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泛讀 D39

A 「throw-away」 society

It is indeed true that everything comes at a price. We are paying through the nose in terms of environmental damage for the conveniences we enjoy nowadays. The world is becoming a throw-away society, where the amount of garbage is increasing daily.

Of course, disposable items have to be used under some circumstances. Indeed, it is imperative to use disposable needles andsyringesin hospitals to preventcontagionamong patients. It would also be preferable if throw-away plates and spoons are used in restaurants out ofsanitaryconsideration. At present those low-cost disposable plates and spoons are far from comfortable andbiodegradable. Even so, they are used on a huge scale in China and many other countries.

Yet, disposable items are not only used in the medical andcateringindustry. They are virtually everywhere. There was a time when things were built to last, whendurabilitywas highly regarded. Today, people don』t want to use the same thing all the time even if it is in perfect order. We have become less sentimental ornostalgic, which reveals itself not only in ourdiscardingof old things but also in our reduced reluctance to abandon old friends. To many, everything is dispensable.

Recycling seems the only way to prevent the totalinundationof the planet by the garbage produced over generations. People are unlikely to give up their conveniences easily. The demand of goods will increaseinexorably, putting morestrainon garbage disposal. Therefore, recycling offers the best hope. Not onlymiraculousbut also essential is the idea of turning wastes into treasures. It is estimated that 60 percent of rubbish can be recycled quite economically. With improved technology, recycling will make more economical and environmental sense in the days to come.

The throw-away society, as some call it, is mainly the result of technological development and our change of attitude. Theconvictionthat nothing will last is reinforced by the constant changes brought by technology. Without going into the rights and wrongs of this attitude. I am convinced that recycling is essential to the survival of mankind in the future.



pay through the nose被勒索,花很多錢

syringen. 注射器

contagionn. 傳染,傳染病

sanitaryadj. 衛生的,清潔的


durabilityn. 經久,耐久

nostalgicadj. 鄉愁的,懷舊的

discardv. 丟棄,拋棄

inundationn. 泛濫,洪水

inexorablyadv. 無情地,冷酷地(這是一個曾今真題考察過的超綱詞)

miraculousadj. 奇蹟的



世上凡事都有代價。我們現在享受了許多便利, 但是卻在環境方面付出了巨大的代價。這個社會已變成了一個「一次性」社會, 產生的垃圾與日俱增。

當然, 一次性用品在某些場合是必需的。的確, 為了防止病人感染, 在醫院裡使用一次性針頭和注射器。即使不考慮衛生因素, 餐館使用一次性盤子、勺子等也能給顧客帶來很多便利。但是, 我們目前使用的一次性低成本餐具, 用起來既不舒適, 又無法生物降解。即使是這樣, 中國許多其他國家, 仍在大量使用一次性餐具。

但是, 一次性用品不僅在醫療和飲食行業使用, 它們幾乎無處不在。以前生產的東西總是很耐用, 那時大家也很看重產品是否耐用。今天, 人們不想總是用同樣的東西, 哪怕它還完好如初。我們沒有以前那麼戀舊了。我們不僅對舊事物如此, 對老朋友也是如此。對很多人來說, 一切都是可拋棄的。

對廢物加以回收利用似乎是防止我們的地球被一代又一代的垃圾淹沒的唯一辦法。人們總是不會輕易放棄所享受的種種便利。人們對產品的需求在急速增長, 這給垃圾處理帶來了極大的壓力。所以, 回收利用是最好的出路。變廢為寶不僅是一個神奇的、而且也是必要的方法。據估計,60%的垃圾能夠以較為經濟的成本回收利用。將來隨著技術的提高, 回收利用將會有更多的經濟意義和環境意義。

我們的社會被有些人稱之為「一次性」社會, 這主要是科技發展和我們態度改變的結果。技術帶來的不斷變化加劇了人們認為萬物不會持久的信念。我們在此不談論這種態度的對與錯。我相信廢物回收利用是人類將來能否生存的關鍵。



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