening way. 低空掠過


1.V-T 及物動詞If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it. 鼓動; 激勵

2.V-T 及物動詞If something spurs a change or event, it makes it happen faster or sooner. 使更快發生; 加速 [journalism]

3.N-COUNT 可數名詞Something that acts as a spur to something else encourages a person or organization to do that thing or makes it happen more quickly. 促進因素; 推動


ADJ 形容詞Someone or something that is ethereal has a delicate beauty. 優雅的 [正式]

Burn the candle at both ends





Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Venus, Mars, and Pluto are pulling you into two different directions, Cancer: You want something, but you also are aware of the need to compromise with someone else in your life. It"s adelicatedance, and it"s okay to voice your opinion. You may be trying too hard to make another person happy. The sun and Neptune over the weekend may lead to some mistakes or communication issues; double check everything, especially if your plans involve travel. Finally, it"s important not to get too caught up in a relationship. A newish relationship or a current one has demanded a lot of time and attention, but remember that work and friends may need you too.


1.ADJ 形容詞Something that is delicate is small and beautifully shaped. 精巧的; 精美的

2.ADJ 形容詞Something that is delicate has a colour, taste, or smell which is pleasant and not strong or intense. 柔和的 (顏色); 清淡可口的 (味道)

3.ADJ 形容詞If something is delicate, it is easy to harm, damage, or break, and needs to be handled or treated carefully. 易碎的; 脆弱的

4.ADJ 形容詞Someone who is delicate is not healthy and strong, and becomes ill easily. 病弱的

5.ADJ 形容詞You use delicate to describe a situation, problem, matter, or discussion that needs to be dealt with carefully and sensitively in order to avoid upsetting things or offending people. 微妙的

6.ADJ 形容詞A delicate task, movement, action, or product needs or shows great skill and attention to detail. 棘手的; 需要小心處理的








Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Ties to passionate Pluto start the week with a bang. If you"re single, someone new in your life could prove especiallyintriguing. The stars signal a friend romance, where you want to know everything about a newish person in your life. On Thursday, a full moon encourages socializing—it may be better to widen your group, as too much intensity may cause this friendship tofizzlebefore it even starts. Friday is an excellent day for pretty much everything in your life—you"re at your peak. Focus on the good and focus on your goals, and enjoy how the weekend unfolds.


ADJ 形容詞If you describe something as intriguing, you mean that it is interesting or strange. 新奇的


V-I 不及物動詞If something fizzles, it ends in a weak or disappointing way after starting off strongly. 虎頭蛇尾地結束








Pisces Weekly Horoscope

A Thursday full moon in your relationships zone could allow magic to happen. Be ready for anything. But this week may be stressful. You"re feeling pulled in all directions and may feel the people in your life don"t "get" you. Remember, that you"re a responsible party too. You may be holding back too much in friendships. Take note of the way you"re behaving in relationships, and don"t expect other people to be able to read your mind. A friend may be pushing you—before you getresentful, figure out their reasons behind it. They may truly want the best for you.


ADJ 形容詞If you are resentful, you feel resentment. 怨恨的









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