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Fewer US teens are experimenting with harddrugs


Use of MDMA, heroin, and amphetamines by junior and high school students dropped in 2015, following a long-term pattern of decline.


Teenage use of several of types ofdrugsdropped in 2015 though marijuana useremainedthe same, according to a recent survey. Alcohol and cigarette use are at their lowest level since the study waslaunched, according to Monitoring the Future, an organization that has beentrackingsubstance abuse trends since 1975.

drugsn. 毒品,[葯] 藥物

remainv. 保持;依然

launchv. 發射(導彈、火箭等);發起

trackv. 追蹤;通過

根據最近的一項調查,2015年青少年使用的幾種毒品數量急劇下降,雖然大麻的使用人數仍舊保持不變。自1975年以來,一直追蹤藥物濫用趨勢的組織-「未來監測」(Monitoring the Future)稱,自該研究啟動以來,酒精和香煙的使用率一直處於最低水平。

The report wascompiledby University of Michigan researchers at the Institute for Social Research and was funded by the National Institute on DrugAbuse. Monitoring the Future uses survey information from teenagers attending 400 junior or senior high schools in 48 states. The study found the use ofillegaldrugs like heroin, amphetamines, and MDMA, which is sometimesreferred to as"ecstasy" or "Molly," also dropped this year, the group said in a statement released on Wednesday.

compilev. 編譯;編製

abusev. 濫用;虐待

illegaladj. [法] 非法的;違法的

refer to as把…稱作…


While marijuana use equaled last year』s numbers, the number of students who reported drinking alcohol in 2015declined, following along-termpattern. The researchers said 17 percent of high school students in their senior year reportedbinge drinking, while 11 percent of tenth-graders and 5 percent of eighth-graders did. Lloyd Johnston, the study"s lead investigator, says the downward trend for alcohol began a decade ago when the percentage of students who reported binge drinking wasdoublethe 2015 figures of 11 percent.

declinev. 下降;衰落

long-termadj. 長期的;從長遠來看

binge drinkingn.酗酒;豪飲

doublev. 使…加倍


「The recentpeakrate inannualprevalenceof alcohol use was in 1997, at 61 percent for the three grades combined,」 he said in apress release. 「Since then, there has been a fairly steady downward march in alcohol use amongadolescents. The rate has fallen by about a third, to 40 percent.」 Professor Johnston says part of the reason for the decline may be because alcohol is more difficult for underage drinkers toobtain, though not impossible. He also noted that drug use tends rise and fall in acyclical pattern.

peakn. 山峰;最高點

annualadj. 年度的;每年的

prevalencen. 流行;普遍

press release新聞發布

adolescentn. 青少年 adj. 青春期的;未成熟的

obtainv. 獲得

cyclical pattern[統計] 循環模式


「There is a lot of good news in this year"s results, but the problems of teen substance use and abuse are still far from going away,」 Johnston said.









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