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They read books....Made of actual paper



Smart people read and they read a lot. If you want to up your intelligence levels in all aspects of life — whether it be vocab, general knowledge, or even creativity — picking up a paperback is the simplest, most effective way to stimulate your brain. A study from the University of Texas suggests that reading from a screen can slow you down from 20 to 30 percent, so stick to real, physical books. Not only are they much prettier, they allow you to pack in information at a quicker rate. Take a little time each day (before bed or even during your commute) and decompress with a good book that will both help you relax and learn.

聰明的人會讀書,而且他們大量讀書。 如果你想在生活的各個方面提高你的智力水平 - 無論是辭彙,常識還是創意 - 拿起平裝書是刺激你大腦最簡單,最有效的方法。 德克薩斯大學的一項研究表明,使用屏幕閱讀會讓你的閱讀速度從20%降低到30%,所以堅持寫真實的實體書。 它們不僅更漂亮,還有助於你以更快的速度獲取信息。 每天花一點時間(睡覺前或上班時),並用一本好書來緩解壓力,既讓你放鬆又能讓你學習。

According to an interview with The Seattle Times, Bill Gates always reads an hour per night before going to sleep, no matter what time he gets home. I don"t know about you, but Gates seems to know what he"s doing, so I"m willing to follow him.

根據《西雅圖時報》的採訪,比爾蓋茨每晚睡前都會讀一小時,不管他什麼時候回家。 我不了解你,但蓋茨似乎知道他在做什麼,所以我願意效仿他的習慣。

They wake up earlier.



It might be hard to drag yourself out of bed earlier, especially when you already have an early start time, but getting a jumpstart on your day can up your productivity levels all day long. You"ll be hard-pressed to find a CEO who gets up after seven in the morning. There are many studies that link early-risers with successful workers, so do your best to get to bed early and wake up early in order to get a full eight hours, while still reaping the benefits of being productive.


They Drink Hot Water With Lemon Every Morning



Your first instinct when you crawl out of bed in the morning might be to stuff your press with coffee. Caffeine might seem like the ultimate energy boost, but drinking water with lemon has endless benefits that coffee simply doesn"t. It helps your liver detox and stimulates weight loss. This can help with acne, give your immune system a boost, reduce inflammation.

當你在早上從床上爬起來的時候,你的第一本能可能是一杯咖啡和一張報紙。 看起來咖啡因可以讓你的能量有很大的提升,但比起咖啡,檸檬喝水有數不盡的好處。它可以幫助你的肝臟排毒並促進減肥。 它可以幫助去掉痤瘡,給你的免疫系統一個提升,減少炎症。

They make their bed.



A decluttered room makes for a clear mind. There are numerous studies that show that a clean bedroom results in better sleep at night. And who doesn"t want better quality shut-eye? You can"t deny that coming home to an organized desk and sorted closet doesn"t give you some peace of mind — so clean up your living space and make your bed each day, so your home can offer you a place to de-stress.

整潔的房間讓人頭腦清醒。 有許多研究表明,一間乾淨的卧室在晚上可以改善人的睡眠。 誰不希望更好的睡眠呢? 你不能否認的是,回到家,看到整理好的桌子,收拾好的柜子的時候,你的心情是舒適平靜的。 - 所以清理你的生活空間,並每天整理你的床鋪,所以你的家可以為你提供一個緩解壓力的地方 。



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